That turned dark q
Chapter 1. Once
Concrete may have
Joe's Bar and Gril
Concrete may have
Stop dancing like
Ships were lost du
Quitetly, Quiggly
Quietly, Quiggly s
Tiffany, you reall

Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
Joe's Bar and Gril
Quitetly, Quiggly
Quitetly, Quiggly
Joe's Bar and Gril
Chris! I told you
Tiffany, you reall
That turned dark q
Stop dancing like
Tiffany, you really should reconsider your life choices if you are going to associate with people like this." "Lucky for you," Tiffany shot back. "At least I've been allowed to choose my own boyfriend." "Oh? And how's that working out for you?" "Really well. I haven't been so happy since . . . well, since I was about ten." Tiffany looked down at the ground, her lip quivering. "I'm sure you will be able to continue this blissful relationship with a couple of hick high school idiots . . ." "Oh, shut up, you pathetic loser!" "And I'd like you to tell your friend in the 'other' car what I think of him. You tell her I said that she shouldn't try to pretend she's somebody she's not, because deep down inside she's exactly what she seems to be." Suddenly, Tiffany's finger went off on the transmit button, but it didn't take long to figure out why. "If you ever want to see this beautiful face again, you tell that to your bitch of a girlfriend!" the tall woman screamed as she rammed the BMW hard. "Tiffany, you bitch!" the guy screamed back. "You didn't tell me you knew those fucking bitches!" A look of shock crossed Tiffany's face. "Why did you pick them up?" "They're cool!" was the reply. "Of course you picked them up because they're 'cool.' What the fuck would you want with some little stuck-up bitches anyway?" "I don't know, the same reason you picked me up last night!" Tiffany snapped. "We're like, different!" "You better hope you don't fuck up this opportunity. I think you should talk to them because you're so far out of their league." "Hey, lady! Fuck you!" The BMW had become a smoking heap of twisted metal. At this point Tiffany's face was burning and tears were streaming down her cheeks. "Fuck you, too!" she screamed. And then she put her foot on the gas and floored it. She wasn't going to end up in prison for this guy's wife's murder, but she was going to get revenge just the same. After Tiffany ran off, the guys in the other car were getting pretty pissed off. "Are you out of your mind?" Steve yelled at his brother. "She's gonna recognize your truck!" "I'm just mad," Brian shouted back. "She just fucked us up bad!" Tiffany had run off in the other direction, where her car was parked. She made it to the exit and ran up to the valet. "Take me to the nearest highway," she said as she handed him the keys. Steve finally calmed down and found his truck. By the time he made it back to the restaurant, things were quiet. He looked around the parking lot, and at the same time spotted Tiffany. She was trying to calm herself down by practicing yoga positions in front of a full-length mirror in the ladies' room. She saw him looking at her, and she walked up to him. "I'm sorry," she said. "I had to get you back." "Don't apologize," Steve said. "I'm sorry. You were right. I shouldn't have come out here by myself." "What did you get into?" "Nothing. Just some jerk I used to go to college with. I never really liked him much, anyway." "Yeah, me either. He seemed like an okay guy at first, but he turned out to be such a cock-tease," she explained, smiling. "You should come back with me." "No, I can't. I have to take care of things here. But I'll come see you tomorrow." "You're right," Tiffany said. "It was stupid of me to say that. I'll see you tomorrow." Tiffany got into her car and drove back to her apartment. When she entered the building, she found an envelope stuck under her windshield wiper. There was a note that said, "Tiffany. I'm gone for now, but don't worry. I'm just down the road, so I won't forget to stop in to see you. I really love you, baby, and I always will." And then there was a phone number. Tiffany smiled and shook her head. She remembered when she first met Steve and how he didn't seem too interested in her, and she thought to herself that no one would have figured out that he would become so nice after they got to know each other. But it was nice to know that at least some people could change for the better, right? Her cell phone rang. She answered it. "Tiffany, baby. I haven't seen you in a while, and I miss you. Why don't you meet me in the parking lot behind the grocery store tonight, and we can take care of some unfinished business?" "No," Tiffany said flatly. "I'm kidding, baby. I just want to tell you I love you and stuff." "Just go away. I have a lot of things to do tonight, and I don't want to see you." "Okay, maybe another time, then." "Maybe." And that was the last she saw of Steve. By now we have all seen enough episodes of Cops to know that they will always give way to one single recurring theme: women drivers. A recent study (conducted by the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin) found that women drivers have a higher rate of being involved in car accidents than male drivers. What's even more interesting is the fact that most women drivers are also the victims of sexual harassment or aggressive driving. What do these findings have to do with the women who drive the BMW 7 Series M Roadster? Nothing at all. Except that the last time I was the victim of road rage while driving (it just happened to be a 740i), I was being driven by a woman and my car was a little over a month old. Do you have an opinion? _______________________________________________________________________________ To unsubscribe from the Email Alerts, please click here: _______________________________________________________________________________