I used to hold my
try to hold it in
No Good Deed Goes
Dumpster fire inte
What Goes Around,
Ready to Play Like
A Big Surprise...
I am thinking of y
The Great White Sh
Remote surveillanc

I realised the rea
Taste the Victory
Once thought of as
Phone tracking enr
The Great Divide
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A flashlight in th
Just Don't Eat the
Check out my ride of the day- this bad to the bone, this is my number one ride. Check out my ride of the day - this bad to the bone, this is my number one ride. (funky bass guitar) The trucker parked it next to a curb and put a truckers cap on him. The man was dressed like a street cleaner, he's holding a leaf blower and he's sucking and blowing and sucking and blowing on this leaf blower, and I thought that he was a bit peculiar but I thought this is a nice riding rig, I don't know what to make of him. So I approached him and then he just jumped up and down and started saying things like, I told you, I told you. I did this, I did that and as he was telling me he did things, I thought, oh no, I'm getting suckered into this guy's shit, and then he finally looks down at me and he just yells. I love you, I love you. That's all he kept saying, I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you. And I said I love you too. I've been in the saddle almost 18 hours and I was in the endgame now. I had been riding a lot so I actually fell asleep on the saddle and he walked to my side of the rig. And as he got to my side, he lifted my chin up and he kissed me on the lips and he said, we're going to do some great things together. He said to me, don't ever forget that today I saved your life and he hugged me, and then we walked off, and I'm going to walk off at some point, but I don't have the energy so you'll have to deal with my eyes. It was an amazing day. (music) I am in a good mood. I've been able to take a couple good naps throughout the last 24 hours, I've been well fed. All of this is great, but I feel like we need to go ahead and make a detour or a side road in here. This looks like a great place to ride, so let's turn off the road here. I will get off my motorcycle. Please do not eat my boots. You know, one of the things that I love about this bike is that it gives you just enough stability to walk off the bike and also just enough torque to not blow off the bike in case you might, like I did, start walking into oncoming traffic. Sometimes the bike wakes me up, and that's because it starts trying to fall over but it stops before it falls over. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I'm gonna try to get that out of the way, my bike is in front of me. Now I can't get that out of the way, so it is still stuck in the middle of the road. When I got off the bike, I was like, wow this is a great place to be right now, let me try to keep moving. I'm not gonna lie, getting off the bike was a little bit difficult. I was on the right side of the bike and I'm not sure if that makes it harder or easier. It makes it just enough harder that I have to go one way or the other. It makes it easier in that the seat is much more low to the ground so it makes it a bit easier to move around when I'm on the ground. When I first got here, I wasn't sure how I was going to ride, I was a bit uncertain how I was going to ride, and it has ended up being fine. It just takes me out of the saddle enough to let me breathe while I'm moving along and the bike lets me keep rolling. It's a good system. I'm just going to continue forward here, as soon as I get a chance to change position. So when I got off the bike, I immediately started having a little trouble breathing, and I also realized that this is something I've never really paid any attention to on any other day, but it is something you really should pay attention to. I have some trouble breathing when I'm in a position like this. But I can't reach up high enough to my neck to feel like I'm getting a decent breath. I know this isn't going to be the best idea, but I'm going to take this bottle of water, just like I've done a million times before. And this is for another problem that we're gonna have, because I also have a hydration bladder. And when I have to use the hydration bladder, it's always really bad, so, I'm going to have to take the time to set that up. I'm just gonna take that bottle of water with me. It's always a good idea to check and make sure the water level in your bladder is low. Sometimes your bladder will go empty in the middle of a ride, which is really no fun. To make sure it is ready to go and filled, I'm just gonna pour this in. This is a little bit more difficult than I expected. So I'm just gonna stay upright for the rest of the ride. This is quite possibly the worst spot for me to be in. I'm going to stay upright because it's very very hard to fall off the bike when you're upright and moving along when you're upright and moving along. I can't be on the ground because it's very very hard to get back up on the bike once you're down on the ground. If I fall off, and this is why it is a bit difficult, I have the right side of the motorcycle in front of me, that is a good place to break your fall, but you're gonna have to get over the bike, over the seat, and then your body will have to go