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Chapter 1. Once
Joe's Bar and Gril
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Chapter 1. Once
Release me. Now. O
Chris! I told you
Quietly, Quiggly s
Quitetly, Quiggly
Joe's Bar and GrilWe've recently discovered a new method to
identify such groups and as we've completed our analysis in one example,
I'd like to share it with you.
The problem: The task is to identify a group of employees
with similar interests from a list of 20,000 employees. The goal is to build
a program in which the user will enter a group name, and the program will
return a ranked list of the employees.
First we created a list of tags that might define the
interests of the employees (as shown below)
By comparing this list to the employee names we may infer that the interest
tags "Baseball", "Boating", "Fishing", and "Football" may not be popular
among the employees we are studying. Perhaps they are an accurate list of
the employees' interests, but for the sake of our example, let's assume
that there are groups of employees who share interests.
If there were groups of employees who share interests, we can use the
pattern matching technique we reviewed in the previous article (Pattern
Matching) to create an initial list of potential "Interest-based Groups".
This involves using a "contains" and/or "not contains" condition (or
"prefix" and/or "not prefix" in a typical database system) in our query.
select distinct a.name
from htable a
where a.name not like '%Baseball%'
and a.name not like '%Boating%'
and a.name not like '%Fishing%'
and a.name not like '%Football%'
This approach takes a lot of time. Because we were not aware of the more
powerful string matching abilities of DBMSs and we were not able to leverage
this valuable feature. We also made the same mistake as the SQL programmers
Because we had a list of interests and the list of employee names, we
realized that there was a lot of similarities between the employee names.
In our original (naive) approach, we assumed that the names would be
unique; in this case they would be unique to the employees. We took advantage
of the assumption and we concluded that we could have a common pattern
(string) between the list of employee names and the list of interest tags,
and use that to extract groups of similar interests. If we use this
approach, we are going to save the processing time and will be able to get
results much more quickly.
The problem:
I've already told you the purpose of this example and at this point I have to
remind you that what we are going to do is based on a list of employee
names and a list of interests. As mentioned above, you may ask, where do
we get such lists?
The solution:
We have created an artificial list of employee names and of interests by
using a random number generator. The sample of interest tags are based on
the list of employee names. This means that these lists are artificially
created. In the real world however, all of the information you need is
already available, and we will show you how to construct the list of
employee names (which we will call the "employee-of-interest-list") and the
interest list (which we will call the "interest-list").
By now you should be familiar with SQL, so you know that when you create
your database, the database will create a table called "SYNONYM" and
that is the table we are going to use to extract groups of interests. In
the interest-list the table will contain the name of the interest.
In the employee-of-interest-list the table will contain the name of the
The query:
select name
where exists
( select c.name
from charTable c
where (c.name like '%Baseball%'
or c.name like '%Boating%'
or c.name like '%Fishing%'
or c.name like '%Football%')
and c.name not like '%EmployeeName%')
order by name
This query creates the opportunity to find groups of interest based on
an "Interest-based Group Pattern" of the name of the employees that
indicates that they have an interest in Baseball, Boating, Fishing and
The "Interest-based Group Pattern" in our example is EmployeeName not like
'%EmployeeName%'. This means that if we match the employee name with the
pattern that we defined, and then extract all of the objects we are going
to receive a group of those employees whose names do not match that pattern
in the employee-of-interest-list.
For each row in the employee-of-interest-list, we look at the pattern
and try to match it with the names in the interest-list and we look at the
resulting match as an interest-based group. The pattern is always
determined by our interest. In our example it is (employee name) not like
'%EmployeeName%', but this could also be something else. For example, if
we were looking for a group of employees whose names start with "Trey"
and end with "er". The pattern would be (employee name) like '%Treyer%'
and the matching process will have a different result. If you are interested,
I would like to show you how to do this as well, but we don't have time for
that in this article.
The algorithm is the following:
* If there is a match (pattern match) between the
employee-of-interest-list and the interest-list for a given
pattern, we assume that there exists a group with the same pattern.
* For each group in the interest-list, we create a group in the
* We sort the groups based on the name of the interest, and we write
a query for each group that will bring us the information for
all of the employees from the interest-list.
* We rank the results according to the number of records. We write a query
for each group, and we place the employees with a higher number of records
in the higher rank, and we place them in the higher rank.
Note that we can apply the same procedure for finding groups of interests
on employees with names that start with "C", "F", "H" or whatever it is that
you may have in your list. There is no limitation for the pattern we can use
for extracting interest-based groups. The reason why we have to create a
list of employee names (employee-of-interest-list) and an interest list
(interest-list) is that otherwise we could use some more advanced pattern
matching features. I will not cover these features, however, and I assume
that they are probably already available in your database.
The procedure:
This procedure we are going to outline below takes the interest-based list
and the interest list, creates an employee-of-interest-list and applies
the pattern matching technique described above to extract interest-based
groups. The results are a ranked list of groups and we can then sort the
groups by the name of the employee to get the employee-of-interest-list.
The following example is the procedure we have developed for extracting
interest-based groups.
The most important SQL procedures we will use are "select" to extract the
results of the interest-based groups, "rank" to rank the results of the
groups and "sort" to sort them.
Create the database and the SYNONYM table. This will give us the
data set for the interest-based groups.
We use "select" to extract interest-based groups.
We use "count" to extract the number of rows for each group.
DECLARE empID int;
SET empID=1;
CREATE TABLE employee-of-interest-list
( empID int NOT NULL,
name varchar(100) NOT NULL,
name_of_interest varchar(100) NOT NULL);
( charID int NOT NULL,
person varchar(100) NOT NULL,
name varchar(100) NOT NULL );
The following piece of code is part of the procedure to extract interest-
based groups.
Select the interest-based groups:
In this section we will first find all of the employee-of-interest-list
for each interest in the interest list.
We can extract the employee