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How To Get Your First Hired Developer - nickb http://blog.indextank.com/how-to-get-your-first-hired-developer/ ====== smalter The blog link appears to be dead. This link works: [http://blog.indextank.com/2010/11/how-to-get-your-first- hired...](http://blog.indextank.com/2010/11/how-to-get-your-first-hired- developers/) ~~~ timjahn Thank you! ------ timjahn This post originally included the link to the blog post, but some jerk broke the URL ([http://blog.indextank.com/2010/11/how-to-get-your-first- hired...](http://blog.indextank.com/2010/11/how-to-get-your-first-hired- developers/)). So I grabbed the URL before he broke it. ------ TimSchumann The blog post is this week's Monday Morning Manager (free with a WSJ subscription) ------ TimSchumann So who's hiring? ;) ~~~ Rariel So if you are reading this, my email address is rarieli@icloud.com This will not be spammed with tons of emails. ------ mkramlich You really should consider hiring a VA. I can guarantee it is the single best way to get your first hired developer on your side and working for you. ~~~ TimSchumann If you can't outsource your work, you're missing the value proposition. Why make something else a full-time job when you can just outsource it for a fraction of the cost. ------ adrianhoward My answer to the question of how to find your first hired developer is to get out there and make some friends. :-) There are two parts to finding the right developer - figuring out what you want them to do and meeting them. The only way you get to meet people is to spend time talking to other people. So get out there and talk to people. Go to local meetups, visit user groups, talk to your existing customers. Join twitter. Chat to people on blogs. Attend conferences. You need to become part of the community in order to meet people. Once you find a few people you can see if they'd be a good fit for a small project. If so, meet them. This usually requires one of the two of you to do something small and interesting. Once you've done that you get to talk to them about what they can do for you. If they're a good fit, find out how they want to get paid. Most people want cash. I have found that getting the developer to sign a contract in advance of a few hours work has worked out well for me. ~~~ adrianhoward ... or just go for it and start a project. Give them an opportunity to make you a few dollars while getting to know them. For most people that would involve doing a site in a weekend, and paying them the weekend rate. They'll be a bit pissed at you but hey... you're getting a new mate. As for how to find them - a lot of them will be going to user groups, or trying to drum up business for their business at conferences. If you can get to conferences early and meet them before the crowds get there... ------ pbreit The fact that this article refers to a previous one (for the title) is an example of the failure of CMS's in general and WordPress blogs in particular. ------ Rariel What about people who don't want the "freelancer" label? Or prefer to stick to their companies? ------ TimSchumann Let me know if anyone needs a new app coded. I am up for the challenge. ------ Rariel My email is rarieli@icloud.com Would be interested in chatting more about this topic. ------ Rariel I am on Rarieli@icloud.com Are you looking for someone like me? ------ tgrass I see my business is a little late to the party. Let me know if you need an SEO firm written.