Quitetly, Quiggly
Joe's Bar and Gril
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
That turned dark q
Tiffany, you reall
Chris! I told you
Joe's Bar and Gril
Quitetly, Quiggly
Quitetly, Quiggly

FTL is not possibl
FTL is not possibl
Chapter 1. Once
Stop dancing like
Ships were lost du
FTL is not possibl
But first, you and
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Quitetly, Quiggly
Chris! I told you not to do that. That is going to complicate things." "I could have got the same result if I had just done the right thing in the first place and set them up with ENA." (Yeah right) "That's precisely what I would have done." "I don't want you to give them a new EOL number. I want you to set them up for EOL with ENA. Now, don't tell them anything and don't get them started on buying anything yet. I think we should give it a couple of weeks before we tackle them again. I want them to know the name of the company all along. You could be waiting all day. This place is dead today." (dead) "Thanks, I will head back there right after lunch." (dead) "This place is not going anywhere. This is like a ghost town over here. Hey what's going on this afternoon? Anything happening over there?" (dead) "You will probably find out that we have them set up. Now keep your mouth shut and don't tell them they have a new EOL number. I don't want to talk to them again until they are all ready to trade. I don't want to give them a new EOL number, but what I can do is give them a new ISDA number and give them the same ISDA Master Agreement we have already signed and execute a novation. That way everything stays the same. Does that make sense?" (dead) "Yeah, but, can we have the same people?" (dead) "What people?" (dead) "Those people who negotiated the Master Agreement." (dead) "No, I will go over and talk to them." (dead) "Thanks." (dead) "You know I just wanted to see you. How are things going?" (dead) "Not bad. I had a long talk with Mark. Now he is telling me everything is set up and ready to go. Have you gotten a name for the counterparty?" (dead) "Yep. It is going to be ECT Investments." (dead) "No, ECT Canada." (dead) "That is wrong. What they are going to be doing this with is an ECT North America company. It is not on the list and you will see it is already being incorporated. That should not make a difference. I think we still need to talk to Scott tomorrow and you and I will have to do some explaining to him. He was under the impression that it was a Canadian company. It should not be that way. We do not need to tell anyone anything about anything. That is why I think we should leave well enough alone." (dead) "Yep, but I am a little nervous." (dead) "Don't sweat it. Just do your job and they will do theirs. I think we can easily manage this. I don't think they will have any problems with ECT, and you don't have to meet with them." (dead) "I know. That's why I was excited. I think they are going to like our price. The only thing I am worried about is ENA. What do we tell them? How do we handle this?" (dead) "Don't worry about it. We can go in and explain it if we have to. I still think it will work itself out." (dead) "That's what I was thinking." (dead) "Thanks, Chris. I really appreciate it." (dead) "Anytime." (dead) I then hung up the phone and headed to lunch. I was hoping I had gotten through to him. He was in a good mood. Now, if he would just pass it on to someone that mattered. I was going to go home and go to sleep, but I knew I needed to go to the office anyway, so I ended up driving over to Chris' new place of employment and dropping off a plant and office he had recently gotten. I hate walking around headquarters late at night, and it was late. I think I would walk with the devil to avoid doing that. It was nice visiting with Chris before he went to bed and I said goodbye and made my way out. I am not a violent person in any shape or form. I have, however, on several occasions, and very rarely, been in a situation where I could have physically taken another person's life. This was one of those instances, and I was angry. This was not meant as a threat, but as a promise. I looked at it this way. If Chris decided to screw me in my biggest deal/sale ever, then I would just come after him and kill him. I would be exonerated/released for doing it and would be able to write it off as an on the job killing. That is what I told myself that night and it seemed to satisfy my conscience. The drive home was uneventful and by the time I got home I had calmed down and realized that this was the exact kind of thinking I was trying to get people to change. We needed to look at this as the opportunity of a lifetime and to make this deal happen not only for me, but for Chris and the whole team as well. I finally decided that I was going to sleep and that I should really just plan on meeting with the team in the morning and hope for the best. I woke up the next morning and took my wife out to breakfast. We decided that we would go away for the long weekend, maybe to San Antonio, so we could get away from things for a little while. I called Mike and told him the good news and he seemed excited. I then decided to call Chris and let him know we were on for the deal at 10 AM. Chris sounded excited and I knew he would not miss this chance. We went to breakfast and made it back to the office in plenty of time. I went in and told Mike that things were going to start happening that day. He was very happy. We met with all the team and went through all of the documentation. Mike was definitely going to have his work cut out for him, but he seemed very prepared. Mike started arranging with the traders in the different groups to have preliminary trades entered to test the system. Mike, Chris and I all then met in the control center and walked through the functions of the system. It was working well. The system was sending a price update to the trade publication and an account update message to all of the customers who had either logged onto EOL or who had active transactions on EOL. We were getting all of the information over the wire and logged in the database. Everything looked great. We then decided that since we had such an early start, it was a good idea to open the phone lines for those traders who had line one set up and wanted to test. This was definitely going to happen. I called everyone I knew in ECT and got them ready for this test. I then notified all of the traders in the ENA groups that they