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How do New Yorkers feel about gun control? It's complicated. Here's a poll we conducted in 2015. On February 24, 2014, as the New York City Police Department patrol boat was entering Croton Point Park in the Bronx, off the Bronx River, it struck and capsized a small pleasure boat. Three officers lost their lives that day. The NYPD has since taken a number of actions to improve safety and trainings for its personnel, including creating a new safety committee, assigning the officers and the families of the officers killed in the accident to speak at the ceremony marking the memorial statue of the fallen officers, and increasing officer training on how to safely maneuver watercraft. On December 18, 2014, President Barack Obama issued 23 executive actions on gun violence, one of which was to tighten loopholes in federal reporting requirements for gun sales and purchases, and required more reporting on the use of military equipment in civilian communities. The policy changes will require more accurate information from gun dealers and retailers about the buyers and their backgrounds, and make it harder for the mentally ill and dangerous individuals to buy weapons. City leaders are still hoping to change state laws that prohibit the collection of data on gun sales and purchases. On January 15, 2013, as the Senate was debating gun control measures, President Barack Obama announced his intention to use an executive order to ban assault weapons if the Senate failed to pass the measures. That never happened, but in the wake of the tragedy in Newtown, Connecticut, and the failed measures in Congress, Obama used executive action to ban assault weapons. He also promised to work with Congress to limit access to guns for those with mental illness and limit online ammunition sales. In February 2014, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said he would work with legislators to introduce gun control legislation that would allow expanded background checks on gun buyers to prevent gun trafficking, sales and misuse. He also said he would be prepared to sign other measures to further tighten the gun laws. What do these policies and actions mean for New Yorkers? How do New Yorkers feel about gun control? Public Opinion and Gun Control New Yorkers want more gun control, but a recent poll by the Siena Research Institute revealed the complexity of attitudes toward gun policy in the state. The poll, conducted between November 20 and November 30, found that, even though 62 percent of New Yorkers felt that tighter restrictions on gun sales would help reduce gun violence, New Yorkers were split on the prospect of stricter gun laws. Fifty-two percent supported expanded background checks while 48 percent opposed them. Fifty-five percent of New Yorkers support having a firearm in the home for protection, while only 42 percent oppose that position. Sixty-six percent oppose banning assault weapons and 67 percent opposed a ban on high capacity magazines. More than half of New Yorkers — 54 percent — support a renewed ban on assault weapons, and 52 percent are in favor of bans on magazines holding more than 10 rounds. Sixty-three percent of voters in New York approve of the job Mayor Bill de Blasio is doing, while 27 percent disapprove. A majority of New Yorkers, 54 percent, also approve of the job Gov. Andrew Cuomo is doing. Thirty-nine percent disapprove and 7 percent are unsure. There's one silver lining for gun rights advocates, though. Even if the poll's subjects believe the government could do a better job of handling gun violence, there is a slim majority of New Yorkers who also approve of the state's current restrictions on gun rights. Siena Research Institute Public Opinion Research Center In 2013, the U.S. Supreme Court overturned New York’s "may issue" concealed handgun permit law for New York City, but in 2016, Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed into law a new gun control measure. Under the new law, applicants will have to show they have a "proper reason" for seeking a permit. Where does New York rank in the nation on gun control laws? Here are the top 10 states, according to the Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence. New York is in sixth place. In the rankings, New York ranks ahead of states like Alabama, Alaska, Georgia and South Carolina. Sixth place New York: Some measures passed, including prohibition on assault weapons and limits on magazine capacity. Third Place Alaska: Has the least stringent gun control laws. Second Place Hawaii: Require background checks to purchase firearms, but does not require permits. Eleventh Place Texas: Require permits to carry a handgun in public. Tenth Place Illinois: Require background checks to purchase handguns. Ninth Place Connecticut: Require background checks to purchase firearms. Eighth Place Georgia: Require permits to carry a handgun in public. Seventh Place Alaska: Some measures passed, including prohibition on assault weapons and limits on magazine capacity. Sixth Place New York: Some measures passed, including prohibition on assault weapons and limits on magazine capacity. Here are the top 10 states, according to a poll from Pew Research. New York ranks ahead of Alaska, Arizona, and South Dakota. Top 10 States With the Most Liberal Gun Laws Alaska New York Vermont Oregon Hawaii Connecticut California Illinois Washington Maine Top 10 States with the Highest Gun Ownership Rates Alaska Montana Mississippi South Dakota Connecticut Iowa New Hampshire West Virginia Vermont Maine For more on gun control in the United States and around the world, go to Business Insider's home page. http://www.businessinsider.com