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try to hold it in at night in the same position. **5.** Maintain the position for a minimum of two minutes for each eye. Praise yourself every time you do so. **6.** Repeat the process as often as possible, and with great determination. ## Self-Massage of the Heart A healthy heart is a relaxed heart. When your heart relaxes, your arteries get better lubricated and blood circulation improves. Blood flow to your brain improves, and your body feels more relaxed. A healthy heart and an alert brain help you remember what you're doing, so you can make good decisions, plan, and solve problems. In a day and age when most stress comes from our workplace, our jobs, or financial concerns, this exercise takes you out of the stress-inducing environment to a time when your heart is free of troubles and tensions. This will make it easier for you to focus on things that are more important to your health and happiness, including exercise, eating properly, and keeping good relationships with friends and family. **1.** Lie on your back, and raise your arms so your arms and your legs are forming a diamond shape. Try to keep them straight so you feel the exercise all over your body. **2.** Look up at the ceiling or down at the floor, whichever is more comfortable for you. Feel your heart beating away. **3.** Start at the base of your throat, and start slowly rubbing it with your fingertips in a circular motion. Continue to keep rubbing until you get to your chest. Keep moving up toward your shoulder. Keep feeling that sensation for five or six minutes. **4.** Start at the bottom of your nose and keep rubbing to your ears. Continue for another five to ten minutes. **5.** At the end of the exercise, sit quietly and feel the warmth in your body. Stay calm for a minute or two, and take some deep breaths. ## Self-Massage of the Pelvis Pelvic problems such as discomfort in the groin area, painful intercourse, urinary problems, and bowel disturbances can be symptoms of tension. Afterward, you will probably be surprised at how good you feel. Tension starts in the pelvis, the source of our power and vitality, and extends all the way up the spine. **1.** Lie on your back on a firm surface. Make sure that you are in a quiet place. If you need music to get through this exercise, use music that has no lyrics. Do not listen to the lyrics as they will remind you of problems in your life. This will leave a negative feeling that may linger with you after you finish. **2.** Stretch your arms and legs out as much as possible. You may place your feet a few inches apart and your knees together. **3.** Place your hands next to your lower back, and slowly move them toward your tailbone. Do not use your fingers to try to touch them. Just use your palms. Rub your palms from your sacrum up to the crown of your head. **4.** Move your palms from side to side. Use the fingers on both hands, not just the thumbs. Start at the back of your body and slowly move to the front. Work your way up to the front and then move back down to the back of your body. Keep moving until you have done it for five to ten minutes. **5.** Stretch your arms and legs out once again, and then gently lay them back down. Practice in a quiet place at least twice a week to feel more energetic and vital. ## SELF-MASSAGE OF THE THIGHS The deep tissues of the hips, thighs, and knees have lots of muscles around them that are associated with tension. Once you have the muscles relaxed, there is less pulling on your nerves. **1.** Lie on your back with your arms extended. Make sure that your thighs are not in contact with the bed. You will need to move your thighs to the edge of the bed. You should also move them far enough away from the edge so that your lower legs are relaxed. **2.** Move your right thigh to the right and press it against the bed. You can place your arm over your leg and rest it on the bed. Make sure that your arm stays away from your body so that your shoulder blade moves toward your ribs. **3.** Move your right thigh to the left and press it against the bed. You can place your arm over your leg and rest it on the bed. Make sure that your arm stays away from your body so that your shoulder blade moves toward your ribs. **4.** Move your left thigh to the left and press it against the bed. You can place your arm over your leg and rest it on the bed. Make sure that your arm stays away from your body so that your shoulder blade moves toward your ribs. **5.** Move your left thigh to the right and press it against the bed. You can place your arm over your leg and rest it on the bed. Make sure that your arm stays away from your body so that your shoulder blade moves toward your ribs. **6.** Start a light massage of your thighs, moving from your knees, along the creases of your thighs, to your hips. Focus on your knees for ten minutes. Do not move your hips or head toward your leg. Afterward, make sure that you stretch your legs, knees, and thighs well. Make sure that your knees touch the ground and that you can straighten them. ## THE SHIN ORA FOCUSING PRACTICE Tension can often be traced to a chronic pain that has occurred over many years. These painful areas cause us to limit and overwork parts of our bodies. By touching them, you can move tension into the areas where it is needed and away from areas where it should not be located. **1.** Sit in a comfortable position with a straight back. Make sure that your feet are flat on the floor and your hands are by your side. If you need music to get through this, use music without lyrics. **2.** Place your right hand on the top of your right shin. Start with a slow, gentle movement. Stretch out to the left so you cover the inside of your leg as much as possible. **3.** With a smooth back-and-forth movement, extend your fingertips until they feel sore. Continue to work slowly for five to ten minutes. **4.** Place your left hand on the top of your left shin. Start with a slow, gentle movement. Stretch out to the right so you cover the inside of your leg as much as possible. **5.** With a smooth, gentle movement, extend your fingertips as far as possible. Continue to work slowly for five to ten minutes. Practice every day for at least ten to twenty minutes, and at least twice a week, longer if you can. ## THE SHOULDER ORA FOCUSING PRACTICE When I taught meditation to the monks in the monastery where I studied, one of the practices that they learned was to have the breath flowing smoothly into each out-breath. After doing this for a week or two, they were amazed to feel a weight shift from their shoulders to their hearts. I experienced that same sensation for many months after I first learned this technique. Once I learned about the shoulders' relationship to the heart, I felt that they would go away with time. I was right. **1.** Sit in a comfortable position with a straight back and your feet flat on the floor. Hold your palms facing each other, with your thumbs and forefingers meeting in the center. **2.** Inhale slowly and hold your breath for two to three seconds. Exhale completely. **3.** Inhale again and hold your breath for three to four seconds, then exhale completely. Inhale again. **4.** Continue inhaling and exhaling in this fashion for about a minute. If you feel any breathlessness or pressure in the back of your throat, stop there for the moment. Take a few minutes to recover. **5.** Slowly start inhaling and exhaling again, but this time, let your shoulders move, too. Let your shoulders move from side to side and make the side of the body that is not rising and falling move as far as it can. This way you are relaxing the shoulder muscles while you maintain breathing in a steady rhythm. **6.** Allow the shoulders to soften and move as far as they can. With each breath, let your shoulders move more and more. **7.** After five or six minutes, take a few minutes to rest. ## BODY POSITIONS FOR RELAXATION When you know how to relax, you will be able to relax anywhere, at anytime. This section describes some of the ways in which you can achieve relaxation. They are not complicated, but they do require patience and practice. Just knowing they are there and that you can relax, whether it is on a plane, a busy day, or even in an elevator, will enable you to find that comfortable position that frees you to receive healing. ## THE WINDOWS POSTURE The windows posture calms your mind and helps free it of worries. It is also very good for your eyes, as it opens them up and gives them a