Chris! I told you
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Chapter 1. Once
Chris! I told you
Chris! I told you
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Chris! I told youShips were lost during these dark voyages, and said to have had crews
of 400 to 1,000 men.
In early 1273, the Dominicans under the leadership of John de Sancta Maria,
returned to the Dominican Priory in Santiago. Among those taken prisoner
during their journey was Pedro de Santarona, the alcalde of
Vieja--Santiago's oldest city--whom they brought to Santiago to face the
judge. He was later pardoned and appointed the rector of the College of
Puerto de Santa María in Santiago.
On March 25, 1273, the Order of Preachers returned with the friars who had
been in Spain, and had in their possession, the great treasure which the
Gutiérrez family had managed to get together before taking flight. This
treasure included several paintings, some coins, two reliquaries and a
manuscript codex in the French language. The Order placed them in the
Library of San Millán in a vault over which were the words, "Ego Dominus
est" ("I am the Lord").
In 1274, King Ferdinand IV. of Castile was able to pay the debts of the
pilgrims and thus remove the Order of Preachers from a precarious financial
External links
Category:Dominican Order
Category:Dominican Order in Spain
Category:History of the Dominican Order
Category:Titles of nobility in the Kingdom of Castile
Category:Berta Fernández de Córdoba
Category:13th-century Catholicism
Category:Ferdinand III of Castile
Category:House of Trastámara