Don't Cry Over Spi
If It Smells Like
Shocking! Simply S
What About Me?
Blackmail or Betra
Momma didn't raise
There's comfort in
That's Love, Baby!
Are We Gonna Live
Job Search, Dice, Plan Voodoo",
"plan-zombie-plan-3": "A zombie plan",
"skill-proficiency-maneuver-3": "Maneuver",
"skill-proficiency-maneuver-4": "Maneuver (advanced)",
"skill-proficiency-melee-1": "Melee",
"skill-proficiency-melee-2": "Melee (advanced)",
"skill-proficiency-spellcasting-2": "Spellcasting",
"skill-proficiency-spellcasting-3": "Spellcasting (advanced)",
"skill-proficiency-stealth-1": "Stealth",
"skill-proficiency-stealth-2": "Stealth (tactics)",
"skill-proficiency-stealth-3": "Stealth (advanced)",
"special-u": "Special",
"weapon-proficiency-melee-2": "Melee",
"weapon-proficiency-melee-3": "Melee (advanced)",
"weapon-proficiency-ranged-2": "Ranged",
"weapon-proficiency-ranged-3": "Ranged (advanced)",
"special-attack-roll": "Attack roll",
"roll": "Roll",
"roll-u": "Roll",
"attack-u": "Attack",
"melee-u": "Melee",
"weapon-u": "Weapon",
"damage-u": "Damage",
"effects-u": "Effects",
"dmg-type-ph": "Dmg. Type & Pen.",
"effects:-u": "Effects:",
"details:-u": "Details:",
"common-dmg:-u": "Common damage:",
"specific-dmg:-u": "Specific damage:",
"magic-dmg:-u": "Magic damage:",
"roll-for-saves:-u": "Roll for saves:",
"save-dc:-u": "Save DC:",
"spell-dc:-u": "Spell save DC:",
"weight:-u": "Weight:",
"encumbrance:-u": "Encumbrance:",
"ammo-u": "Ammo",
"ammunition:-u": "Ammunition used:",
"hprecovery-u": "Hp recovery",
"notes-u": "Other notes",
"conditions-u": "Conditions",
"power-mods-u": "Power mods.",
"modified-powers:-u": "Modified powers:",
"upper-body-u": "Upper body",
"strength-u": "Strength",
"agility-u": "Agility",
"psychic-powers-u": "Psychic powers.",
"social-u": "Social",
"perception-u": "Perception",
"special-defenses-u": "Special defenses.",
"upper-body-suff": "Upper body",
"armor-u": "Armor",
"lower-body-u": "Lower body",
"special-attacks-u": "Special attacks and defenses.",
"hit-points-u": "Hit Points",
"current-hit-points:-u": "Current Hit Points:",
"max-hit-points:-u": "Max Hit Points:",
"immobilized:-u": "Immobilized:",
"unconscious:-u": "Unconscious:",
"death-save-u": "Death Save",
"death-saves:-u": "Death Saves:",
"death-1": "You suffer -1 ongoing wound.",
"death-2": "You suffer -2 ongoing wounds and have -2 healing capacity until the start of your next turn.",
"death-3": "You suffer -3 ongoing wounds and have -4 healing capacity until the start of your next turn.",
"death-4": "You suffer -4 ongoing wounds and have -6 healing capacity until the start of your next turn. When reduced to 0 hit points, you die instantly.",
"epic-damage-u": "EPIC DAMAGE!",
"madness-u": "MADNESS",
"insanity-u": "INSANITY",
"custom-u": "CUSTOM",
"char-size-u": "CHARACTER SIZE",
"innocence-u": "INNOCENCE",
"player-u": "PLAYER",
"adjudicate-u": "Adjudicate",
"raise-u": "RAISE",
"status-u": "Status",
"treason-u": "TREASON",
"law-u": "LAW",
"break-u": "BREAK",
"mutiny-u": "MUTINY",
"justice-u": "JUSTICE",
"corruption-u": "CORRUPTION",
"crime-u": "CRIME",
"patience-u": "PATIENCE",
"cruelty-u": "Cruelty",
"cruelty-2-u": "Cruelty (x2)",
"indulgence-u": "INDULGENCE",
"community-u": "COMMUNITY",
"ban-u": "BAN",
"physique-u": "PHYSique",
"money-u": "MONEY",
"family-u": "FAMILY",
"player-name-u": "PLAYER NAME",
"enemy-name-u": "ENEMY NAME",
"enemy-u": "ENEMY",
"homeland-u": "HOMELAND",
"ally-u": "ALLY",
"spirit-attributes-u": "Spirit attributes",
"presence-u": "Presence",
"path-u": "PATH",
"spi-roll-u": "Spi",
"suf-u": "Suf",
"succ-u": "Succ",
"fail-u": "Fail",
"mental-focus-u": "Mental Focus",
"composure-u": "Composure",
"conviction-u": "Conviction",
"virtue-u": "Virtue",
"vice-u": "Vice",
"skill-u": "SKILL",
"skill-level-u": "SKILL LEVEL",
"char-points-u": "CP",
"tool-u": "TOOL",
"defence-u": "DEFENCE",
"weapons-u": "WEAPONS",
"damage-u": "DAMAGE",
"attack-u": "ATTACK",
"range-u": "RANGE",
"qualities-u": "QUALITIES",
"power-points-u": "PP",
"magic-points-u": "MP",
"prepared-u": "PREPARED",
"spirit-points-u": "SP",
"succ-roll-u": "Succ",
"fail-roll-u": "Fail",
"mental-focus-roll-u": "Focus",
"composure-roll-u": "Comp",
"conviction-roll-u": "Conv",
"virtue-roll-u": "Vert",
"vice-roll-u": "Vice",
"skill-roll-u": "Skill",
"tool-roll-u": "Tool",
"defence-roll-u": "Def",
"weapons-roll-u": "Weap",
"damage-roll-u": "Dmg",
"attack-roll-u": "Att",
"range-roll-u": "Rng",
"qualities-roll-u": "Qual",
"power-points-roll-u": "PP",
"magic-points-roll-u": "MP",
"spirit-points-roll-u": "Spirit",
"spirit-points-u": "SP",
"attacks-u": "ATTACKS",
"weapon-roll-u": "Weap",
"weapon-damage-roll-u": "Dmg",