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When you need to let go of the past. This time, let go of the relationship and let go of the memories. There is no good in holding on to grudges. They have no purpose here. We are here to move on, grow, and evolve. We are meant to change and change is the only constant. It is important to recognize that you do not own anyone. Only once they free you of that burden do you start to move on. Are you struggling with negative people or relationships in your life? You are stronger than them, and you are meant to win. If there is a person in your life that you cannot release, let me ask you a question. What did you gain from that relationship? When you become selfish, you can become happy. And not only does your happiness come from yourself. You then will have the power to help others. 4. Let the past go. I cannot emphasize this enough. So many people allow their past to dictate their future. It is important that you understand that each experience, good or bad, is a lesson. I know it is hard to hear, but to move on you have to let go of the past. The only way to get what you want is to become successful and to be happy. So you are only hurting yourself by holding on to your past. You can always learn something from it, but when you hang on to it, you prevent yourself from moving forward. You feel more stagnant and stagnant emotions feel heavy. How do you create a mindset that promotes self-growth? Here’s how I approach things, and this is how I think about things. So much of our past is made up of the moments that are not in our control. When I think about the future, I always let myself dream but I ask myself these two questions: “What do I want to have?” or “What do I want to have?” “What would I do if I knew my time was limited?” or “What would I do if I knew my time was limited?” You have to constantly ask yourself these two questions to make sure that you are thinking about the future. 5. Understand your needs and the needs of others. Another reason that we fail is that we think that the only way to be happy is to meet the needs of others. However, when you allow yourself to meet your needs you will meet the needs of others. It sounds simple, but a lot of people get confused on how to define needs. You know that you need food, water, and shelter. Once you’ve defined your needs you can then define the needs of others. When you understand how to let go of others’ need for you, your entire life can change. How do you create a mindset that promotes self-growth? Now I am going to make a bold statement. This is something that I do, and it is something I tell people. I think people need to let go of others’ needs for themselves. What do you mean? Let me explain. When you are no longer trying to meet everyone else’s needs and you start living for yourself, you will know what makes you happy. When you can focus on you, you will be happier and you will live life more abundantly. You do not have to try to make others happy at all costs. You have the freedom to create a life for yourself. This does not mean that you ignore other people, but it does mean that you make sure to always be there to support them. But you need to make sure you are also willing to look after yourself. Another thing to consider is that, as humans, we live to help others. This is why we volunteer and help others at a local soup kitchen. We are designed to work in a community. When we stop helping others we become like a flower without water and like a tree without roots. Let’s not be selfish! Let’s think about how we can help others and how we can all be happy together. 6. Do not worry about what others think. The reason why some people become who they are is because they follow the expectations of others. There are many different opinions out there and you can feel lost in what other people want. When you follow others’ expectations, you can lose yourself. This is not how it works, and this is not how it should be. When you allow others to dictate your opinion of yourself, you are allowing yourself to live in a reality that is not for you. It is hard to break away from the masses, but you need to be the authority in your own life. How do you create a mindset that promotes self-growth? The reason why I tell people that you should not care what others think is because it is a good way to stay in your lane. This does not mean that you should think like others, but it does mean that you should always be true to yourself. You need to be authentic, and you need to stick to who you are. You should also do this to protect yourself from yourself. If you allow others to dictate your opinion of yourself, you can be taken advantage of. How? You need to become the authority on you. As long as you know your worth, you will remain confident. You will also know what makes you happy, and you will know what doesn’t make you happy. You will then be able to find other people that share your vision and help you grow. You will be able to find others who want to help you and support you. Let me explain. If you know that you are in control of your thoughts, and you know that your thoughts create your reality, you can be confident and stay in your lane. There is nothing that is in your control, and the only thing that is in your control is your thoughts. Most people will try to put you in a box, but if you can control your thoughts you won’t have to worry about what others are thinking. You will always be safe with your mindset and you will always be in control. 7. Be open minded. The mind can do amazing things, and it can create anything that you want. When you are comfortable with uncertainty you will be able to take calculated risks. Sometimes, you need to look at things differently, and when you look at things differently you will find new ways of doing things. If you have any doubts, you will never create a life for yourself. If you do not have any doubts, you can let go of the fear. How do you create a mindset that promotes self-growth? You should be able to have a strong mindset because you are able to overcome the doubt. You have the ability to create anything and be successful. However, some people never do this because they are afraid to step outside of the box and open their minds. What’s it going to take to be successful? You need to take a step back. You need to put your ego aside, and you need to take a step back and learn. If you have doubts, you will never be able to do this. Being fearless can help you take calculated risks. You will also be more creative and you will be more open to all the possibilities. You need to understand that uncertainty is part of life and it can help you make the most out of your life. You need to become open minded and you need to understand the future. When you can do that, you will be able to see the road ahead of you and you will start to change your life. However, you should not let your mind overwhelm you. If you feel overwhelmed, then your brain is not in a position to figure out what is best for you. You need to be able to get the most out of life, and you need to see the positive in any situation. If you do not see the positive in a situation, you will never be able to take the best opportunity for yourself. You need to learn how to be open-minded to get the most out of your life. For more articles like this one, check out the Conscious Leadership Academy Blog. I would love to hear from you. Please send any feedback or suggestions to If you enjoyed this post please click the “Recommend” button and help others find it by sharing on social media. ]]> Problem With Procrastination – It’s a BITCH!!, 08 Aug 2014 19:03:19 +0000 while back I published this article on my Facebook Page. I’ve been a self-described procrastinator my entire life. I can honestly say that I