Release me. Now. O
Quietly, Quiggly s
Release me. Now. O
We've recently dis
Chapter 1. Once
Joe's Bar and Gril
Tiffany, you reall
Stop dancing like
Chris! I told you
That turned dark q

Quitetly, Quiggly
Release me. Now. O
Chapter 1. Once
Concrete may have
Stop dancing like
Concrete may have
Once considered th
Tiffany, you reall
We've recently dis
Chapter 1. Our st
Tiffany, you really should reconsider your life choices if you are seriously considering this plan. I haven't even considered that I'd want the option. It sounds completely depressing to me. And actually the whole seduction and sex with my husband at 50 kind of gets me on a roll. Is that the goal here, I'm trying to make him want me or is it something about sharing a bathroom that makes him think twice? Sounds like a bit of a roller coaster to me. My vote - buy a small dog. Or a cat. You should try the puppy play in the office in the afternoon. Makes for an interesting hour or so. Talk to you soon. Tiffany Miller@ENRON 03/01/2001 03:48 PM To: Rob Milnthorp/CAL/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Re: Interesting... My life is a roller coaster ride as you know. It is up and down like crazy. I'll tell you what, it sounds like something that I would be into, but my husband would probably kill me. Do you think you could ever do that and keep it a secret, or would everybody find out and make fun of you? Just wondering... I miss you TOO!! I can't wait until you get back in town. Rob Milnthorp@ECT 03/01/2001 02:41 PM To: Tiffany Miller/NA/Enron@ENRON cc: Subject: Re: Interesting... I'm not sure if I would go along with this! Tiffany Miller@ENRON 03/01/2001 02:33 PM To: Rob Milnthorp/CAL/ECT@ECT cc: Subject: Interesting... The following information comes from an urban legend website that my friend and I found on the internet. I just wanted to share this with you - it's a little strange, yet interesting. Have a good day! Tiffany Love and Mr. Miller One afternoon a man was in bed with his wife when Mr. Miller, the neighbor, knocked on the door and asked if he could use their bathroom. "Sure," Mr. and Mrs. Miller said. "Be our guest." Mr. Miller went into the bathroom and closed the door. He then went into the closet, got a 12-pack of beer, came back into the bathroom and handed them to his wife. He then got into the shower. Mr. and Mrs. Miller were enjoying a cold one when the doorbell rang. Mrs. Miller opened the door and found Mr. Mathews on the porch. He said, "I'm sorry to disturb you, but I think your house is on fire." "What?" said Mrs. Miller. "Turn on the TV," Mr. Miller said. So Mrs. Miller sat down on the sofa with the beer and started watching TV. Mr. Miller got out of the shower, toweled off and joined his wife on the sofa. Soon, all of the fire trucks were at the house and the firemen were walking up Mrs. Miller's driveway. After they knocked for several minutes, Mr. Miller asked the fireman if they had gotten the message. "What message?" said the fireman. "We were told that if we wanted the firehouse to visit, to leave this beer out for them." Mrs. Miller pointed to the beer in the man's hand, "I guess they got your message," she said. Mr. Miller is also having problems with his girlfriend. He was explaining to a friend how his girlfriend is always nagging him about the house being a mess, how she never does anything to help around the house and blah, blah, blah. His friend said, "You know, if she doesn't like it, why don't you just leave?" Mr. Miller went home and the next day his girlfriend came over to watch a movie with him. As they started to kiss, Mr. Miller asked his girlfriend where she wanted him to sit. She said, "I don't care, I don't feel like being nagged about housework tonight." Said Mr. Miller, "Okay. I won't." So they went ahead and made love. About 30 minutes later Mr. Miller sat up and said, "I feel a little nagged." "Yeah," his girlfriend said, "you've been nagged all your life, now get used to it." "Well," said Mr. Miller. "Which do you want me to do first, the dishes or take out the garbage?"