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The New York State Senate Health Committee today passed the Gender Expression Non-Discrimination Act, or GENDA, in a 16 to 13 vote, clearing the way for it to go before the full State Senate for a vote. "This is really a triumph for transgender people in New York," said State Senator Brad Hoylman, lead sponsor of GENDA. "For far too long transgender New Yorkers have faced harassment and discrimination in housing, health care and other areas of life. This is a strong piece of legislation that will protect us from discrimination and ensure our civil rights are protected." Under the bill, public and private employees would be protected from discrimination based on gender identity or expression. It also includes key protections for transgender New Yorkers, including language to ensure transgender New Yorkers can access public accommodations without unreasonable interference. Transgender New Yorkers would be able to use the restroom or changing room of the gender with which they identify. "I'm excited that the Senate has passed this bill to ensure the people of New York are protected against discrimination," said Assemblyman Felix Ortiz, sponsor of the bill in the State Assembly. "This bill will make sure that all New Yorkers can go about their daily lives without fear of being harassed, or denied their basic rights. Now is the time to pass GENDA and protect all New Yorkers from discrimination." Transgender people in New York have been subject to widespread discrimination and harassment in employment, housing and in public accommodations. This is because the law has not been changed since 1992 when it was amended to prohibit discrimination based on sex. Since then, the New York City Commission on Human Rights issued a directive that specifically prohibits discrimination against transgender New Yorkers. The law also takes a big step in ensuring that transgender people can use the restroom of their choice, regardless of age or gender identity. The current law that protects individuals from discrimination based on sex also allows places that serve the public to have their own restrooms. The law is therefore vague enough that local law enforcement may arrest someone if they are arrested for violating the law and charged with peeing in the wrong place. The protections provided by GENDA would help transgender people more accurately access justice. The bill will now go before the full Senate for a vote and could be considered in the upcoming weeks. Last week, a transgender rights bill in California was blocked by Assembly Speaker Anthony Rendon after he said he received an unprecedented number of letters from people objecting to the measure. Rendon called the bill, which would expand LGBT rights for transgender people, “divisive.” At least one lawmaker had previously suggested he was unwilling to vote for the bill due to his religious views. About GENDA GENDA would protect against discrimination in employment, housing, education, credit, public accommodations and city or county services in New York. It would expand the definition of sex to include gender identity and would prohibit the federal government from enforcing a “sex” definition that is different from New York State’s for purposes of employment, housing and public accommodations. # # # To view the Senator’s votes or changes, visit: To view the Assembly’s votes or changes, visit: Connect with us on Facebook at: or follow us on Twitter: SOURCE New York State Senate Democrats Related Links Associated Press Release: Media Contact: John Miller, NY State Senate Majority Office (845) 586-6707, [email protected] Victoria Collier, NY State Assembly Majority Office (212) 430-2400, [email protected]