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_The Weimar Republic Source Book_
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Published in 2011 by ABC-CLIO
Copyright © ABC-CLIO, LLC, 2011
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, except for the inclusion of brief quotations in a review, without prior permission in writing from the publisher.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
War time scrapbook. --- [Second edition].
Interpretive reference.
Bibliography: p.
Includes index.
1. World War, 1914–1918--Stories, etc. 2. World War, 1914–1918--Sources. 3. World War, 1914–1918--Public opinion. 4. World War, 1914–1918--History--Sources. I. Title: War time scrapbook.
D528.W5W39 2011
ISBN: 978-0-7456-4518-3 (cloth)
ISBN: 978-0-7456-4439-6 (ebk)
ISBN: 978-0-7456-6094-4 (ebook)
Printed in the United States of America
Published by
The Thomas J. Dodd Research Center
a division of
175 Fifth Avenue,
New York, NY 10010
The publisher wishes to thank the following individuals for their assistance in the production of this book:
Clara Overend
Michael Sainsbury
Amanda Baker
Jennifer Hoult
Diana H. Taylor
Curtis C. Tucker
Barbara Seifert
Nathan C. Thompson
Karen M. Johnson
and John M. Luce
List of Tables
Introduction to War Time Scrapbook and Its Table of Contents
The term "scrapbook" can be defined as an assemblage of items accumulated and arranged according to some overriding theme. Typically, this theme may be a personal one such as an individual's family history, a school history, a sports team's performances and many other types of collections. The collected items may be of two broad classes, those which are primary sources and those which are secondary sources. _Primary sources_ include, for example, family letters and photographs, newspaper clippings and other printed or unpublished documents. These items have not been created for the purpose of writing history, and therefore they do not have a predetermined purpose as history. _Secondary sources_ , on the other hand, are intended as aids to authors engaged in writing history. They include dictionaries, encyclopedias, bibliographies, bibliographies of periodicals and published reference books.
The scrapbook in which the present book will be compiled consists of both primary and secondary sources. It will include official documents such as war declarations, speeches by state leaders, resolutions by national organizations and newspaper stories as well as books, photographs, postcards, letters and other memorabilia. Of course, there will be a predominance of official documents because, as has been said, the scrapbook is designed to illustrate official events. Since the scrapbook in this collection is devoted primarily to the events of World War I, the photographs and postcards will consist mainly of views of Paris in a very few months after the outbreak of war in August 1914. Almost all the items used in the scrapbook will be published sources, but it should be noted that many other sources were available when this book was first published in 1939. To name just a few of these sources:
1. World War I veterans' memoirs
2. Personal letters and diaries from soldiers and civilians
3. Books and articles on World War I
4. Newspapers, periodicals, magazines and other newspapers
5. Photographs and other photographs
6. Personal letters and family papers
7. Theses and dissertations
8. Official reports, reports and official publications
9. Other official sources
When the World War I centennial came around in the late 1940s, the scrapbook included here became of greater interest to students of World War I. In many ways, this book has been expanded to include many additional items, from other sources as well as from those available earlier in 1939. The title of the book has been changed from "The World War One Story" to "War Time Scrapbook" and all the entries are arranged alphabetically in addition to the original arrangement by major countries and the names of political leaders. Also, the references and bibliographies have been made much fuller than before. The arrangement of the entries will be as follows:
The author gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following persons:
_Miss Mary A. Littig_
_Mrs. Louise L. Pryor_
_Miss Eileen M. Tidmarsh_
_Mrs. Louise W. Tilly_
_Mrs. Mildred Youngblood_
and from the following institutions:
_Miss Dorothy L. Brownlee_
_Miss Helen D. Clark_
_Miss Ruth J. Cox_
_Mr. Charles M. Day_
_Mr. John F. Ellis_
_Mr. Gale E. H. Gilliam_
_Miss Mary Ellen Hamilton_
_Miss Catherine H. Harrell_
_Mr. Charles S. McGlone_
_Mrs. Frances E. Moffitt_
_Mrs. Helen R. Posey-Melton_
_Mrs. Gertrude R. Taylor_
_Mrs. Mary E. Vining_
_Miss Catherine H. Warren_
_Mr. Harold D. Woodward_
_Mr. Richard E. Blanding_
About the Author
Cynthia M. Carter is professor emeritus of English at the University of Tennessee and the author of several books and numerous articles on United States history, including the "Scrapbook" series _Lincoln and Whitman: A War Poet's Story_ , _Abe Lincoln's White House: The Complete Social History_ and _Abe Lincoln Laughing: Anecdotes, Stories and Speeches by the Great President_. She has also published _The Lincoln Treasury_ and a book on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln. Mrs. Carter is an active member of the American Association for State and Local History, the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication, and the National League of Women Voters. She has also been president of the Tennessee Historical Society, president of the Tennessee Writers Club, vice president of the Tennessee Board of Historical Commissioners and president of the Tennessee Humanities Council.
About this Series
Scrapbooks and other visual ephemera pertaining to the major events and personalities of American history have been collected by the University of Tennessee Press since 1971 in _Lincoln and Whitman: A War Poet's Story, Abe Lincoln's White House: The Complete Social History_ and _Abe Lincoln Laughing: Anecdotes, Stories and Speeches by the Great President_ , as well as a series on Vietnam and contemporary America. This continuing effort will present the stories in book form as well as a visual chronicle of the major events, people and cultural milestones of the times. The books published to date are:
_Lincoln and Whitman: A War Poet's Story_ , by Cynthia M. Carter. Profusely