Gender Wars...It's
Don't Say Anything
When you need to l
It started rough,
It's a Turtle?!
Who wrote this?
Each time you will
New employees have
Honey Badger
It's Getting the B
I was a fan of her
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A Tale of Two Citi
No Pain, No Gain
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Good and Guilty
You Can't Hide on
Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise." "I'm sorry about your husband." "Thank you." "My dad always talked about Alaska like it was this mystical place, untouchable." "Pure." "I remember the first time I saw him cry was the summer he spent here at Tangle Lake when he was 14." "Did you know him?" "No, not at all, but I feel like I do." "My dad never talked about his feelings very much, but my mom did, and I was the youngest, so she'd tell me stories about him... things that he'd say and do." "It seems like he kept so much locked up inside." "I guess I thought that was just the way men were, you know, but... then this happened." "I'm sorry." "Me, too." "I am an evil bitch." "But I'm your evil bitch, and I am here for you." "She may be evil, but she's still my evil bitch." "I'm sorry I made you cry." "I'll never make you cry again." "It's your turn." "What did you do this weekend?" "Well, what do you think?" "The captain called me down to the station... said that I would be the next state's attorney." "They're replacing Dargus?" "Dargus died in a car accident." "How tragic." "I thought I might have to start all over again, from the bottom, but..." "I'm in." "I'm going to be the next state's attorney." "Who needs another drink?" "That's the problem with this town." "It's a party town, and if you're not part of the party, you're not in the game." "I think that's what scares these people." "They're living their lives and... it turns out that something bad could happen." "That they're not safe, because no one is who they seem to be." "Oh." "You two are, by all appearances, exactly what you appear to be." "You can't have been driving around all night." "You have a child." "Aren't you afraid that people are going to wonder what you're doing with your daughter?" "You want to go home, baby girl?" " Yeah?" " We can do that." "Why don't you go wait in the car for me?" "What are we doing here?" "Why don't you ask him?" "Just ask him what he wants." "You ask him." "All right, wait here." " What are you doing?" " I'm taking a picture of you." "He told me to, so I am." "How do I know you won't show him my picture for money or something?" "I don't know." "But it doesn't matter to you." "As long as you do your job." "The car's gone." "Where is he?" "Are you all right?" "We have to talk." " What's going on?" " Not here." "Let's go someplace quiet." "Why are you doing this to me?" "I didn't do anything to you." "Then tell me who did!" "I don't know!" "Maybe you saw a picture of me on the news and you picked me out of a crowd." "You got the wrong girl." "We should go back inside." "Just relax, all right?" "I'm not a cop." "I'm not with the F.B. I." "I just saw you at the cafe today." "You were there?" "And you saw us?" "I saw you from the back and the gun." "The gun?" "So you know what's going on." "They sent someone to shoot you." "Who's "they"?" "What do they want?" "They want the name of every man they send to me, and I have to send them someone." "And then they'll give me..." "That girl's life." "We have to get out of here." "You have to get out of here now." "I'll take care of it." "I'm not waiting here for you to die." "It's not fair." "I want my life back." "You hear me?" "I want my life back!" "Come on!" "Please!" "Come on!" "I'm sorry." "I didn't mean to scare you." "Okay, so what you saw wasn't me." "So who was it?" "I don't know." "I was hoping you could help me make an ID." "Oh, that's not possible." "The whole town is after me." "They're afraid of you." "How am I going to make it if no one believes me?" " You're safe here." " I'm not a cop." "Well, who said you were?" "You just have to trust me." "My job is to take you to the people who you think are your enemies." "Are you telling me they sent you?" "Are you afraid of me?" "Yes." "Not that this isn't a lovely fucking place to play "hide the sausage,"" "but, um..." "I've never seen your house, so I don't know who's here." "Who are you?" "No." "I'm sorry." "Why?" "What for?" "For trusting you." "I'll bring you the rest of the information we have on this..." "Trevor Murphy when I get back to the office." "Oh, that's not what I asked for." "All right." "Now just..." "I'll see you later." "The girl's here with me." "I'm out of your hair, so let me know when it's done." "Yeah." "Well, thank you for staying over so late." "Sure." "Uh, I'll talk to you later." "Thanks for understanding." "I'm sorry for what I said." "You don't have to apologize." "That's my girl." "What's your name?" "Sonya." "Sonya." "This is a new one." "This is a new one." "This is the best I've got, sir." "I want this taken down and out to every radio station, public relations, and newspaper in the state." "Yes, sir." "Yes, sir." "How many?" "Four." "Four copies?" "That's right." "All right." "Start your clock." "You know, I'm glad you're the man in charge." "Well, I won't let you down." "Let's go get 'em." "How's it going?" "Good." "How are you feeling?" "About ready to go home." "I'm gonna come in there tomorrow and get you home." "Okay." "Hey, you know, uh..." "I'm not sure this is such a good idea." "We don't want anyone to see you like this, right?" "What are you talking about?" "Well, we know how people feel about him." "If they found out..." "You can't keep me locked up at the house forever." "If you're gonna keep me here, we have to move the whole thing." "You want to leave here?" "It's not a permanent solution." "You mean I'm gonna stay at some secret place for the rest of my life?" "What would I tell people?" "Who would believe I'm hiding the biggest man in Alaska, and he's in there with me?" "You could hire a bodyguard." "I am a bodyguard." "And you don't need people finding out." "Maybe we should wait a couple of days." "If that doesn't work out..." "And then what?" "I'd be ashamed." "So don't be ashamed, all right?" "Hey, hey." "Hey, come on, all right?" "This is just for a little while." "When this is over, we can go back to the way things were before." "Let me go." "Listen, I want to talk to you about something." "I think that you're doing a great job." "And I think that we could do even better if you would..." "If you would what?" "You're making me nervous." "Are you still with her?" "It's not about that." "Why are you talking to me about this?" "It's my place." "She's your girlfriend." "Where's your pride?" "I don't understand why you can't..." "Hey, hey, I don't want to talk about this." "I don't want to talk about it!" "Do you understand?" "Now, if you don't want to do this..." "Then I won't do it." "I'll take care of it." "I will take care of it." "I will take care of it." "Yeah, I'll pay for it." "Do you want to go for a drive?" "Look, we don't have to go to this dinner tonight." "We have plenty of time before the dinner." "I'll go get changed." "I'm not going to change." " I'm not going to dress up like..." " Look, I know that you're..." "This is something that you're not used to dealing with, but we're going to get used to it." "It's going to be all right, I promise you." "Look, I just have one more question." "All right?" "Are you sure that..." "That it was a good idea, having him taken care of?" "Yes." "I'm