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The Grape Vine Monday, June 7, 2010 I have been tagged by the fabulous Melody Macomber. I am very touched that someone would go through this so much trouble for me, and I am absolutely blown away that she has put so much work into this. Now I want to see who else has been tagged... 1. If you could be any writer living or dead, who would you want to be? Ernest Hemingway. I love his style of writing. 2. What’s your favorite movie? Um, um, there are many. However, my favorite at the moment is Inception, by Christopher Nolan, a movie that left me breathless. Oh, and I am a giant sucker for any movie with Jennifer Aniston. 3. What is your favourite TV show at the moment? Battlestar Galactica. I just discovered this series and have been hooked ever since. It is such a great show. Just thought I'd mention it. 4. Where do you keep your favorite book? This is kind of like my first answer: In a pile of books, on a shelf. 5. Who is your favorite character in books/films? Rabbit from Where The Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. This was the first children's book I ever read. It was the only book I could find with Rabbit on the cover. When I was reading this book as a child, it blew my little mind. 6. If you could take any trip, what would it be? I want to travel back in time, I want to go to Pompeii, Rome, and anywhere else that I want to see. Then I want to travel the world, to find myself. 7. What is your favourite place to read? The library. I love hanging out in the stacks, or on a lounge, reading. 8. What is your favourite food to eat? Spaghetti with tomato sauce. I love spaghetti and I eat it any time of the year. It reminds me of home, as I miss it very much. 9. What’s your favourite season? Fall. I love the colors in the trees when they all turn, and everything that lives in the forests is waking up, and all the trees in all the forests are telling me to prepare for winter. The leaves are the most amazing colors; and since I'm a huge tree freak, I love their shapes, their size, and how they fall. I just love them, and everything that goes along with them. 10. Favourite dessert? Oh, I can't pick just one! When it comes to desserts, I love cookies and cake, so anything really. 11. Favourite drink? Drinks are kind of a hard one for me. I just like any drink that I don't have to make or go buy, like tea or wine. Monday, May 17, 2010 This last week was kind of hard for me. I was in the last few weeks of my rotation, and we had just been assigned our last rotation, so things were kind of at a close, so I didn't know if my rotation would have the same people for the next quarter. Then I saw that all my rotations would be the same for the next semester, which meant that not only would I be with the same people, but in the same classroom. Then I discovered that that my co-worker had moved for another job, so I didn't really have the same co-worker anymore either. However, just because I didn't have someone else in the classroom anymore, it didn't mean that I didn't have people who helped me through the quarter. Some of my friends from class showed me around, and I had a fun time getting to know them. Thursday I found out that I got into the best school of all the other schools I applied to. I applied to like 6 schools, and was waiting for the email to come for 2 weeks. Finally I get an email saying that I am one of the lucky ones, I didn't expect it, and was jumping for joy! Friday was my last day of rotations. I found out that my co-worker had moved because the school she applied to just called her and she got accepted, so she didn't have to stay in that rotation. We actually had a fun day together Friday. Sunday night we went to a bar, which I think is kind of late, considering I have to work at 8:00 tomorrow morning. However, it was kind of fun! This week has gone really good for me. I found out that I would be going into my last rotation. It has helped me a lot, because I can finish the year without some stress from other people. Saturday I spent the day with my boyfriend, in a nice way! When we were first together, we both had a rough time of it. Well, he has now got his career back on track, and is starting a new job as an intern in another country. I don't think I could do it; well, I've never wanted to do anything in my life. I love writing so much that I really don't think I could leave it behind to live abroad, even if that was the only way I could survive. Wednesday, May 5, 2010 Last night was one of the most amazing nights for me, ever! This was a great night for two reasons; 1) it was a day before the last day of rotations, and I had to take down all my posters; 2) I was on Student Teaching tonight. I was so excited to go to school, and when I got there I went to work! For once it was so hard to concentrate, but it was because I was so tired from studying all day. And there was nothing else to do but read, which kind of makes a difference when it comes to the time you are supposed to turn in your logs. The other day my co-worker said that I should stop talking to myself. That I am really weird. I can agree with that, and a few people have even told me to my face that I am weird. This was the first time I ever actually heard someone say this. She said that it is always me. That I am a very loud person, and have such loud talks. I don't know why she would say that. Maybe it's because I am on the phone too much, which I usually end up dozing off on when I talk on the phone for too long. So maybe people don't like that. I am a very loud person. I really am! However, I am very shy at times, like when I was a freshman. I hardly talked to anyone. I am glad that it is over, as it is a better way to be. I am a very sensitive person; so much that my dad would call it sad, if he wasn't around me so much. He says that he feels really sorry for people that think that if I talk loud, it makes me weird. It isn't that I want to make fun of them for being stupid. I am just loud! Is it any wonder why? I just can't help it! When I was little, I would see people with headphones in their ears all the time, talking to themselves, and it scared me. Then it made me think that maybe they were weird too, and the same way that I am. So, I just don't talk to people. This past year I was put in an orphanage, where the only thing that could be heard was people's voices. It wasn't a nice place, but I got used to it, and the people at the orphanage were so nice. There were two or three people who did all the talking, and that was me. I tried talking to people, but it never happened. I was just as quiet and shy as I am right now. I know I am not weird. I am just loud and talk a lot. My co-workers don't think I am weird at all. They just don't know that I am like this. I guess it isn't something you can understand unless you go through it. My co-worker's name is Gwen. She is a really nice person, and we always make the mistake of sitting together on the bus. That is actually something I hate. However, she calls herself a freak, so if anyone had to be a freak, it would be her. I am sorry that she doesn't like me. I just have the fear of being alone. Not a good trait, as I think I would really go crazy! Now that I have finished complaining about what I was saying last night. I was talking to myself a lot, as I was making sure that my lesson was ready, and making sure that nothing was on the floor, so that no one would step on it. Maybe that is why she thought it was strange? Okay, I am done. I can't think about this anymore! Now, on to something else that was happening last night, is something that is a different way of doing things: Monday, April 26, 2010 So I decided to write a book review. It is my first book review, and as I said, I am so surprised that it is so late in the day! I like to read. I