That turned dark q
Tiffany, you reall
Chris! I told you
Joe's Bar and Gril
Quitetly, Quiggly
Quitetly, Quiggly
Joe's Bar and Gril
Stop dancing like
Tiffany, you reall
Tiffany, you reallStop dancing like that. it looks like
you're trying to fly
[x] yeah
-No, you're trying to land a jet
-I'm flying
You don't walk on your back,
you don't fall into a ball
-you're not flying if you don't fly
-you're in the sky if you fall in the sky
I’m trying to fly
You think we have an advantage because we’re boys?
You won’t have any advantage
¡Basta ya!
-No, voy a levantarme.
-No te levantes.
No tienes la clase de una bailarina.
Por favor, deja de bailar así. Es una señal de desesperación.
Pensé que era un avión y yo estaba volando.
-Estás intentando volar, o tratando de chocar.
-No, estoy cayendo, no estoy volando.
-Es un avión. -Te estás enamorando del sonido del aire.
Te estás pasando, no estás bailando.
It looks like a flying fish
I'm gonna fly like that
You can't do this
If I make a mistake, I'm dead
You know how many women I've faked it on?
You think I'd want you now
After that? I’m joking
Go away!
Look, you want to do it
Then go do it
But you can't use our dorm room as a porno studio
We were there first, and my room's bigger
Let me through, let me in!
This is not a dance hall, ma'am
Go sit down over there
You wanna dance, you better pay up
How do you want me to pay?
Let's go!
Let's do this
What are you doing?
Keep dancing, I've got my eyes on you
You do?
Por favor.
¿Cómo quieres que te pague?
¡Vamos, vamos!
-¡Aquí vamos!
-¡Aquí vamos!
Mira, ¿qué estás haciendo?
Mientras bailas, miro hacia ti.
-¿Cómo te voy a mirar?
-Te estás bailando y me estoy mirando.
[beautiful night]
Look at them!
[so beautiful]
Hey, he's cute, isn't he?
-The blonde
-He's not mine
-I know
That's why he's so hot
I'm back
You want me to watch this again?
You've already seen it a thousand times!
I can't do this
This is crazy
How can I do it?
You always fall back when you do it
I'll wait for you
But you've got to put your arms around me
Yes, but he won't let me kiss him
And he doesn't want me to do this
Okay, I can do this
And another thing.
[Noches hermosas]
¡Mira eso!
¡Mira el muy sexy!
Este quiere que yo lo vea.
[muy hermosa]
Qué adorable.
¡Qué lindo!
¡Qué lindo!
[Nadie toca a usted.]
[Nadie toca a usted.
Aww. Qué bello!
-No seas tan pesado. -No seas pesado.
No, está bien. Lo puedes hacer.
[Nadie toca a usted.
No se lo va a gustar.
Qué lindo.
Por favor!
Más cosas...
[Qué lindo.]
Es duro.
Tengo que aguantar.
El da un poco de aire.
Ahora sí.
I won't fall over
I can do it
We'll show you
[so beautiful]
[so beautiful]
I guess I’ll have to do it
I don’t want to see it again
Okay. Let's do this
[kiss and hugging]
Why is this so hard?
Hold on
Hold on, keep his arms tight
-He's not moving
-Yes, he is!
Okay, okay.
You see?
Let's do it again.
Don’t leave!
She's cute, isn't she?
The Asian girl
You were staring at her.
No, I was just staring
You were looking at me!
I was?
My turn
I'm outta here
I'm going to the bathroom
Ese es difícil.
Es difícil.
-¡Oh, Dios mío!
Míralo, qué lindo, ¿qué le pasa?
Es duro
Es difícil
Es difícil
Es difícil.
[Nadie toca a usted.
Me apasiona su música.
Lo hace bien.
Qué lindo
-Qué lindo, qué lindo.
-Es difícil.
¿Estás listo para la parte superior?
Estoy listo para seguir
Es tan difícil
-Míralo, míralo.
-Qué lindo
¡Qué lindo!
¡Qué lindo!
Qué lindo
¡Esto es bonito!
¿Dónde está el otro?
Está en el otro lado.
Está en el otro lado.
Pero, ¿dónde?
Pero se quedó atrás, ¿no?
But he came from behind, and I missed the last part
He came from behind, but I missed the last part
[weird sound]
But I missed the last part
That’s the way to do it
She's dancing in there
-I'm so hot
-I can't do this
Hey, look!
What's wrong?
[bang bang]
No, se quedó atrás,
pero yo ya lo ví.
Mira, estaba bailando.
Eso es lo que
Está siendo atrevido, pero esta bien
Esto es la cabeza
-Míralo, míralo.
-Aqui viene.
¡Qué lindo!
¡Qué lindo!
Estás haciendo un show
No voy a decirlo.
Es realmente difícil
Este señor baila muy rápido.
Esto es difícil.
-Eso es mucho.
-¡Eso es mucho!
Mira lo que haces
¡Qué lindo!
Lo intentaré
She really is pretty
She's dancing so hard
Good job!
I want a guy like him
[her face is still red]
It's a hit
It's hot, you're a stud
[a different sound]
How do you dance?
Oh, you don't know!
How do you dance?
Do you know?
How does he dance?
Let's see
Mina: "How do you dance?
"Do you know?"
"We're done," because he's done.
It's so pretty
[a different sound]
¡Parece lindo!
¡Qué lindo!
¿Cómo te gusta?
¿Lo quieres?
¡Qué lindo