Don't Say Anything
When you need to l
It started rough,
It's a Turtle?!
Who wrote this?
Each time you will
New employees have
Box Office Movies,

Big Trek, Big Trou
Honey Badger
It's Getting the B
I was a fan of her
AARP, Carnival Cru
A Tale of Two Citi
No Pain, No Gain
It will be about t
Good and Guilty
Gender Wars...It's Getting Ugly Out There What started with a few feminists pointing out that sexism is harmful and hurtful is getting out of hand and spreading beyond that, and that women and young girls are now beginning to fear for their safety because the men are getting aggressive and physical. I'm not sure how I'd summarize this topic but I'll give it my best shot. If you are a woman (of any age) remember that you are a human being first. Not a man, not a female. Most importantly: A HUMAN BEING! I know it can be hard sometimes. But for real, stop being mean to the men and boys because of their hormones. Boys who are getting picked on are not weak or pathetic. It's horrible what those girls are doing to those boys, they deserve support, not mockery and hate. Let's get them support and not get them bullied even more! This is an epidemic problem, so it's time we do something to fix it. What is there to fix? Well, it would be nice to see more awareness from women to just be nicer to the males and stop being harrasing and bullying them. I know it can be hard not to harass and bully those boys, but if they come up to you asking for your help maybe give it to them instead of just telling them to not ask you for help or stop talking to you altogether. They are human beings as well! Men also need to be kind to those girls. Please stop being mean. In fact, I don't know about you, but it makes me very sad and sad at the same time to see those boys cry, harassed and all alone in a corner with their books just staring at them. What is going on? I know that you might have had a hard life, and you've got nothing else to talk to. You have no friends or even friends, but please...just talk to us to us. The majority of the boys out there is not mean to you. We are not that kind of people. We are a kind of people who are in search of help. Please, just don't be like the boys that hurt the girls. They are so scared of losing their job or being bullied even more, it makes them do these kind of things. That is the problem, the girls that are being mean to them. I know it can be hard to believe that it's because of the girls and not because of something we do. But we don't want to hurt them either, but these girls are doing that. And you should help us by getting that anger out of us and stop being mean to us, as well. It's not nice to bully guys. If you know that you will get bullied and harassed just because you look like a girl don't go to the library anymore or just stop talking to guys... Well, yes you are. When you go to the library, you go there to study or read. No, we don't like talking to guys we don't know. And why would we want to talk to you if you're mean to us? It's simple: we don't want to get bullied anymore. I don't know if that's really nice for you to say, but I do understand your reaction. Maybe you are looking for a boyfriend, and all you got are nerds or boys with big mouths. Do something about it, ask girls to leave boys alone and boys to be nice to girls. Ask the teachers to talk to those kids and explain to them that bullying will not be tolerated. You see, if the kids feel safe, they won't act out, and we will all be happy. And let's make this better, now, not after everything is all over. If you have any questions or comments, send them to me and I will answer them. About Me Hi, I'm Ana! A lucid dreamer, an aspiring writer and a college student that loves to explore new things. If you want to know anything more, just ask. I love talking and blogging about almost everything!