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Fear Keeps You Sha
Fatigue Makes Cowa
Fate is the Homie
Fasten Your Seatbe
Exile Island
Everything Is Pers
It started rough,
Cooking with AI
The actual interes
What you're tellin
Who wrote this?
Wow, that's a
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We forget it but it was really really low. It was basically no one in the world outside of the G8 countries could buy one of the big computers that Apple made, and by 'big' I mean in the sense of like an Airbus A380. These guys were the only people in the world with enough money to buy a big computer. So, they were like, "okay, well I guess we're not gonna buy them back and then the Chinese computer companies couldn't use all of that technology." So the big computer companies were like, "okay, we can't use this technology and you're basically not gonna buy it." So, how are we gonna sell all this stuff? We had this new strategy called the App Store. Now if you're really familiar with the way that computers work now, you might be surprised that there are an app for everything. Like, how do you-- how do you remember what that was called? [Student answers] App Store. Exactly, App Store. So, now we could get anyone anywhere to be able to buy and download stuff, like music, like apps, like anything, on this computer that's cheap and it's small. We made a lot of money out of that but we didn't really plan that far ahead. So, this worked out. The other thing was iPods. At first, it was just like, "okay, we're gonna sell these iPods." Everyone just thinks the iPod is like your mp3 player right now and you buy it and it's small and then you put whatever you want on it and it's a small disk and it's got a screen and it's got some buttons and you put it in your pocket and you go. What's really important about the original iPod is that it became the only easy way to listen to music with your computer, and then you'd go into iTunes and you would buy the songs and then the songs that were from The Beatles and it would put them onto your iPod. It's really easy for the first time because we've built a bunch of machines that all had a certain feature that was really important, which is a very tiny little black hole into which you put files that you wanted to manipulate. A lot of other computers that exist-- I can't find my-- the one I'm talking about-- the Compaq-- but it's a very well known type of computer. Like, in fact the first computers were basically like this. If you wanted to write on it, you had to write with this, you could print out a punch card and then feed it in. You have to put the punch card in the right way, which is tricky. Then the computer would grind it out. We have lots of devices that are this kind of dumb device but then they all have this file. Like, if it's got a disk and you want to open it, it's got this thing to open it. This was this very small black hole and we could put these very small data files into this thing and then the computer can do its job, process them, and sort them, or delete them or make duplicates of them, or whatever it is that it does. All these features on this particular computer, and this is what we did with a lot of computers and Apple does with everything. The most important computer we ever made is the Macintosh and this is because it's so well known. Everyone knows it. The best example of that is here's another computer. This is a Mac, it's the same thing as the other one but it's much bigger. Okay? So here's a computer that's like the Mac that you have at home. So, basically it's a computer with the keyboard and the mouse but it's actually inside a giant cube, because that's all you need. You can fit a bigger screen if you want and then you can do whatever you want to it but it's just easier for people to understand this. If you're a software company or a user, this is how you buy your computer. It's simple enough that everyone can do it. Every single one of these things is based on the idea that you just put some stuff on this thing and then you do the other thing, and then you get the result of the other thing. That's how it is. What we really want now is, can we make something that is really like the Mac, but really good for us? Like, I have to work on my Mac. The same thing has to run on my computer. I need it to be really easy to use. You know what would be cool? You wouldn't be able to open up the computer. Like this one-- so if you had a Mac, you'd basically buy it, put it together, and then you could make it do anything you want with it. It would stay exactly the same, but now you have all these cool devices that are very like the Mac but don't have the Mac name. They're just the Mac, like a Mac with this weird case. You can plug it into it, like this one here, and then you can buy stuff. And we said, "okay, so the Mac is just a computer that was easy for a single user to use and we wanted to make a bunch of things that were like that." What we need to do is make it so that multiple people can use the Mac. So, we made all kinds of these things that were really like Macs but they were designed to run with their own little screens and their own keyboards and that they were really focused for the individual who was using it. So, this was the story of iPods and what iPods got you was the first step to having the Apple music store, which gave you a lot of power. The Mac itself, you could buy it but you could do it for the other reason, which was, "hey, I want something like this, but it's not just for a single user. It's for me and my colleagues." And that's how the keyboard with the special things on it comes in. Now we have other people who have Macs so they could use them too. What we'd like to do now is to basically make the Mac, if not a single computer, a computer that can connect to all these other Macs, but one that's really well connected. Like, it would have all these things that the people who have them right now can't get on the Mac and they can't have them. It'll do stuff that's useful for businesses and for schools and for other things, but in order to do that, we're gonna have to have all this stuff in one place. So, it won't be an app on the Mac. It's just in this computer here. We're gonna have a big database. We've put all the songs in a database and we're gonna keep doing that so that it can access that database, but that's not enough, because it can't go and search the database itself. And here's the thing that's super important: when we were making the iPod, we made sure that we'd have something for it when it came out. You had to buy the iPod and then, one year later, when the new iPod came out, you had a new thing that would have the old songs on it. So, I mean this is great. This is all the songs that I've bought so far and then I have these other things that are coming out that are different, so they have all the songs that are on them so I can get it. That's great, but if I just want to look at what's new-- what's new-- because I know all the stuff I already have, why don't I just want to get that new stuff? It's a computer and all this stuff is on it. So, let's put all the songs in one place, right? But how does this differ from the iPod? Well, everyone has this Mac and we could put all the songs from the world on there. They could all be in one place. Now we can have that. Now I just want to know what's new, but it's not going to work for the reason that it's not going to give me what's new. I need to get what's new for all of my friends, too, so they're not going to put it in there. Because then all my friends can just get it and they get all the stuff that I have. We really need to do something about that, so we need to make these special things. It doesn't matter if it's out of date when you buy it. We should just put it on there, and then if you get a newer one, we should give it to you free. That's