If you feel insign
But it’s your arms
try to hold it in
I know you hear me
Oh no, how did I m
I’m still looking
So be careful if y
Now I’m dancing, a
I’ll do anything t
You drive me crazy

A Big Surprise...
Back From The Outb
Back to the Beach
Crack in the Allia
Death of an Allian
Desperate Measures
Dinner, Movie and
The secret dark ar
Enough is Enough
Better wake up because you’re part of something way bigger than you know. Aren’t you tired of being played? Let’s put this another way…you’re not happy with all the promises. If you are you just haven’t heard what will happen once everything falls apart. Just wait, then see…there will be a lot of people wondering why they didn’t get ready for this. I can promise you, once the show starts, the action will be fast and violent. The only thing you have to decide is… are you a fighter or a sheep? Just because it’s dark right now, doesn’t mean it will stay that way. There will be light because we’re not there yet. And I have to tell you… your government is not going to save you. It’s going to be a free for all…and the ones with nothing to lose will rise. You need to be ready…and you need to fight for what you believe in, now. If not, you’ll be like sheep. Folks, your day of reckoning is here. You can choose to get ready or not, it’s up to you. But I promise this, you’re going to get the end result either way you go. That’s when you’re going to say… “why didn’t I get up and fight before I knew it.” The first thing you’re going to think about when you wake up is, “why am I here?” And you’re going to say, “let me out of here!” When that moment happens, don’t be fooled… There will be a lot of folks who don’t know how to get out… So you’re going to start hearing rumblings from those who don’t know how to get out of there. It’s going to make you want to scream, because you know how they’re all going to say, “it can’t happen here.” Just remember folks, sheep don’t fight for what they believe in. The only one you can depend on, is you. Don’t believe anyone else until you’re satisfied it’s true. As I said, you’re on your own. Just remember what it is that you’re fighting for. What we have here in these United States right now… this entire structure is what’s called.. A republic. A representative form of government. Right now, that republic is coming to an end… In a very bad way. I’ve told you before… I think that our American form of government is about to start to collapse. And all of our liberties are coming to an end, because they were built on something else. It’s about the principles of freedom, and about the rule of law. In my lifetime… there is only one man who has taken the constitution and our Constitution beyond its boundaries. And, it is about time we wake up and recognize who it is who is standing here for us. And you will hear people talk about him in very strange terms. For many years, I have been a student of history and I am a student of men. I have studied men like Adolf Hitler, like Joseph Stalin, and like Vladimir Putin… And I also study, study him… For decades, I have been studying JESUS CHRIST. When you can look at a man like that, who stood in the face of tyranny… You have to figure out the true meaning of what that really means. And you have to be determined in what you think, and not to be fooled by false prophets. I have to tell you this… There is a day coming very soon when no man will be able to stand. We are in the days of Daniel, and when he got taken in by the Babylonians. And then they put a curse on him. They put a curse on him that no matter how wise and wise you think you are, the words that come out of your mouth will come out as a lie. Every thing you have been taught, and every word that has been passed to you will be turned upside down. And you are going to find out that you have never really understood what you thought you understood about the constitution of the United States. It will all be brought to an end. And that’s why we’re all running around, trying to tell each other about how we need to get ready. You’re not going to hear me say that, and there’s a reason why I’m not going to say it. We can be in a war within this country, against those who support me. But we will get the war that we want. Because the war has already been won, and the end result has already been decided… At the very beginning of the End Times when Antichrist comes. And, I want to be honest with you… he’s not what you’re expecting. You think he’s going to be like Hitler or something. He’s not like any person who you’re ever going to see. Because, he is the Antichrist… A man whose goal is to bring down freedom. And he’s already in place, and he’s already been installed as the next president of the United States. His name is Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin. But, there’s one more thing, that you must know about him, and that is…he’s part of the Russian army. In other words, if this man comes in as president…he has his own army behind him. So, in addition to every man and every woman in America… this man has his own army to fight against you. And they’re already here, as you know. They’re already in place and they’re already here… and they’re waiting to show up to help him with this takeover. And when this man comes in, he’s going to push back against all of us. The battle is not just for the President, and not just for the Senate, and not just for the House of Representatives… The battle will be for every single one of us individually… I’m telling you, if you’re not paying attention, you can get caught off guard… And because of this very reason… Because he’s not what you’re expecting… You need to pay attention. And, it may sound crazy to you, but I’m going to tell you something about this man. We’re at war with this man right now. And let me tell you why I say that…because his people know exactly what’s going on. I was in a battle with Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin before I was in battle with Barack Obama. I know that he’s smart, I know that he’s fast, I know that he’s strong… And I also know that Barack Obama has no idea who I am. They think he’s dealing with the crazy one, who thinks he has a mission from God. And when this man comes in, he will start a nuclear war. And he will be the cause of a great destruction. And these things are still going to be here, by the time Obama gets here. But when this man comes in, there’s going to be devastation. And the only reason why there will be a war…is because he will attack this country. And there will be destruction. And at that time, they’re going to push the people around you back and back and back… And you’re going to feel like you’re going to die. And it’s going to be a lot of bad things, as you watch the signs of all of this. People will be rioting, there will be a famine…there will be a lot of sicknesses. And I have to say that the only way to stay prepared is to know how to defend yourself. When you have a gun in your hand…you know that you’re going to be one of the few survivors. I tell you what, if I ever see Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin out there… and I’m just honest with you…I’ll pray to GOD to keep him from me. I will put him in front of me. I will hold him at gunpoint, and I will say, “do you want to live, or do you want to die? ” And you know, in this day and time we have men who are saying that if they are not