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The new year has been a bit hectic. We've been moving from Texas to Florida with my mom and now I have a job and my car is totaled. And yet you're still going to be mad at me if I don't update my blog? Okay then! Sorry for my silence these past couple weeks. I'm working on getting my life back in order and back online for once. Now on to real talk. I want to know, do you like any specific games from the Final Fantasy series? If so, why? Tell me! Tell me! Tell me! Okay sorry, I really wanted you to leave a comment before I ended the poll with a huge shout out to my fave Final Fantasy games, Final Fantasy VI and VII. Well, I got this poll out of the way now and there are plenty more to follow so let's get that poll rolling! A few days ago I asked what the final fantasy games are your favorites. Now I'm back with another! What about you? Like some of these games? Yeah, I'm on it. And it should be noted that a few of the games on the list are from my favorite titles on the PS1/Gamecube (FFVII and FFT). I think I've said that one hundred times now, but I haven't had a good Final Fantasy poll in a long time, so, you know... Also, sorry about the bad video. It's a long story, but here it goes. The camera on my desktop was all glitchy and it was pissing me off to no end. I was so annoyed, I decided to just record and add it in in post. So here you go: And that's all for now. Hope everyone's enjoying the new year. But before you go, some questions for you all: 1) Do you have any favorite final fantasy games? If so, which ones? 2) What are some of the games that you are looking forward to in 2013? (if you have a PS3/Xbox you should check out Assassin's Creed III if you haven't played it, it's beautiful!) 3) And if you have an Xbox 360 you should check out Kinect Sports: Season Two. If you think Kinect Sports is fun in the first person view, then you will absolutely lose your mind over the first person in this game! 4) Lastly, what's your favorite "Kung Fu Panda" meme? Wednesday, January 17, 2012 The final book in my Dying for Fudge trilogy was a great ending to the series. This book was different in many ways from the other two books in the trilogy. This one was more personal. It was focused more on character development. And that's fine, because at the end of the day you want to feel more of a connection with the characters and they are a major part of what's going on. Fudge and Shay are trying to get back on their feet, especially since their latest business venture has been less than lucrative. So, they decide to take it to the streets, or to be more accurate, they decide to break into a zoo in the dead of night. And the zoo isn't exactly happy to see them, let alone get all bloody and whatnot. Add that with the fact that Fudge finds out that, and I'm not joking, Mufasa is his father. Yep. That's right. The king of the lions. Fudge just didn't know his dad wanted him to be king. There's a problem though. It seems like he is the only lion at the zoo that knows this and it has been keeping him away from his mother (also Mufasa's queen). But hey, what's a lion without some tomfoolery and badassery, right? Read about that. And oh my gosh, it was so good. And then there's Fudge's past that isn't exactly going as planned and his father. I'm not really going to say much else about this one. There are a few spoilers here and there. So be careful. Thursday, January 11, 2012 I have a new favorite book series, yes. And I might have just mentioned that a couple of days ago. I'm not saying I have a new favorite book, because I don't. But if I had to choose a new series to love, it would be the Dying for Fudge series by Kevin Sands. And if you read that and you said, "Are you kidding?" then maybe you haven't read it. But now you probably want to, right? If not, then you should probably go check it out. The first book, Dying for Fudge, is available on Amazon and the other two books will be published in February and April. I was going to keep the books quiet until the time they were out, but since you're here now you might as well check them out. It's a good time to do that. Plus you get to hear about the series without waiting. What I'm saying is this: If you like mystery books then you need to read these books. If not, I'll pretend I never said that and you won't feel bad about not reading these books because they're not your style. Unless you're also a fan of Dumb & Dumber. Okay, but enough about me. Let's get back to the books. How about we give you a sample, shall we? One of the first things that was on my book list this year was the Fudge book series. It has been on that list for a long time. If not for a long time, then for at least two years. And at that time I had been so focused on getting a real job, it had never really made its way to the top of the list. That was okay though because I was kind of reading just for fun, especially when it came to comics. But in the spring I was offered a job that paid well and I've been working at it for about a month now. But as much as I enjoyed my new job, I was also really missing the comic book store. And then someone suggested I look into webcomics. Now, I'm sure you're saying, "A webcomics?" and you can probably tell by the title of this post that I'm pretty unfamiliar with webcomics. But, when I first heard the word webcomic, it reminded me of one of my favorite authors, Douglas Adams. And when I read his autobiography, So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish, he talks about reading a webcomic when he first started out as an author and how exciting he thought it was. And I totally agreed with him because I used to love reading webcomics. I was reading way too many of them a long time ago and now I just can't remember most of them. I don't even remember how many there were, but I do remember that it was a lot. But hey, the point I'm getting at is that I really liked reading webcomics a long time ago and it didn't seem like I could do it anymore. But when the webcomics person at the new bookstore had recommended The Adventures of Dr. McNinja as a good webcomic, I was intrigued. So, I decided to check it out and was really blown away. It was hilarious and cute and weird and I was hooked. But back to the actual story. If you remember, earlier I mentioned how long it had been since I had been into webcomics. And now that I have an actual job, I don't have as much time to sit down and read it anymore. So, I decided to pick up this book. I love Douglas Adams and I've always loved reading his stuff, but you know what? I've never really gotten into the world of webcomics and that is probably because I didn't know what they were really called. I guess I don't like to be ahead of the curve because that's probably why I'm not as smart as Douglas Adams or Douglas Coupland, although Douglas Coupland is smarter than I am. So this book isn't going to change that, but maybe now I'll learn a few things. I would say this book is pretty long. A good chunk of it is spent on the world of webcomics and how it came about and how the webcomics are read. I learned a lot from this book and I was even a little bit sad that it was over. It was really nice to read about webcomics and learn about it so that maybe I could give webcomics another shot. I don't want to say that my brain is being erased because I'm not saying that it is, but I think that it could. I didn't think I would like this book so much, but I was blown away. It made me start thinking about doing a webcomic and how cool it would be to write one and even better, read one. I might even think about doing a webcomic blog. If you have a favorite webcomic, then I want to hear about it. It's great to hear about the webcomics that you like and sometimes what you love becomes a webcomic. And when that happens, you have to get your hands on that webcomic or read all of the archives. Friday, January 5, 2012 A few weeks ago the wife and I were talking about what we wanted