Plan Voodoo
Don't Cry Over Spi
If It Smells Like
Shocking! Simply S
What About Me?
Blackmail or Betra
Momma didn't raise
There's comfort in
That's Love, Baby!
Are We Gonna Live

Culture Shock and
Video Games, XBOX,
Old and New Bonds
This Has Never Hap
A Very Simple Plan
Back From The Outb
I’ve never seen a
My Word Is My Bond
Let me help you cr
Wow, that's a great video." "Thanks, guys." "That's a keeper." "Let's take it up a notch." "Salsa-chic is so '90s, but..." "What was that?" "I think your car was outside the frame, babe." "Okay." "Let's take it up a notch, huh?" "Here we go." "Now, this is how you eat pizza." "So much better." "This is perfect." "Now, this would be a good one to send in to Baz Luhrmann, right?" "This is what I want to watch online." "This is kind of perfect." "What do you guys think?" "Who wants more pizza?" "We can get more pizza." "Mom, I want more pizza." "Okay." "I just need a little bit of a break." "Okay, it's okay." "Don't freak out." "I just..." "Okay." "Pizza night was going fine." "The only thing that was off, other than the pizza, was the mood." "So if we're going to throw some pizza in a dishwasher, it can only be to build some kind of connection, so we know where we stand." "Now, if we can get it going." "Meredith's here." "Where are you guys?" "Guess who's back?" "No one's home." "All right." "Well, that's weird, because we have reservations for four people at 8:00, and that's not happening." "All right, I don't understand, is your phone not working?" "Did you..." "I told you to charge the phone." "No one was home." "No one." "You want to eat at 4:00 a.m.?" "Hey, buddy." "What is..." "What is that?" "A bouncy house." "Yeah." "You want a piece of pizza in that?" "What the hell are you doing with a bouncy house?" "Are you serious right now?" "Why are you so angry?" "Why are you so cranky, so upset, all the time?" " I'm not upset." " I'm just..." "That's a child's toy." "What do you need that for?" "Why are you going to the mall right now?" "It's 10:30." "Let's not do this." "No, I'm gonna do it." "I'm not taking this anymore." "You're mad at me about what happened at the mall, and I can't even defend myself." "The whole thing is stupid." "And I don't understand why people can't go somewhere without having to go home to their stupid, horrible jobs, and just be happy." "I just..." "I get it." "I get it, okay?" "We're not together, just let me do my thing." "You know, this is my life." "I'm building a life." "I'm trying to move on, and you're hanging onto it." "And it's over between you and me, so let me just do what I got to do, and then get out of my life." "What do you think you're doing?" "You can't just be mad all the time and expect everything to just stay the way you like it." "I know, okay?" "That's not what I'm doing." "Please, stop it, just stop it." "We're not together." "Stop." "Stop doing that." "Stop it." "We're not together!" "We're not together!" "Well, he was here." "I'll call him back." "Or I'll call his wife." "We can do this in person." "Why can't you just support me?" "Can't you just be my wife?" "He didn't come home." "Well, I don't know." "I'm sure it's fine, just tell me, where is he?" "Well, he's upstairs in his room, but he doesn't want to talk to you." "No, I'm sure it's fine." "I just want to talk to him." "He really needs to see you now." "Please." "I'm not going away." "This is my family, too, and I need to know that I'm part of this family." "We can't discuss..." "You have to talk to him." "This is not up for discussion!" "Okay." "Good luck, Daddy." "Okay, fine." "Let's go talk to him." "Don't you talk to him." "Come on, we're a family." "We're a family!" "Everybody!" "Everybody, sit down!" "Come on." "It's okay, let me explain the situation." "This is the door I want to open." "This is the one I want to go through." "We're going to let him have his day and we're going to sit and take it like a family." "No more yelling and no more yelling and no more..." "Yeah, come in." "I'm sorry I missed dinner." "We were working late." "We are a family, too." "I know." "That's why I wanted to talk to you about this before it gets lost in the shuffle." "I know you have some questions." "Yeah." "Hey, buddy." "What's going on?" "Hi, Daddy." "So..." "What are you doing?" "Did you see my video?" "Mom gave it to me." "She said you wanted to be there for me, but that doesn't sound like you." "There's not enough space on there for all of the things that I want to do with her." "Well, do you want to be there for him?" "No." "I don't." "You don't?" "That is not fair." "I want to be there for him." "That is my job." "That is what I get paid for." "You don't want to go there, but I do." "And I am his family, and I should be there for him." "Mom shouldn't have done that." "Do you think you can be there for him without me?" "I know I can't." "Do you think he'll get over it if I'm not there for him?" "No, he won't." "And I'm never coming to see you again, ever again." "I can't say it any louder." "I can't say it any louder." "Hello?" "Sorry." "Yeah?" "You see how I'm always a little better?" "When I'm with you, things are fine." "I want to live with you forever." "Yeah, it's great, but, uh..." "You know, it's not what you want." "I'm the one that needs to be there for you." "I'm the one that needs you to be there for me." "I can't do it without you." "I'm sorry." "I just..." "I need to know I'm doing the right thing." "I'm doing the right thing, okay?" "No, you're not." "No, I'm not, I'm not." "I'm so..." "I'm so sorry that you feel that way." "Please don't say that." "But I can't stay with you." "I can't be with you right now." "I'm sorry, that's how it has to be right now, okay?" "Please don't take that away from me." "It's okay." "Okay." "I will..." "I will call you, okay?" "Oh, this..." "I don't want to keep saying it, but this has to be done, okay?" "So... okay." "Bye." "Bye." "Okay." "We can't live this way, and I need to make this right." "It's gonna be okay." "I want to be there for him, but..." "Hey, he's the one that doesn't want to be with us, so, unfortunately, this is how it's gotta be." "Come on, let's go." "You got any more boxes?" "Not now." "Not now." "Hey." "He was out of the house for less than five minutes." "How was he at all?" "Was there food in there?" "Yeah." "Then he went out." "There's no sign of him being fed in there." "Yeah, but he had time to eat a box of cereal." "I'll go get him some dinner in a minute." "He didn't sleep all night." "He didn't sleep all night." "He wouldn't come to bed, he'd go right back down there." "He wouldn't stop." "And I came up there and..." "Yeah." "And then I just slept in my room." "Where are the fucking keys?" "He wanted to sleep up in the chair, and he wouldn't get out of the chair." "What was he doing there?" "I don't know." "And I found him down there when I came out, and then he went upstairs, and he ate all of that cereal." "And he knows we have cereal." "He goes down there all the time, and he just starts eating cereal, and he's not doing anything." "So I thought maybe he'd be fine, you know." "I thought he'd sleep all night or something, but he wouldn't get out of the chair." "That was it." "Now I don't know what