Pole Prancing, Liv
I’m still looking
Loyalties Will Be
men got closer to
Another argument a
It's Like the Perf
Let's Get Rid of t
Truth Kamikaze

I'm wondering why
Honeymoon or Not?
Lien enforcement
I do have this ver
Method To This Mad
Blindside Time
They're Back!
Don't be Blinded b
A Lost Puppy Dog
That's Baked, Barb
I've Been Bamboozled! About This Blog I love both reading well-written fiction and nonfiction, especially history, biography, and memoir. About Me A long-time freelance book editor, I lived in Massachusetts for twenty years, but now reside in Florida, also home to my four adult children and their significant others. My spouse and I have traveled throughout the United States and Europe, as well as South America and Mexico. My hobbies include sewing, cooking, gardening, singing, and other things, such as crafts and writing. I love to travel and read. One of my favorite pastimes is going to the library. Review Policy Be advised: I read my books as a release from work or research, not for pure entertainment. I do not review picture books or adult fiction. I do not review children's or young adult nonfiction or memoir. I am not a professional reviewer. My blog focuses on books in history, biography, literary studies, and genre studies; and it also includes occasional summaries of adult and young adult fiction and current movies. For Amazon links in posts: While I buy most of the books I review at Amazon or the publisher's site, some I buy at the local library. These are linked to though the exact link varies with the month and the change in selection though that month. If you are interested in advertising on this blog, feel free to contact me. (If you use my blog sidebar, be sure to put something I might be interested in the subject line. For instance, if you're a Christian bookstore, send me an email if you have a book you think I'd like to review.)