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Gender Bender
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Not Going Down Wit
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Hot Girl With a Gr
Mugshot and Public
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You've Got That Pu
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they too me home and left me. He kept wanting to marry me, then stopped and told me he would leave me for the final time if I don’t divorce him. I still don’t understand this. What do I do? Emily, He’s been out of town a lot for business… I would contact a Lawyer and ask them what he could do to get you to change your mind. You might not be willing to listen, or he might be scared to lose you… but they might say something to convince him that you don’t love him. A lawyer is smart and knows what you want! You never know what he’s going to do… if he just doesn’t come back! Is he an alcoholic? Do you have any kids? Will it hurt you to see him go through life without you? If he needs help, is he getting help? A divorce is not the end all be all of things… people stay together all the time… I wouldn’t be upset to be called to the phone to talk to my ex. He’s been there for me and i need that he’s away for business right now. He said he didn’t want a divorce but he feels i’m not being fair because my daughter was always there for him when he was sick and depressed. He said he is the one in pain and wants to stay together. But he’s not happy being single and still in love with me. But it’s still me not him that wants to stay together. We’ve talked about getting help and i don’t know how to know if we will work it out or not. I guess we’ll find out. If he were not around for me then I wouldn’t feel so alone right now. But he said that there’s no point in staying together if we can’t love each other again. So I don’t know if there is a chance of us working things out or not. I want to help him see I’m not the problem in our relationship. And if he doesn’t show up, i will call him when i’m ready to see him. So no matter what the issue is, I think I can talk to him with any problem, but he’s still in pain and unhappy. I have just recently started dating a guy who just wants to be friends because he is very shy and afraid. I am an open person and happy when I am around someone special. I am very romantic and enjoy spending time with him, he has no idea that I do not want a relationship. My question is what is the best way to deal with the situation? Also when will he get over the fear and how do I get him to realize that I love him? I want to enjoy being with this guy but I want to know if he can handle a relationship Thank you for your time and sorry for the rambling response. This is the first time I am asking for advice on here. He’s been with me for 7 months, and we started to have a better relationship after a month. Now we only see each other every other week, and he’s only around me for about 2 days out of the whole week. He calls and wants to spend time together, but the rest of the time I’m at work or busy. We do have an amazing relationship together, but I really want to know how I can keep his interest. I am afraid that he has already found someone to replace me. Also, I know that he doesn’t have a lot of friends so I worry that this is a bad thing. Any advice? All i want to do is meet a guy with a job and that is honest . Im very easy to talk to and love dancing but not much with guys as i am kinda shy at first . Is it to early for a good job to say ” I love you ” I am young 21 and I feel like there’s so many problems to over come . And Im afraid if I just put my heart out there and it gets hurt. I also don’t think my mom knows how to be alone . What do you do when you have your mom’s permission to move in with a guy who isn’t boyfriend material? I’ve been dating my man for 1 1/2 yrs, and it’s like he’s ready for the whole exclusive deal. When he was still looking for a house I never said I would move in, only if it’s right. Now that he’s found one we want to move in together, and I’ve been getting a lot of push backs and “are you sure?” from my mom. And my mom is definitely NOT okay with being single. I know she thinks I will be at home all the time. But I also can’t live with him and be his “girlfriend” on the side, so the two of us will be together most of the time, but living with my mom still, while he also makes his own money to make ends meet and we plan on getting an apartment together. Am I right to be hesitant to do this? Will I just be creating a new problem? Should I just stop my man from looking for that house? I’m going through a very similar thing, its 2 days now and I’ve been dating this guy for 1 month. I’ve never been this invested before in a guy, even when I had my boyfriend. It took us three weeks to date because his ex girlfriend contacted him 4 days in and asked if he wanted to get back with her. She was pregnant with his baby. She also lied to him and didn’t tell him she was pregnant. They dated for 3 months after he broke up with her, before she got pregnant. I feel bad for this girl because she tried her best to get back with him, but now she has been lying and deceiving him and there is this part of him that is broken and cannot move on. Me and this guy never met so we were both at loss when this happened and he’s hurt me too, but we want to give it one more try and I’m 100% he’s the one. The only thing is he doesn’t have any friends around him, so he really is hurting. This past weekend we went to a wedding where he did not know anyone, not even me and he’s had depression before. I really want to be with him but I want to ask for his dad’s permission first. He has a dad and mother who are divorced. So I don’t want to cause a big fight with his parents if this works out, but at the same time I’m afraid we may be moving on too fast. His ex is like a drug that they couldn’t live without, and as I just found out yesterday that she is pregnant with his baby and that they have been broken up for one year, but he still does not want to give up on her. So basically I’m at a loss. They went off to buy her a ring for her 3rd child, which I think was their surprise for her for her birthday. So she has been planning this for quite some time. I’m stuck between giving this guy another chance or just let this relationship go. I hate lying to someone who I want to be my future with and I just don’t know how I should proceed with this situation. I have been dating my boyfriend for 8 months now we live in 2 diffrent countries, and there’s no way we can be together long distance. We have been talking to each other since August so 2 months went by really fast. We are getting into a serious relationship we are very romantic with each other, its weird he thinks he can put our feelings first and make all the plans for both of us and I don’t expect that from him, all we do is fight over him and he always has an excuse, yet he doesn’t notice when I make plans with my friends or when he tells me its none of my business who I text on whats app to. He says he is going to be the best boyfriend ever for me and that our relationship will last for the rest of my life but I’m terrified it won’t. He can’t keep a straight face and I know he doesn’t want to be with me but his words never match his actions. My boyfriend and I have been dating for 2 years now. I know things started out real good between us but now he wants to move too fast and is ignoring me. He seems like he is so in love with me when we are together, but then he’ll say or do something that makes me question if he’s really committed to me. He’s been a little distant lately, and I know things are on the line between us so I want to break up with him. I have no idea how he’ll react or what he will say, I just want to break up with him and move on. I’m not sure why I’m so stuck on him and don’t want to leave, I feel like I just want to be with him forever and I need to figure out how to get him to commit to me. I need his time and attention, I don’t feel the same way. I can’t force him to listen or give me the time of day. If he doesn’t see how much I need him, he may not see me moving on. Help! I am currently in a relationship with a girl who have a son that is 2 months younger than me, he