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Vegan-based Diet bio performance claims: A claim that a food meets a specific dietary standard or that a food possesses a particular nutrient content. If the nutrients in a food are well known, the presence of the nutrient or nutrients in the food may be claimed by reference to the nutritional criteria for the food and/or by an appropriate claim to that effect (or any similar claim that includes the same nutrient or nutrients). The criteria for qualifying as a food-based Diet bio performance claim are also well known and will be found in Codex Standard for Food and Ingredients as follows: ‘A claim that a food meets a specific dietary standard or that a food possesses a particular nutrient content. Such claims shall be made only on the basis of a comparison of the nutrient or nutrient intake per serving, portion or unit of the food with the nutritional requirements of a healthy human adult (under age 80). A claim that a food is a suitable source of one or more essential nutrients, other than the intended essential nutrients. A claim that a food has a high content of vitamins, minerals or other substances with established biological value. Such claims shall be made only on the basis of a comparison of the nutrient or nutrient intake per serving, portion or unit of the food with the nutritional requirements of a healthy human adult (under age 80).’ The claim may be made on the basis of the absence of a nutrient that is a standard in a certain population or population group, provided that the claim relates to the lack of a nutrient which is essential or which increases the need for essential nutrients. A claim relating to the presence of certain substances (other than vitamins and minerals) in the form of ingredients or their by-products, that are generally recognized as being safe for use as ingredients for human consumption. General labeling claims regarding dietary substances: A claim that relates to the lack of some substance or substances in a food, other than the intended essential nutrients, the presence of a substance in a food, other than the intended essential nutrients or the removal of some substance or substances in a food, other than the intended essential nutrients; or a claim that refers to an amount of a substance in a food which exceeds the amount required to be declared on the label, unless the food has been produced from a nutritionally unbalanced or highly processed starting material. Ingredient listing: Any declaration regarding the presence or absence of one or more ingredients in a food and/or any declaration that one or more ingredients are present in a particular amount. The declaration may apply to a composite food product or to a single ingredient. Laymen can obtain clear and detailed advice about Nutrition in simple words and jargon free. If you are a nutritionist and you have difficulty in explaining the scientific jargon to the laymen. Then you must visit Nutrinet website. They will clear your doubts in less than 3 minutes, You will love to learn about nutritional science. This blog will also help you to clear your doubts. In this blog we will talk about nutrition, which is a topic which most of us people are not familiar with. Even after reading this blog you may feel bored to learn about it and may say that it is a boring topic. On the other hand, it may be very interesting and exciting for you. Even after reading all the topics related to Nutrition from this website, you may say that these are a boring topics and why the heck we are wasting our time learning about them. But, you have got a lot of good thing from it and no one can deny that how much we need it to live a happy and prosperous life. I think we cannot deny anything in this world. Who can not give importance to their health? What about some people who think that they do not have enough time to learn about these topics? You know why they spend more time to play on social media sites rather than watching movie. That is the reason they do not understand these topics fully. If they have time, they will learn this topic and the interesting thing about learning is that it never stays only with you. These topics never die with us. These topics help us throughout our life, when we feel sick, our health problems are solved when we are not conscious of it. Then we gain knowledge about these topics after some days or even months, when we try to remember a particular question or issue regarding Nutrition. No matter you are sick or in a good health condition, there will be something related to these topics in our lives. As you know, we are surrounded by technology on every side and we always learn from it. For example, if we learn about health from some technology, then it will not waste time of ours and it can give you very good things. It is true that we want to learn more from people rather than technologies to know more about us, what are they searching for in the world, how they are living and so on. There are numerous technologies which can teach you everything about these topics, but if you are not an expert in using those technologies, you may not able to get exact information from them. Now, you may be thinking about the benefits of learning about Nutrition and I am sure that you must be looking for those in this site. The main topics which I will talk about are: The importance of Nutrition: We know that we need nutrition in our day to day lives. But do we know how much important are those in our life? We know that we get almost everything from Nature, then Why not Nutrition? Well, it is important to learn about how important it is. The importance of Nutrition can be explained better by saying that it can help you to stay healthy or be sick. Can we avoid it? No, it is impossible, we cannot avoid this topic. If we cannot avoid this topic, then it is very important for us to stay healthy. If you know the reasons of getting sick or disease, it will be a little bit hard for you to prevent them and this is the part of knowledge related to our health. If you start eating right and start learning about Nutrition, your life will be safe and secure. Well, you can know about it. Now, there are plenty of things in the market which can provide you health care or health benefits. If you want to learn more about this topic and to know the ways to avoid sickness and live a healthy life, then this blog is for you. What are foods and their benefits? When you talk about food, then you will find some amazing benefits associated with it and when you eat the right food or food items then you will find that you are getting many benefits from it. You can read this post to get some information on the ways to save money on your food while spending some time and money in traveling. How can we enjoy or eat these food items? It will be good if we know the process of enjoying or eating these food items and the ways to find the right food items when we are traveling or visiting a particular place. This is not the easiest task for us to find the foods. We have to spend some time on search, this can be very hectic task for us but if you have enough information related to it, then it will not be difficult for you. It is a good practice to start your day with the breakfast and it is recommended to have the healthy breakfast every day. Many people do not know about the importance of having breakfast in our daily life. Even I would like to tell you that how important it is to eat some healthy breakfast, I have some very important information which you can read in this post and read it to know more about this topic. Are there any foods which we cannot eat in breakfast? No, there is no need to worry about that you can enjoy your breakfast with almost any food items which you like to eat. In fact, you can have some special food items with your breakfast, this is the main purpose for having some breakfast every day. There is no need to know about the names of those foods and many people like to eat breakfast without knowing about the name of the food. But if you know the names and benefits of those foods then it can help you to understand the importance of having breakfast every day. If you read this post, then you can know about some amazing benefits of having breakfast and the benefits related to them, you will find some tasty food items which are useful for you to improve your health. Well, it is better to learn about this topic before you start having breakfast, this is because if you do not have the knowledge about this topic, then it may cause some problems in your life and you may face some difficulties in your daily life. What are nutrients? What is nutrition? You may have thought that you are knowing about nutrition, but it is not a good idea to know about it just by thinking about it. You may be aware of the need for having Nutrition in our daily life, but if you do not have the knowledge about the components of Nutrition, then it will not be easy for you to find the correct answers to the questions related to this topic. You may spend your time or money on wrong things without knowing about the mistakes you made or you may know about some amazing benefits of having good nutrition. Nutrition is important for us and as it is a very wide topic, we may need to know more about it. If you are interested in this topic, then you can read this post to get some basic information about it. Well, you can say that Nutrition is a complex topic because it contains