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Dinner, Movie and
The Ultimate Shock
Hot Girl With a Grudge - Part 1 I was taking the last bites of my burrito, a lunch I worked so hard for, when a voice that sounded like mine screamed, "NO!" but not because it was delicious. I'm talking really good, fresh tortilla shelled-Mexican style, spicy and warm, burrito. It was the first thing I could think of when I walked into my apartment building, but when I turned back around, the burrito was no longer sitting in my hands and I was standing alone, in a cloud of smoke. My vision was dark, and every ounce of hope that I had ever had disappeared into nothing. "NO!" a voice shouted again. "NO! NO!" All I could do was scream back at it, my voice shaking as I tried to get it to quiet down. "I'M SORRY." It said. "I'M SO SORRY. I THOUGHT I TOLD YOU TO LET GO OF THAT GUN!" I said. "YES, I'M SO SORRY. THANK YOU." it said. "THAT MEANS SO MUCH TO ME, PLEASE JUST HANG UP." I said, as I fell to the ground, head in my hands. I had an entire day of plans and even more dreams to come. I wanted to find that person who had come back from the dead to show me I could finally be happy, that I could live forever. I didn't care how hard it was for me. But what if I lost another one? "STOP." I finally screamed at the world. It didn't respond. It was silent. Then I started screaming at my own mind. "SHUT UP!! STOP TALKING TO ME! I WANT TO DIE!" But nothing happened. I couldn't get that gun out of my head, and the person who killed me was still sitting in front of me. "YOU HAVE TO STOP THIS." I said, as I lifted myself up to my feet. I took a few steps back, away from the voice that was trying to torture me. "STOP IT!" I screamed, before collapsing once again. I didn't know why I was still alive. I figured out how to get rid of my ghost in the last chapter. If he was after my money, he probably would have killed me a long time ago. But for some reason, he was still here. I was starting to feel like I was going to go crazy. The voice went on and on about me being nice, but that's not what's important, I told myself. As I sat there, waiting for the voice to come back, I thought about how I was going to do a little project. I had waited months for it, and once I found it, it was going to be even better than all my other projects put together. But I couldn't do anything, because that voice wouldn't stop talking. My dreams went by so slow, and I couldn't think of one thing to do to move on with them. The only thing I could think of was getting a gun and killing myself. Then, another thought came to me, one that surprised me because it wasn't something I would ever think of. "Maybe he was the one who was hurt." I said. I wasn't thinking straight. I was getting so worked up. I grabbed my phone and searched for that person. I was going to see if this person in front of me was actually the person I wanted to die. I was still trying to figure out how to leave a message, but I just wanted to read the whole thing. "Hi, how you doing? Are you around this area? I need you, or just tell me what you're doing right now." I said, when I found out his number and dialed. I didn't have any dreams on my mind. I didn't know anything. "Hi, it's me, you know the one with the red hair. I really need you, it's really important. I mean, please just give me a call back, please!" I said, before hanging up. I knew this wasn't going to end well, but I just wanted to get the person back and leave him or her a note or something. Then, as quickly as the last, this person was back. "You need me to talk?" It said. "It's me. We need to talk. We have to talk." I said. I didn't want to kill myself. I really don't want to die. All I really needed was someone to talk to, the same way you would talk to your parents if you couldn't see them. "No one can see you?" it said. "The only people that see me, are those who do not want to be haunted, or they're so scared to look into their own souls they can't sleep. So, yes, no one can see me." I said, as I sat down again. I had nothing to say to this voice and I had nothing to say about the situation. I didn't know if I should just be thankful the voice came back, or if I should be mad it didn't come sooner. All I knew was that the more people try to escape, the more people just die. We all want to get away from ourselves, but we can't. No one knows who is really hurting. Who really cares if someone dies? No one. No one cares. No one knows what it's like to see someone fall apart before your eyes. No one knows what it's like to love someone so badly it makes you hate yourself. No one knows what it's like to feel empty, like you're missing something and you can never find it. No one knows what it's like to feel alone. No one. No one is ever going to understand what I went through. I am no one. I mean, I am everyone. I have been so many people. I have been everyone except myself, the one person who would be best for me. I can't keep thinking about this forever. I have to find a way to put it all in my bag of tricks and go on with life, knowing I am still no one. That's when it came back. The ghost was back. It took a deep breath, calming me down to let me know it was safe. It also gave me a few examples of what it knew from my life. "You've been in these situations before, haven't you?" it asked. "I know exactly how you feel." I said. "That's why I've never made any friends and I've never been able to go to the same classes twice in my life. Nobody understands what it's like to see your own future, especially when it doesn't make any sense. I would never have done any of this if it wasn't for her. But there are some things you can't understand." The ghost said. "I know you mean that you're scared to die." It said. "I understand." I said. "But I can't stop thinking about it. I've tried to move on, but I can't do it anymore." It said. "Are you doing this to make me feel bad?" I asked. "If that's the case, I can die right now." I said, as I started to reach for my hand gun, pulling the trigger until there was nothing left of my hands, my wrists, the gun. "I want you to die." I said. "I want you to die and leave me alone. That's it, then." I said. I don't know why it didn't work, but at least that voice wasn't going to bother me for a while. I took my phone and texted a picture of myself to my friend. "Hey, I'm in a bad mood. I need to see you." I said. "When?" she asked. "Now." I said. I sent the message, got my bag, and walked out of the door. "I need you to tell me what I am, because I don't know who I am." I said, as the girl started following me out of the bar. "Let me get this straight." She said, grabbing my arm. "You want me to be your therapist." "No," I said. "Let me explain. This voice I have in my head tells me things that only someone who understands me could ever understand, but I don't know who to tell it to. Now you want me to be your therapist,