Chris! I told you
Quitetly, Quiggly
Joe's Bar and Gril
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
That turned dark q
Tiffany, you reall
Chris! I told you
Joe's Bar and Gril
Quitetly, Quiggly

FTL is not possibl
Chapter 1. Once
Stop dancing like
Ships were lost du
FTL is not possibl
But first, you and
Quietly, Quiggly s
Concrete may have
Quitetly, Quiggly
That turned dark q
FTL is not possible, but Dr. Jones proceeded to offer great insight with the words, "...of course, he knows nothing!" If you do this, the following will take place when he is interrogated: He will say, "I do not know you, nor do I remember any of our past encounters." Then, you can say: "Oh, I know you very well, John. We have met at the Ministry of Unpleasant Truths." Then, he will say: "I don't know that place!" A: Assuming you have the Mouth of Sauron from the original Lord of the Rings (or the expansion pack) you can have Sauron use this on Sauron and he will reveal he's been to the Ministry of Information for coffee. He would say "Why have I come here?" You can reply: "I do not know you. Do you know me?" He would say "Why are you here?" "Why, Mr. Sauron. I've come to discuss a recent intelligence breakthrough." "I have never heard of this. Now get out before I am forced to get tough." Then he will look confused and go back to talking about the revolution. You need to keep this up until he talks about the revolution again (at this point it's safe to run). I'm fairly sure there are other ways of getting the information though as well. The point is that once Sauron realises who you are he can no longer refuse information and the conversation will go as above. A: If the player with Lord of the Rings has the Mouth of Sauron in his hand, and he's not currently talking, he can use it to give the player with Dr. Jones, who can use it to make Dr. Jones believe that Sauron has been to see Lord of the Rings at the MoI. In the same way, when Dr. Jones meets with Mordor or Sauron, one can give the other the Mouth of Sauron and make them think the other has been to the MoI. A: For Sauron, "The Dark Tower", the Mouth of Sauron might be a good solution to the problem. It's very difficult to trick Sauron if he's interrogating. The player of Sauron can then just say: Tell me everything you know of your master! and this will work to fool the other player. Sauron's will never give any other information besides what the player says. Beware however that the next attack might be by the moulin of Sauron's "The Dark Tower" from the Book of the New Sun (in my opinion the most boring book of the series). That can backfire pretty badly. It might get the person interrogated to take it seriously and get information on themself to back up their lies. But I wouldn't worry about that much, or consider that to be any spoiler. The player of Dr. Jones can't trick Sauron. Since they can't see Dr. Jones die, it seems like a big logical paradox for the player of Sauron. You can't give the player of Dr. Jones the Mouth of Sauron, if you don't have him. However, Sauron doesn't actually need to interrogate Dr. Jones. Just telling him everything he knows of Sauron and how he has been at the MoI (the same trick as with the player of Sauron) Wouldn't work. Dr. Jones doesn't really have a reason to suspect anything. Sauron will simply deny everything. He's only going to answer if he wants to. He's clever. The player of Dr. Jones could also use the Mouth of Sauron to reveal that Sauron is "he" in disguise or other things that would make Sauron start believing that he really is being interrogated. But it would have to be a big discovery for Sauron to start believing his own lies. Again: beware that there is a big risk of backfire if Sauron gets to interrogate Dr. Jones. It's also possible to ask Sauron himself. As long as you can't see his face he could deny it. If he has to take the oath, he'd have to say it again and again and it could get annoying. The interrogator is more likely to make a discovery though if he keeps asking him the same thing and keeps asking if Sauron is the one to get angry and deny everything. This wouldn't work if Sauron is already angry or if Sauron doesn't get angry. Sauron would just say "Yes, I am he! Get out! This is a bad joke!" To conclude: Ask Sauron himself. Ask the player of Sauron about the other player's interrogation The player might just say everything they know. Ask the player of Sauron about the other player's torture about the other player's treatment of Sauron. Tell Sauron everything Sauron knows about his master. The player of Sauron might get angry at being questioned and might give away some information, which makes it difficult for the interrogator to continue. The player of the other player of being interrogated might just bluff and tell the interrogator that everything he knows about Sauron is truth. That's what I've got until now. Feel free to edit or contribute something different.