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Chapter 1. Once
Joe's Bar and Gril
Once considered th
Chapter 1. Once
Release me. Now. O
Chris! I told you
Quietly, Quiggly s
Quitetly, Quiggly

Chris! I told you
Chapter 1. Our st
Once considered th
Quietly, Quiggly s
But first, you and
Tiffany, you reall
Chris! I told you
That turned dark q
Chapter 1. Once
That turned dark q
Quitetly, Quiggly stepped into the darkness as he stealthily approached and steeled himself for whatever might lay ahead. Just then, Quiggly's heart jumped when he spotted a bright, bright orb of light—pulsating and gleaming like a pulsar from deep within the shadows. Quiggly gasped and trembled with fright. It was as if his heart were caught in the jaws of a great creature, and it was about to rip it to pieces. However, fear and trepidation gave way to curiosity. So, Quiggly crept a few more steps closer, and his curiosity grew. As he got closer, Quiggly could see the beautiful, pulsating glow with a vividness and clarity that were beyond his wildest imagination. He had seen glows before, as most of the time they didn't cause such a stir, but this one was different. This one was a light of hope and beauty, that made everything worthwhile. It was a holy moment, one in which Quiggly felt a great sense of euphoria. He was in the presence of something holy. However, the excitement and wonder didn't last for long. The strange entity, or whatever it was, in the dim light of the distant street light became more and more obvious as Quiggly got closer, and by the time he was close enough to actually see what the light was, he could see what was glowing. It was a bright orange, pulsating globe of light, pulsating all over the place, from all sides. Quiggly noticed that the pulsations moved fast as they sped around in every direction like an oval. The light shone from every direction, but it looked like the glow had no source, except for from every direction. The most noticeable thing was that the glow was all that could be seen of whatever was giving off the glow. That is, unless one knew what was inside it. Without hesitation, Quiggly approached the pulsating orb. With each step, it became more visible. The glow became a brilliant, vibrating amber that shined and gleamed with life. It pulsated with a rhythmic flow that was soothing and reassuring. Quiggly felt the peace, and he knew that he was safe. Quiggly stood frozen in awe and wonderment, not wanting to move and break the beautiful shimmer that was pulsating all around. He gazed at the pulsating glow, its many glowing rays beaming forth in every direction and reaching out towards the darkness. It pulsated with such brightness that it left Quiggly feeling confused, and he thought that he should be able to see the glowing rays from outside, but he could not. His attention was then drawn back to the source of the pulsating glow. It pulsated on in it's strange and mysterious rhythm, and it appeared to be coming from the center of the sphere. As he was observing the pulsating glow, Quiggly noticed something strange. When the pulsating glow pulsed in rhythm, it would seem to vibrate, like a pulse of a beating heart. It pulsated with such vividness that it became impossible not to notice the pulsations, even if he tried. Quiggly was so caught up in the pulsations, that he lost sight of where the glowing ball was emanating from. He was then struck by a strange, unearthly stench, one that was akin to the burning smell of rubber and an unpleasant sweetness that he had never smelt before. Then, it happened. Quiggly felt himself being drawn in. It was like a force from the pulsations was pulling him into the center of the pulsating light. Quiggly started to feel sick to his stomach, like a lump of lead in his chest, and he felt a strong urge to vomit. At the same time, he was overcome by a deep sense of dread and panic. Suddenly, Quiggly found himself falling, like a rag doll that had been tossed into the darkness by a giant hand. The pulsating ball's force was so strong, and he had no chance to stop. It threw him into a tumbling flight through the air, and before he knew what was happening, he found himself on the ground, face first and motionless. The pulsating ball had also lost power, and as it receded back into the darkness, Quiggly found himself in a heap of rubble. As Quiggly lay there, completely immobile, he felt the pulsations fading and their radiant energy vanishing. Then, after the pulsations completely ceased, there was a loud crashing sound and a bright beam of light blared on from above. Quiggly opened his eyes, as he looked up to see that he was lying on a pile of crumbled rubble, which he had been lying beneath a streetlight pole. The pulsating ball had gone, and the streetlight pole that Quiggly had been leaning against had fallen in the middle of the street. A car that had been traveling down the street at a high rate of speed plowed through the streetlight pole, crushing Quiggly to death. With no further pulsations to hold him, Quiggly fell to the ground, lifeless. Quiggly, once a fearsome spirit from Hell, found himself as a piece of lifeless, rubble, buried in the street beneath the pulsating light. In that instant, Quiggly thought to himself that he had finally lost the battle with death. It had gotten the better of him. However, he still clung onto the hope that the light was not all bad. But there was nothing he could do now. Quiggly died, but his pulsating light was still around, it was still glowing faintly. The pulsations still pulsated, but it was the light that became his legacy. It was what remained behind. Now, it would serve to guide Quiggly's spirit back to its home realm in Hell, and in his spirit, he prayed that the light's glow would light his path home, and he would find a way to escape. It was true, his pulsating light had left behind a glowing spirit, but it was now tainted. It was tainted by his untimely demise. Even now, when he saw the glow, he felt a sense of dread. It reminded him of his death. Even so, it also reassured him that his end had not been for nothing. His spirit was still glowing after all. It proved that Quiggly was a person that fought for his right to exist. Quiggly then felt compelled to move, like a heavy feeling that seemed to oppress him. With a great amount of pain and difficulty, Quiggly sat up and pulled his dead body to his feet. When he did, his glow faded and his pulsating light vanished. He fell face first to the ground, and his spirit became his next legacy. That was the story of Quiggly. It wasn't a particularly sad story, but the main character ended up dying in his first encounter with the pulsating light, and Quiggly's spirit would forever be drawn to it. Quiggly's Pulsating Light Written by: The Kinkster The Kinkster is a writer with a strange sense of humor and many, many other obsessions. If you would like to follow her, check out her profile: www.kinksters.com Like or Dislike: Kahless II Soleil, the Man Mama, I'll Be a White Lion The Kinkster's Story There was a certain man who is known by many as having an obsession with lights, in that he was obsessed with any and every light that he could come across. This man, whose name was not revealed, was known as a simple man by many, except for a certain woman. This man was a writer, who was born and bred in one of the world's largest cities, which had a special place in the man's life. The woman knew how much this man loved light, and so she had a light bulb put in a special place in his room. At first, the man was hesitant, but the woman told him that she'd keep the light bulb in her room dark, and it was a rule she would not break. The light bulb was installed, and in the man's mind, the woman came up with a special purpose for the light bulb. She had it installed so that it would send out light in a peculiar way. The light would be just a bit more concentrated, and the bulb would produce the same lighting as a lighted candle would. That was the extent of the woman's ingenuity. There was one occasion, however, when a bright object caught the man's attention as he was out shopping for something. The man walked up to the object and took a closer look. It was a manhole cover, which was really nothing more than a round metal grate, welded on the top and bottom. On top of this manhole cover was an array of lights, like candles lit in a candelabra. The man was immediately drawn in by this strange object, and he wondered what it was and how it functioned. When he tried to open