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Sinister_Sith> hello, how do i get my external drive recognized by fstab? my mount command isn't being executed Dr_willis: I should be getting a new version of ubuntu and I am going to try out the new linux mint. Vlet: not so sure, can you pastebin your xorg.conf please lonewulf, you are using ntfs-3g? you did do a check of that drive? Yes I am running ntfs-3g theres been some issues with the ntfs-3g lately.. I had to fix the fstab - in my case it was an idiotic entry about the drive. Yeah I am using the new hardy with ext4 What's your partition table like Dr_willis? and its still NOT automounting? ziroday: don't think there's anything in there that would be relevant Sorry for the stupid questions I'm really new to this. I have the partition in my fstab lonewulf: do you have anything in your fstab regarding that drive? brent113: Yes, yes I do. lonewulf, its not a 'stupid' question.. Dr_willis: What's yours like? lonewulf, what is the line in your fstab ? Dr_willis: sorry, I didn't know you were speaking to him :) lonewulf, i mount mine manually.. because its ext4 Vlet: okay, pastebin the output of fglrxinfo /dev/sdb1 /media/external ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0 Dr_willis: So your problem is your drive automounts? /dev/sdb1 /media/External ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.UTF-8 0 0 lonewulf, on my box yes.. lonewulf, you need to use a UUID for that partition lonewulf: Dr_willis has an error in his fstab it isnt "defaults" is "errors=remount-ro" instead Dr_willis: I just got errors when I typed in "mount /dev/sdb1" erUSUL: Dr_willis: Will I have to fix the line in the fstab before I can mount? Vlet: also, pastebin ls -l /lib/modules/2.6.24-19-generic/volatile/ Dr_willis: In the guide that you told me to use to install ubuntu they told me to put /dev/sdb1 in my /etc/fstab lonewulf, you proberly did not unmount your drive.. and so all sorts of permissions and error messages got generated. Dr_willis: So I need to mount it now? ziroday: lonewulf, don't paste output here does anybody know how to enable automatic mounting of USB devices without password authentication? Dr_willis: I'm not sure how to do that. lonewulf: Dr_willis that's weird that is a problem for him but it works for me... /dev/sdb1 /media/sdab auto rw,user,noauto,exec,utf8 0 0 Vlet: okay, thats fine, now type the following into the terminal: ls /usr/lib/fglrx lonewulf: well put the two lines on a pastebin and we take a look lonewulf, sudo mount /dev/sdb1 lonewulf: !paste | lonewulf lonewulf: !paste | lonewulf !paste | lonewulf !paste lonewulf: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. The Ubuntu pastebin is at (make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic) That was pasted lonewulf, you are making it too hard on yourself.. just copy/paste the mount command into terminal and it should work.. but if you havent unmounted the disk and messed with permissions/ownerships it will be mounted RO by default. ziroday: Dr_willis: I have no idea what you are talking about lonewulf: this is what i put in fstab " /dev/sdb1 /media/external ntfs defaults 0 0" works without issues Dr_willis: But I will have to try that command out. erUSUL: So do I Vlet: ooh, I know what the issue is, you are still running the old driver from hardy, you need to change the hardy into intrepid and change the driver to 8.02 lonewulf: make it "auto" also --> /dev/sdb1 /media/external ntfs auto defaults 0 0 Vlet: please do sudo depmod -a and try rebooting Dr_willis: I'll unmount then try the mount command. lonewulf, mount /media/external is the command. ziroday: how would I do that? lonewulf: did it work ? erUSUL: It just returned a blank line lonewulf, i told you not to paste stuff here. :) Dr_willis, that does not make much sense to me unop__: Vlet: please pastebin the contents of /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/volatile/fglrx.ko Dr_willis: Sorry and thank you for your help. lonewulf, sudo mount /media/external mikebeecham, yes, so why did you say "no such file" when you put something new? lonewulf: well you have to "sudo umount /dev/sdb1" becouse fstab only mount the partitions if they are not mounted lonewulf: umount them not mount them ;) ive seen a lot of people miss that little 'e' :) unop__: I just realised that error....I was trying to look at something, and forgot to put the path in! So I actually deleted everything else I had in there as a result of trying to fix the problem! ziroday: ziroday: do you want the full ls -l? mikebeecham, cool, let's get back to the business at hand Dr_willis: what does `mount' say? Dr_willis: lonewulf for that matter that /media/sdxx auto should be a 0 not an a, b, c... it's a major ubuntu bug :) Vlet: yep, sorry I meant ls -l /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/volatile/fglrx.ko ziroday: Vlet: hrm, now I'm really confused. Let me pastebin my