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Q: Difference between 'using' and 'import' keyword in php? I want to know the difference between using and import keyword in php. A: That is completely up to you. It will import the variable $foo from that file to the current scope, like if it were a real function: function foo() { return 42; } function bar() { return foo(); } bar(); // outputs 42 If you want to use a class from another file, you can do that too, same as above: class foo{} class bar{} // in bar.php include('baz.php'); class Baz{} $baz = new Baz(); // now we can use $baz in bar.php bar(); // works now, because we included baz.php which brings baz into the current scope Of course, this is a trivial example, but it shows the power and capabilities of importing: // in a.php include('b.php'); class Bar { // b.php does not have a definition for this class protected $baz; function getBaz() { return $this->baz; } } $bar = new Bar(); echo $bar->getBaz(); // outputs 'bar' I hope this is a good example how you can import an entire class from another file. A: using imports a local scope: function hello() { $a = 5; function show() { return $a; } return show(); } $b = hello(); print_r($b); // "5" echo $b(); // 6 if you want to use a class that isn't globally available you can import: bar(); } class FooBar { function bar() { return 5; } } namespace { use FooBar; $foo = new FooBar; $value = $foo->bar(); print_r($value); // 5 } class Foo { protected $baz; public function show() { $this->baz = 3; return $this->baz; } } $x = new Foo; $x->show(); // 3 use statements allow you to use specific classes, objects, interfaces, or traits that you normally can't access in the current scope. using imports a class from another namespace. It doesn't have to be in a file, this is also called an include. A: Well, using just import the class to the current scope (your script). If you want to use it within a function (or class) you have to specify the namespace. For example: // This way your will use it on the current scope. use Namespace\Folder\ClassName; // Or by specifying the name space and the specific folder. use Folder\ClassName; // Now, you can use it like you would if you were in the scope. echo $object->method(); // Or, if you don't use the variable before, you can do it inside the method. class MyClass { function method() { // This will print the hello message. echo $this->message(); } // For exemple, $this->message will be $object->message(). public function __construct() { $this->message = "hello"; } } echo $object->message(); // Prints "hello". Now, you know how to import a class. Let's learn how to create one. This is super simple. class User { public function display() { return "GoodBye World!"; } } function doUserStuff() { return new User; } echo doUserStuff()->display(); // "GoodBye World!". You can include it in another one to use it (import). class PostController extends \BaseController { public function index() { return new User; // Import. } public function create() { return new User; // Import. } } Good luck! See the official documentation about namespaces. Namespace resolution and importing In the PHP grammar, namespaces are introduced using the keyword namespace followed by a namespace name, optionally followed by namespace aliases (not shown above). As namespaces may contain the same name as a class, function or constant, the parser looks for the name as it would in a regular class name. That is, an unqualified class name must be a fully qualified class name and contain the fully qualified class name within a namespace (and the same is true for functions, classes and constants). In the sample below, no names are declared in the root namespace. Therefore, since Foo is not found as a global in the root namespace, the file is treated as a module. As you can see in the above examples, the use keyword is used to bring namespaces into a current scope. namespace Foo; class Bar { function __construct()