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Q: JUnit Test case for exception throwing I'm new to Java and JUnit. I have a class that contains a switch-case block. I want to test for all the cases possible error or failure exceptions are thrown. public void testExceptions() { // Call the method that throws exceptions ClassUnderTest.test(); // Check the expected exceptions are thrown List exceptionMessages = TestUtil.checkExceptionThrown(ClassUnderTest.class); assertEquals(true, exceptionMessages.size() > 0); } ClassUnderTest::test: @Override public String test() { int status = Class1.status; switch(status){ case 1: { return "this is the exception"; break; } case 2: { return "this is another exception"; break; } case 3: { return "yet another exception"; break; } case 4: { return "another one"; break; } case 5: { return "this is an exception"; break; } } throw new Class1Exception(); } The expected is that in every case an exception is thrown and hence an exception is thrown. The assertion fails when there is no exception. What am I missing here? I tried it like below and it doesn't work. It still passes for me although I have tested for the expected exception being thrown. //I have used assertions @Test (expected=Class1Exception.class) public void test1() { int status = Class1.status; switch(status){ case 1: { return "this is the exception"; break; } case 2: { return "this is another exception"; break; } case 3: { return "yet another exception"; break; } case 4: { return "another one"; break; } case 5: { return "this is an exception"; break; } } } Is the @Test (expected=Class1Exception.class) correct? I thought it is only going to check if the Expected exception is thrown or not. It checks if it's the same class. I want to make sure that for all the exceptions an exception is thrown. What am I missing here? How can I test this? I also tried using ExpectedException: @Test(expected=Class1Exception.class) public void test1() throws Class1Exception { int status = Class1.status; switch(status){ case 1: { return "this is the exception"; break; } case 2: { return "this is another exception"; break; } case 3: { return "yet another exception"; break; } case 4: { return "another one"; break; } case 5: { return "this is an exception"; break; } } } But it still fails. I wonder why it doesn't work. Can anyone guide me about how I can write JUnit test case for this? A: Is the @Test (expected=Class1Exception.class) correct? Yes it's correct. You need to ensure the test method contains throws clause and that method will be wrapped into try/catch block in the method under test. I want to make sure that for all the exceptions an exception is thrown. I would use @Rule with @Test(expected=...) for this case. There is one caveat in your case - you have no control which is thrown exception. The easiest way to get this work - use Exception: public class MyTest { @Rule public TestRule exceptionHandler = new TestRule() { @Override public Statement apply(final Statement base,final Description description) { return new Statement() { @Override public void evaluate() throws Throwable { try { base.evaluate(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AssertionError("Expected exception", e); } } }; } }; @Test public void test1() throws Class1Exception { int status = Class1.status; switch (status) { case 1: { return "this is the exception"; break; } case 2: { return "this is another exception"; break; } case 3: { return "yet another exception"; break; } case 4: { return "another one"; break; } case 5: { return "this is an exception"; break; } } } } UPDATED: I created a sample code that covers your case: @Test(expected=IllegalArgumentException.class) public void testSwithCase() throws Exception { String test = null; switch (test) { case "1": throw new IllegalArgumentException("this is the exception"); case "2": throw new IllegalArgumentException("this is another exception"); case "3": throw new IllegalArgumentException("yet another exception"); case "4": throw new IllegalArgumentException("another one"); case "5": throw new IllegalArgumentException("this is an exception"); } } public static class MyClass { public void method() { String test = null; switch (test) { case "1": throw new IllegalArgumentException("this is the exception"); case "2": throw new IllegalArgumentException("this is another exception"); case "3": throw new IllegalArgumentException("yet another exception"); case "4": throw new IllegalArgumentException("another one"); case "5": throw new IllegalArgumentException("this is an exception"); } } public static void test(String param) throws IllegalArgumentException { switch (param) { case "1": method(); break; case "2": method(); break; case "3": method(); break; case "4": method(); break; case "5": method(); break; } } } import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Assert; import static org.junit.Assert.*; public class TestClass { @Test public void test() { String test = "1"; Assert.assertNotNull(test); Assert.assertTrue(test == "1" || test == null); try { MyClass.test(test); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Assert.assertEquals(true, true); Assert.assertEquals(e.getMessage(), test); } } @Test public void testShouldPass() throws Exception { String test = "1"; // no throw try { MyClass.test(test); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { Assert.assertEquals(true, true); Assert.assertEquals(e.