Chapter 1. Our st
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Chapter 1. Once
Joe's Bar and Gril
Once considered th
Chapter 1. Once
Release me. Now. OOnce considered the most complex solution, we are now driven by
performance. We are not a project company. We are a market company. We
consistently seek out and enter into market opportunities. We rely on the
combination of our people, our intellectual capital and our collective market
experience to determine where to compete. And we pride ourselves on our
ability to adapt and change and our tenacity in upholding standards.
Our success lies in the dedication of the people who make Enron a successful
company. You have the opportunity to get a great job with highly competitive
pay and benefits package at a company that gives you an enormous amount of
freedom and supports your personal growth. It all starts with superior
On April 16, we celebrate the one year anniversary of Enron,s most recent
acquisition, Azurix. In just one year, we have made enormous progress in
creating a comprehensive gas and power trading operation to serve the growing
market in the eastern United States.
Our vision for the future, however, is not simply to celebrate what we,ve
done, it is to look ahead to the future and determine what new opportunities
exist in order to build on our successes.
As a part of our new vision, we have reorganized our Global Risk Management
Operations (GRMO) to better align this key business unit with our other
business unites to ensure optimal coverage of earnings, cash flow and
The new GRMO will be headed by Don Powell, managing director of Gas Trading
North America, who will report to Phil Lowry, chief technical architect
reporting to Jim Fallon. Given the critical nature of this business
unit,s operations, Jim and I will also be joined by Don in the daily
management meeting.
We also understand that GRMO faces some challenges arising out of the
commodity price and demand volatility and communicated to Jim, Phil and Don
that the immediate mission is to stabilize earnings and cash flow. To
accomplish this immediate objective, the following changes are being made:
Reduce overall costs and expenses
Focus on our core strengths: Structured Transactions and Ercot
business. This will include a direct reduction of costs associated with
Ercot procurement, including the United Illuminating deal, as well as
incentives for on-line transactions and management support for GRMO.
Consider the formation of a pool with other wholesale trading floors,
including American Meteorology Associates and the Intercontinental Exchange.
Jim, Phil and Don, along with Greg Blair, George Wasoff, Rudy Adami and Tom
Gros will also form our Integrated Risk Management Team, which will help
resolve issues and lead trading opportunities with counterparties.
I have asked Rick Causey to take a leading role in this effort given his
unique risk management background.
Again, thank you for your continued dedication and support. It is people like
you that Enron has been successful. Your individual efforts continue to