FTL is not possibl
Ships were lost du
But first, you and
Concrete may have
Chris! I told you
Ships were lost du
Stop dancing like
Tiffany, you reall
That turned dark q
Chris! I told youChris! I told you not to do that. That is going to complicate
everything!! We don't know the outcome of the litigation. It might be
nothing and the deal may still go forward. It might be that the matter is
resolved in a fashion favorable to us, in which case we're OK, or in a
fashion unfavorable to us. We don't have enough info right now to know the
answer to any of these questions. Let's not muck things up further
throwing in that "what if this doesn't go forward" or that "even if this
comes back our way it won't work because a certain individual won't approve
of the transaction" scenario. We'll wait for the deal to go forward or not
as the facts dictate.
By the way, I got a call yesterday from our IT group's risk person regarding
the "pitch" she received from someone wanting to set up an office for an
internet auction house. She called our lawyer and made an appointment to
meet with her to discuss the matter. No need to worry about that.
Chris Germany@ECT
12/22/2000 07:03 AM
To: Crystal Hyde/HOU/ECT@ECT, Colleen Sullivan/HOU/ECT@ECT, Victor
Subject: NewCo
Is anyone going to talk to Jeff about the NewCo thing? I think I'm on
record as saying I do not want to be part of something like that.
Let me know.