Oh no, how did I m
I’m still looking
So be careful if y
Now I’m dancing, a
I’ll do anything t
You drive me crazy
Beautiful, crazy,
I’m gonna take my
I can be your moun
When you need to l

try to hold it in
But it’s your arms
If you feel insign
Better wake up bec
A Big Surprise...
Back From The Outb
Back to the Beach
Crack in the Allia
Death of an Allian
I know you hear me when I cry out to you, O Lord. In you, O Lord, I have taken refuge. Psalm 34 1-2 Hear the voice of my cry, my King and my God, for mercy and for justice. 3-4 Do not delay, O Lord, with your awesome power and Your righteousness. 5-7 Do not be very angry with your people and destroy them. 8-9 Remember, O Lord, your favored land, for the enemy has violated it. 10-12 Protect the weak and the fatherless, and take care of widows and orphans. 13-15 Deliver me from evil neighbors who say, “Aha, O Hebrews! We got you!” or else my blood will be required. 16-17 Be a stronghold for me, O Lord God of Jacob. I shall take refuge in You from the oppression of mighty nations. 18-19 O Lord, come quickly to help us, for we are suffering from the plots of our enemies. 20-22 O Lord, do not stay angry with us forever. You know our strengths and our weaknesses. Psalm 35 1-2 Let us all be glad in the Lord, for he is our strength and our praise. 3-4 Have you found your enemy, O Lord, and did you kill him? 5-6 Let your hand be lifted up against your foes, and your righteousness against their sins. 7-9 Give me justice, O God, and righteousness. Because of you I stand with dignity. 10-12 Why should the wicked live, for they do not cry out to you? You see the wicked in the safe darkness where they lie. But into the hands of the Lord our God the wicked shall fall. 13-14 O Lord, see my affliction, for I am being crushed by my enemies. 15-16 Take me out of the wicked, and deliver me from the evil men. 17-18 Then I will thank You and praise You for ever. You will hold me and take care of me. 19-20 Because of God’s promise I will not despair or be overwhelmed. Though my enemies attack me, they shall not prevail. 21-22 Because I have sought out Your face, O Lord, You will be my strength and my fortress. Psalm 36 1-3 Give ear to my prayer, O Lord; give attention to my pleas. 4-7 I am worn out with crying, and I have no hope left of my salvation. 8-9 But I trust in You, O Lord, for You do answer my prayers. 10-11 So I will praise You for the Lord is good, for He is our rescue. In Him there is no sin. 12-15 Therefore I will sing praises to You and I will dance for joy. Because Your loyal love to me was more than my enemies’ hatred. 16-18 Even though they were more numerous, they are destroyed. I did not forget You, O Lord, for I wanted to tell all your works. 19-21 You destroyed the unrighteous rulers and wicked kings. But out of my distress, I called upon the Lord. 22-23 O God, please don’t turn away from me. Don’t keep an angry spirit against me forever. But don’t give me more pain than my pain already is. Psalm 37 1-3 Trust in the Lord and do good. Seek his presence, and he will be found. 4-5 Call out to him and he will hear you. Speak his name, and he will respond. 6-8 He will lead you along the right paths for your own good. 9-10 For the Lord your God is a fountain of life, a well of sustenance for every living being. 11-12 Give heed to him, O you, my people. Let his teaching guide you and earn your trust. 13-14 Not only in Egypt, O Lord, have we perished, but also in Egypt our slaves shall be slaves. 15-16 O Lord, hear our prayer. We entreat for help in Your presence. 17-18 Teach us to believe in Your lovingkindness, O Lord. Save us for the sake of Your name. 19-20 Deliver us, O Lord our God, for there is no one to save for us. Have mercy upon us. 21-22 O Lord, you are our Father; we are the clay and you are the potter. 23-25 Don’t forget that we are dirt, and to dust we shall return. 26-27 Create a new heart within us, O God. Don’t cast us off. 28-29 Remember, O Lord, the children of your chosen people, those who are your treasured possession. You make us lie down in dust. You let us rise up again. 30-31 Teach us to follow your way, O Lord. Give us grace for your names’ sake. 32-33 Let your tender mercies make our feet like wings, so that we may quickly fly to you. For you are our God, and we trust you. 33-35 Let us tell of your lovingkindness, for that is what we have done. Your law is within us. Your presence is right before our eyes. 34-37 Make us glad with the joy of your presence, O God. Let us teach those who are to fear you. 38-39 Those who love your name will be richly blessed. Those who forget you will be ashamed. 40-41 O Lord, be gracious to us. Don’t hold us up to shame. For your law is righteous. You are just, O Lord, for all your dealings. 42-44 Don’t let the evildoers fool you and lead you away from your way. Blessed are the poor in spirit, for they will inherit the land. 43-44 Blessed are the humble, for they will inherit the land. 45-48 Don’t repay evil for evil. Don’t let the one who does evil go unpunished. Don’t let the evil in your sight be unpunished. 49-50 Rebuke the devourer. Devour the flesh of your opponents and do not let the devil have them. 51-52 A sinner is caught in the trap and held by his own wicked deeds. Yes, he is trapped, and he will die in his misdeeds. 53-54 Save a righteous man from trouble. Be kind to him, for there is hope. 55-57 Do good to the house of the Lord. He is gracious and will save you. The Lord is pleased by your gift. 58-59 Let us pray for the peace of Jerusalem and the welfare of Israel. 60-62 O our God, don’t let those who are cruel and violent oppress them. Don’t give them the land and they won’t be able to use it. 63-64 Don’t hand it over to their rebellious hands. Let them not put up obstacles, or they will soon be turned away. 65-66 Let all in our land give thanks to you, O Lord, for you are mighty. You are good, and your love is eternal. Psalm 38 1-4 O God, my God, why have you abandoned me? Why are you turning a deaf ear to my call? 2-3 My God, how long will you ignore me? For ever? Will you break my heart? 4-6 I give thanks for a gracious death. O death, where is your victory? By your power, O death, you were defeated. 7-8 O Shepherd of Israel, don’t stay at home with those who bleed. 9-10 With those who are in distress and pain, come to save us.