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Chapter 1. Once
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Chapter 1. Once
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Release me. Now. Or I will be sent to a labour camp and forced to work for the government doing god knows what for the rest of my life." "I beg your pardon?" I said, shocked by the suddenness of it all. "I am asking to be released from this country, as I am now a criminal," he said. I gulped. It was all happening so quickly. But he was right. He _was_ a criminal. We were a couple of crooks who had stolen over 100 million euros from some poor sod. And there was no way we could get it back from him. I looked across to Nick. He was a criminal too, I realised. We'd planned it all together and stolen the money – I'd helped, we both knew that – but he'd never cared what we did with the money as long as we were together. He must be feeling the same way as I did at that moment. "I don't understand," I said. "You want to go back to Hungary. I thought you were content with being here?" "No, I want to return to Hungary. I am tired of this country and everything here." "And what about me?" I said, not ready to give up on my relationship with Nick. "Do you love me?" "Yes, I love you," he said. "But love must come second to a criminal. I will not leave my country and the chance of freedom from a labour camp. I will not make you choose between me or your country." I was so confused. I thought that all he cared about was seeing his wife and son again, not politics. "You just wanted to see your family, and now you want me to choose between you and my country?" "Yes," he said simply. "You have to choose for us." "Okay, okay," I said, feeling desperate. "I'll do whatever you want, then." We all stared at each other in silence for a few minutes. I was so worried I was going to be sending Nick to jail for the rest of his life, but I was also happy that he would be home. I'd also love to return to Budapest, to be with my family, and I would give up everything I'd stolen, including the money we'd bought the castle. Nick would have the castle for his own if he wanted it – though that would be my last gift to him. "I guess this means I'm the scum of the earth," Nick said at last. "No, not at all," I said, though I doubted I'd ever be able to persuade him of that. "You're a hero. I want you to know that I'm in your corner." Nick just nodded. He didn't even look me in the eye. "You will want to leave Hungary in two weeks," I went on. "Right?" Nick nodded again. "Then I'll go to the airport and get on a plane to Budapest. You have to meet me there, and you have to get me through border control, don't you?" He nodded again. "Then I'll give you the money." "Okay." "I'd like to say goodbye to Nicky first," I said, looking across to the boy. "Can we do that?" "Of course," Nick said, getting to his feet. He came over and knelt down in front of Nicky. "I love you, son." "I love you too, daddy," Nicky said in his broken English. "I will miss you, little man," Nick said softly. He then hugged the boy with all his might. Then I thought about Nicky for the first time. I could tell he was getting scared. "I think it's time for me to leave," I said. Nick didn't move. He was still holding Nicky tightly in his arms. "Do you want me to leave?" I said. "Is there something I should know?" He finally let go of Nicky and looked into my eyes. "I've been talking to my wife, and I have to come back, baby," he said. "I just don't know when. I won't be able to see you again before I leave." I felt like I'd been punched in the stomach. I swallowed, struggling to keep my breath. This was not what I'd wanted, I thought. Not at all. All I'd been worried about was Nick's return, but how was he going to be able to come back if he had to go to Budapest? "Okay," I said. I'd never felt so confused in my life. "What about your wife?" He turned to Nicky. "Can we stay here for a while, daddy?" Nick smiled sadly. "Do you want to be here with me?" Nicky looked at me. "That's a good idea," Nick said, smiling broadly. He hugged Nicky again, then got up from the bed and put his arms around me. "Don't worry, baby. I'll go to Budapest and meet you there." Then Nicky ran over to him and kissed him. I couldn't help feeling a little jealous at that, but I couldn't help feeling happy for Nick too. He really was his little boy, and he'd be thrilled to go home to be with him. He had the courage to go to Budapest – or perhaps he was just scared to say goodbye to me. "Nick, we need to talk about money," I said softly. "I still don't know why we can't just tell them you're coming back." He nodded and looked at me. "You're right. I'll get a few things together and bring them to you." He stood up, then hurried into the wardrobe. A minute later he was carrying out one of the two large suitcases that were by the door. He put it down and I saw the handle of something else peeping out of the top. "You'd better put those away before they see them," I said. Nick put them back in and closed the door, then he smiled at me and kissed me. "You be careful," I said. He smiled. "You too, Ida. Love you, my darling." "I love you too, Nick," I said, though I knew that there would never be a time when we wouldn't be together again. He could never return to Hungary, and I would never be able to leave Hungary without him. Nick kissed me again, then looked at Nicky. "Be careful, son." He hugged Nicky tight, then left the room and closed the door behind him. I looked at Nicky and couldn't help thinking he looked so different from the boy I'd met. So much had happened to him. I also thought of how Nicky and I would never have met if Nicky and I had been together, and felt sad for the both of them. But Nicky was a grown man and would have to make his own decisions. "I'll see you again, my boy," I whispered. I closed my eyes for a few moments, then decided to get out of bed. I stood up and looked out of the window at the street below, wondering what would happen next in our lives. I didn't want to leave here, but it seemed that there was nothing I could do to stay. Nicky was right, I had to go to Budapest. And I'd be back in a few weeks to pick up Nicky and take him home. I felt Nicky's presence at my side. "I love you, Ida," he whispered in my ear. "Always remember that." I smiled. "You too, Nicky. I'll see you again soon." I left the room, and locked the door behind me. * * * * * And that was that. I returned home after what felt like a lifetime later, and my mother greeted me at the front door with a smile. "I was just thinking about you last night," she said. "I had a dream you'd come back." I smiled. "Did you really?" She nodded, then looked me up and down. "How come you're so dusty?" "I've been in prison," I said. "Apparently all I'm allowed to do is sit and stare at the walls all day." "I'm so happy to see you," she said. "I'd better get changed," I said. "Do you still have those clothes for me?" "I have them all packed up for you," she said. "I thought you'd probably like to get changed before we have lunch." "Yes, I'd love to. And thank you for doing that." I smiled at her, and we said our goodbyes, then I went to my room to change. I was almost ready when my mother called out from the kitchen. "Ida, would you like a coffee?" "Sure," I said. I walked downstairs and she was preparing it as she sat there on the sofa. "How have you been?" I asked.