Something Cruel Is
Thunder Storms & S
You Call, We'll Ha
Million Dollar Que
Bag of Tricks
My Mom Is Going to
National pasttime
It's Like a Surviv
My Wheels are Spin
You're Going to Wa

Box Office Movies,
Eating and Sleepin
You Mangled My Net
Collections and Me
You Get What You G
Question of Trust
A nice fantasy wit
Pick A Tribemate - Choose a person on your first Tribal Council. You may pick a second person, or one of the final two, at your next two Tribals. The Jury - You can pick one member from the jury at Tribal Council. This means you can pick either one of the final two - since you can't pick the jury as your final pick, which means only one person can be picked by you. Chick Voting: When voting against one member of the opposite tribe, that individual becomes a threat to vote off that person. The threat is then eliminated. When voting for someone from the opposite tribe, you can also choose to play a "chick" strategy, which is where you do everything to get that person out, with the exception of getting voted off themselves. This is a very dangerous strategy, since the person you are trying to eliminate might be a better choice than the person you are saving. There's no point in letting a threat hang around. But, if you're careful, you can do very well with it. The Immunity Challenge: When someone wins an Immunity Challenge, they pick two people from their losing tribe, and send them to a fire. For every immunity win, the loser of the challenge takes one vote from the tribe. For every immunity win, the winner of the challenge takes one vote from the opposing tribe. For every immunity win, a third vote is taken from the losing tribe and added to the tribe that they lost against. Immunity Challenge #2 - Everyone has a chance to get Immunity by winning a challenge for the person who took Immunity in the last challenge. The Final Five: Here, there are two possible outcomes. The first is that the final two (or three) form the new Kumba team. The second is that the three remaining people form the former Kumba team, and the two remaining people form the other remaining tribe. Spoiler for Results: The final two are Chris (Kumba Tribe) Tyson (Buhimba Tribe) Chris: the winner. With Tyson as his best friend, it might be hard for him to lose to the other one, even though Tyson might think he should. The Final Two Tribes: There are 3 different possible pairings. Each pairing gets a starting tribe of 10 members. In all pairings, at least three members of both tribes will be picked on a jury. Kumba Tribe: Buhimba Tribe: A: 2+1+3+1+3 = 9 members of your original tribe. B: 3+2+1+1+3 = 8 members of your original tribe. C: 3+1+2+2+1 = 8 members of your original tribe. A: 2+2+1+1+3 = 9 members of your original tribe. B: 3+1+1+2+2 = 8 members of your original tribe. C: 2+2+2+2+2 = 9 members of your original tribe. A: 2+1+1+1+1 = 4 members of your original tribe. B: 3+2+2+2 = 7 members of your original tribe. C: 2+3+3 = 7 members of your original tribe. A: 3+2+3 = 7 members of your original tribe. B: 1+2+1+1 = 4 members of your original tribe. C: 2+3+3 = 7 members of your original tribe. A: 2+1+1+2 = 5 members of your original tribe. B: 3+3+3 = 8 members of your original tribe. C: 2+2+2+1 = 5 members of your original tribe. A: 2+2+3 = 7 members of your original tribe. B: 1+3+3 = 5 members of your original tribe. C: 2+1+1+1 = 4 members of your original tribe. The Second Jury - Kumba Tribe: Tyson is voted out by everyone on the jury. Chris voted for him as his final two. He was sent to join the Kumba Tribe. The Third Immunity Challenge - Buhimba Tribe: Tyson wins immunity, but can't vote for who to eliminate. There is a one-time immunity which is chosen by two members of the Buhimba Tribe (one of which is voted by the Kumba Tribe.) The one who wins can't vote for who to eliminate. Chris was voted on to get this immunity. Kumba wins Immunity Challenge #2. Kumba Tribe: The members voted on to be the jury are the three who got voted off last. Kumba's Immunity challenge win for Chris eliminates three members of the Buhimba Tribe. The remaining members of the Buhimba Tribe cannot be voted off with Chris at the end of the final episode, as it will automatically end with the elimination of the final member of the Buhimba Tribe. Chick vote: Chris votes for Tyson to get eliminated by the jury. The second jury: Tyson votes for Chris to win immunity. The second immunity challenge: Tyson is voted out by everyone on the jury and Chris, who gets immunity. Buhimba Tribe: The members voted on to be the jury are the two who got voted off last. Buhimba wins Immunity Challenge #2. Buhimba's Immunity challenge win for Tyson eliminates one member of the Kumba Tribe. The remaining members of the Kumba Tribe cannot be voted off with Chris at the end of the final episode, as it will automatically end with the elimination of the final member of the Kumba Tribe. Buhimba Tribes: The members voted on to be the jury are two who got voted off last. Kumba Tribe: Tyson's Immunity challenge win for Chris eliminates one member of the Buhimba Tribe. The remaining members of the Buhimba Tribe cannot be voted off with Chris at the end of the final episode, as it will automatically end with the elimination of the final member of the Buhimba Tribe. Chris chooses Tyson to go. Chris' win for Tyson's Immunity challenge eliminates two members of the Kumba Tribe. The remaining members of the Kumba Tribe cannot be voted off with Chris at the end of the final episode, as it will automatically end with the elimination of the final member of the Kumba Tribe. Kumba Tribe: The members voted on to be the jury are two who got voted off last. Buhimba Tribe: Chris wins Immunity Challenge #2. Chris' win for Chris's Immunity challenge eliminates two members of the Kumba Tribe. The remaining members of the Kumba Tribe cannot be voted off with Chris at the end of the final episode, as it will automatically end with the elimination of the final member of the Kumba Tribe. Buhimba Tribes: The members voted on to be the jury are three who got voted off last. Kumba Tribe: Tyson's Immunity challenge win for Chris eliminates one member of the Buhimba Tribe. The remaining members of the Buhimba Tribe cannot be voted off with Chris at the end of the final episode, as it will automatically end with the elimination of the final member of the Buhimba Tribe. Chick vote: Chris votes for Tyson to go. Tyson's Immunity challenge win for Chris eliminates one member of the Kumba Tribe. The remaining members of the Kumba Tribe cannot be voted off with Chris at the end of the final episode, as it will automatically end with the elimination of the final member of the Kumba Tribe. Buhimba Tribe: Chris' win for Chris' Immunity challenge eliminates one member of the Kumba Tribe. The remaining members of the Kumba Tribe cannot be voted off with Chris at the end of the final episode, as it will automatically end with the elimination of the final member of the Kumba Tribe. Kumba Tribe: The members voted on to be the jury are three who got voted off last. Buhimba Tribe: Tyson's Immunity challenge win for Chris eliminates two members of the Kumba Tribe. The remaining members of the Kumba Tribe cannot be voted off with Chris at the end of the final episode, as it will automatically end with the elimination of the final member of the Kumba Tribe. Kumba Tribe: The members voted on to be the jury are three who got voted off last. Buhimba Tribe: Chris wins Immunity Challenge #2. Chris' win for Chris' Immunity challenge eliminates two members of the Kumba Tribe. The remaining members of the Kumba Tribe cannot be voted off with Chris at the end of the final episode, as it will automatically end with the elimination of the final member of the Kumba Tribe. Kumba Tribe: The members voted on to be the jury are three who got voted off last