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Chapter 1. Once
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---------------------- Forwarded by Mary Hain/HOU/ECT on 02/09/2001 05:00 AM
Enron Capital & Trade Resources Corp.
From: "Fuller, Don" @caiso.com>
02/08/2001 06:42 PM
To: ISO Market Participants
cc: ISO Market Participants
, "Mohr, Jim"
, "Nicolay, Christi"
, "Burkholder, John"
, "Christian, Yolanda"
Subject: Market based price cap
Market Based Price Cap
"ISO Real-Time Market"
Effective Date = Monday, February 12, 2001
Last Revised = Sunday, February 4, 2001
This Market Based Price Cap (MBPC) is a continuation of the
California ISO's existing Market Based Price
Cap (MBPC) and continues to provide market participants with an
opportunity to enter into transactions at prices that will provide
market-clearing costs based on cost-causation. The MBPC addresses the
cost-causation concerns that arose when the ISO's Demand and Capacity
Guarantee Provider (DGSP) and Energy Imbalance Markets were separated.
Since their separation, ISO real-time market participants have experienced
mismatches between supply and demand resulting in significant price
spikes in ISO energy and ancillary service markets. Customers purchasing
generation and transmission service are in a position to benefit from these
prices because the ISO's charges reflect cost-causation in these markets.
In contrast, the ISO previously capped all sales of block forward energy
and ancillary service at ISO-posted prices. Additionally, the existing
ISO Market Based Price Cap applies to all CAISO markets. This
Market-Based Price Cap replaces the ISO's existing Market-Based Price Cap
in that it applies only to a subset of the CAISO markets and eliminates the
ISO price cap for the energy and ancillary services markets.
Market Based Price Cap:
Effective Date = Monday, February 12, 2001
Hours = All
ISO Services = P&L
Price Cap = Price Cap: Market Clearing Price plus $0.01
= Market Clearing Price
= Market clearing price will be determined by the last sale
in the current ISO real time market
Cost of Service = Cost of Service: Variable cost plus $0.01
= Variable cost
= Variable cost will be determined by the last sale
in the current ISO real time market
ISO Market Clearing Price:
Transmission Services = $250/MWh
Generation Services = $300/MWh
Ancillary Services = Ancillary Service Market Clearing Price $250/MWh
+0.0025 * (Demand Charge)
For all other services, the ISO market clearing price will equal the
following = ISO Market Clearing Price
+1.00 * (Demand Charge)
The Demand Charge is set equal to the total demand charge measured in the
last 24 hours of trade in the day ahead primary day ahead real time market.
The Demand Charge will be applied to hours that fall within the ISO day
ahead schedules.
Transmission Services = Transmission Service Market Clearing Price $300/MWh
+0.0025 * (Demand Charge)
Generation Services = Generation Service Market Clearing Price $500/MWh
+0.0025 * (Demand Charge)
Ancillary Services = Ancillary Service Market Clearing Price $250/MWh
+0.0025 * (Demand Charge)
The Demand Charge is set equal to the total demand charge measured in the
last 24 hours of trade in the day ahead hourly real time market.
The Demand Charge will be applied to hours that fall within the ISO hour
ahead schedules.
Any hour without a valid ISO Schedule does not apply to this MBPC.
Price Cap and Cost of Service information may be found on the ISO's
website http://www.caiso.com under the Forms & Publications tab.
"Market-Based" refers to a market where participants are free to purchase
transmission and generation capacity for all hours within the ISO-defined
hourly time frames. The ISO real time energy and ancillary service
markets are examples of a market-based market. These and other examples
may be found in the Market Based Price Cap & Cost of Service Provisions
section on the aforementioned web page.
The ISO's Supply and Demand Responsibility Council ("SDC") is responsible
for recommending and implementing changes in the ISO tariff and
operational practices that will provide for continuous improvement of the
ISO Market Based price Cap and to ensure just and reasonable utility rates.
The SDC consists of representatives from Enron and other market participants.
Members of the SDC currently include Duke Energy Marketing; Dynegy Power
Marketing; Mirant Americas Energy Marketing; Reliant Energy Services, Inc.;
Sempra Energy Trading; Southern Energy Trading; Williams Energy Marketing
and Trading; Williams Power Marketing.
The ISO Board meets on the 3rd and 10th Tuesday of each month. There will
be a meeting next on Tuesday, February 13th.
You can reach Steve Corman at (916) 608-7085.
(See attached file: CICMarketBased.doc)
- CICMarketBased.doc