Are We Gonna Live
Job Search, Dice,
Over the long term
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Girls Gone Wilder
The Gods Are Angry
Adult MP3, 18+
Nude Beach Satelli
YOLO, Let's Play!

There's comfort in
Momma didn't raise
Blackmail or Betra
What About Me?
Shocking! Simply S
If It Smells Like
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Plan Voodoo
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That's Love, Baby! It Makes You Strong! With the release of "The Rhythm of the Heart," this single is a reminder of all that is magical about music. In his music, Dimitri brings his entire soul onto the scene. The song is driven by a driving riff and a strong, funky beat. He uses his voice, his body, and the guitar to move the music forward. To the delight of his fans, the song was produced by his wife Michelle, who wrote the lyrics. This kind of collaboration is what makes life sweet! When we are really happy in our relationship and relationship with ourselves, we do not only sing about it to ourselves—we actually sing about it to others. Then we are expressing our joy not only to our spouse, but to others around us as well. Music, like all expressions of our emotions, can build us up or break us down. Through music we praise our Creator, pray to Him, and weep before Him. We are also encouraged to give to Him when we are low and hurting. We are reminded to be patient and tolerant with one another. So many of us spend our lives looking at one another in silence; instead of looking each other in the eye and talking with one another, we turn away, we look at our devices, and we listen to other music. When Dimitri was on the scene, he never turned away from his fans. He looked you in the eye, smiled and danced with you. He was very passionate about his music and that passion is evident in his song "That's Love, Baby! It Makes You Strong!" This song talks about how your love for one another will encourage you in a time of sadness and when things get really hard. It tells you how to persevere in the hard times by using your hearts strength. It is a song that explains what God has in store for us when we truly allow Him into our hearts. It is a song of praise and thankfulness. The Bible says that when we are praised by others and we hold them in our hearts, God will respond to us. When we praise Him, He will be with us. Just as Dimitri looked at you and sang out of the joy of his heart, we should do the same. It does not have to be about music; it can be about something we are doing for others or maybe even about our relationship with God. Dimitri's life was one of singing for joy and then one of turning away when he was hurting. This happened because he went to his Father with the full force of his emotions and then turned away from His presence. He did not turn away from Jesus; he turned away from His own feelings and emotions. He was so busy trying to do everything himself that he forgot to listen to his Creator. This is what happens when we become attached to our feelings and emotions. We cannot listen to God when we are thinking about our hurt, our anger, and our emotions. We cannot listen to God when we are full of our own anger and our own hurt. But if we stop for a moment, really listen, then we will be able to hear God. It is in those moments that He wants us to come to Him and talk about our dreams, our needs, and our problems. It is in those moments that we must be able to talk with Him about anything that bothers us. If you have a question about a relationship, career, job, or anything else, do not wait. Pray and get in touch with your Creator before you do anything to solve your problem. Dimitri looked at his fans, listened to the Father, and sang this song in honor of His love for them. He reminded everyone of the one true source of strength. ### Chapter Thirty You and Me Music is important to me, but it is not all there is to me. I have many other talents that I have developed over the years, and these talents and abilities are important to me as well. What is important to you is important to me and I can sense that we are the same person. The difference between you and me is that I was able to discover and develop my gifts while you were not able to do so. As a result, you have been influenced by negative images of yourself and your gifts, and while you thought you were doing everything on your own, you were really doing things because of the fear that has come into your heart over and over again. This fear is due to memories of past experiences. We, as human beings, are only able to see as far as the end of our arm. This makes us vulnerable and very susceptible to being influenced by our own past. It is because of this past that we have to realize that we do not have to remain trapped in our memories. We can break the chain of our past that keeps us from becoming who we were created to be. By looking back at your history, you can be sure of one thing. You can be sure that you are not who you used to be. You have transformed yourself into the new you. You may have had some bumps and bruises along the way, but you are not going to stay where you are. No matter where you are, you will always be moving. Even when you have done some of the worst things you have ever done, you are still the same good person that you were before. What happened is behind you. What you need to do is begin again and move forward into a new day and new light. What I am trying to tell you is that you do not have to worry about your history, and you do not have to worry about your present either. All that is important is now. You can still be the same person you were before, but you will see things differently. It is no longer important what has happened to you in the past. Your past can never be erased. What you have to focus on is your present. The present is what you are living in now, and you are going to make it the best day ever. My life is my focus now. It is not my past. It is not my life five years ago. It is not my life ten years ago. My life is what I do now, right now, right here. When I begin to think about my life, I think about where I am in this very moment. I will not always be able to do this, but I am striving to live each day the way I want it to be. You will know that your life has changed when you get to the end of your day and you realize you can go to bed at night without crying about your life. You have been feeling and doing some of these things because of your past. Your past comes in and it keeps you going even though you don't want it to. You know it is affecting your future, but there is nothing you can do about it. The only way to end your negative past is to change it. You can either sit here and try to pretend that you are not affected by your past or you can take action and change the path you are taking. That action is to move forward with life. There is a light at the end of every tunnel, and the light you need to see right now is the light that is right in front of you. It is your present. It is your life. It is what you want. It is what you need right now. The present is what you are living right now. My life is my focus now. It is not my past. It is not my life five years ago. It is not my life ten years ago. My life is what I do now, right now, right here. When I begin to think about my life, I think about where I am in this very moment. You have to stop living in the past and you have to learn how to live in the present. You have to learn to focus on the life you are living right now. That is why I want to talk with you. You have many gifts that are untapped, and you have to realize they are there if you would just listen to what they are saying. The only way you will hear them is if you turn off the radio and turn on your own personal music. You have to turn off the music of pain and anger and you must replace it with the music of joy and love. God placed you here with a purpose, and that purpose is to be of service to others. The more service you give, the more you will receive. You were created for a reason, but the world does not know how to use you. Because the world is blind, it does not know how to use you. It is the same thing that is happening in all of our lives. We were put here on this earth to love and to help. We were created with purpose, and that purpose is for you to have the best life you could possibly have. When your life becomes a reflection of the life you have in your heart, then you will begin to know yourself. You have to learn how to love and you have to learn how to laugh. You have to learn how to smile and you have to learn how to feel your heart filling up with the knowledge of God's love. You can experience that love in so many different ways, and the more you do, the more it will fill you with joy. My life is my focus now. It is not my past. It is not my life five years ago. It is not my life ten years ago. My life is what I do now, right now, right here.