I'm wondering why
I've Been Bamboozl
Pole Prancing, Liv
I’m still looking
Loyalties Will Be
men got closer to
Another argument a
It's Like the Perf

Lien enforcement
I do have this ver
Method To This Mad
Blindside Time
They're Back!
Don't be Blinded b
A Lost Puppy Dog
That's Baked, Barb
...And Then There
Hungry for a Win
Honeymoon or Not? An English Lady's Experience in Spain," The Nineteenth Century, June 1878, Vol. XIII, No. 90, pp. 647–653 Gwynne, S. Yates, "Spanish and the English Novel: an Early Study of the Works of E. Lynn Linton," The Library, XXVII, March 1924, pp. 211–223 Gwynne, S. Yates, "George Sand and the Romance of Spain," The Bookman, LXXV, April 1929, pp. 263–264 Gwynne, S. Yates, "E. Lynn Linton: a Literary Life," Englishwoman's Review, V, April 1936, pp. 41–53 Gwynne, S. Yates, "E. Lynn Linton," The Englishwoman's Review (The Lady), December 1937, pp. 29–42 Gwynne, S. Yates, "George Sand and the Romance of Spain," Englishwoman's Review, VI, April 1938, pp. 5–14 Gwynne, S. Yates, "George Sand and the Romance of Spain," The Englishwoman's Review (The Lady), June 1938, pp. 27–38 Gwynne, S. Yates, "Romanticism in Spain," The Englishwoman's Review (The Lady), November 1938, pp. 24–36 Gwynne, S. Yates, "The Spanish Romances," The Englishwoman's Review (The Lady), March 1939, pp. 40–48 Gwynne, S. Yates, "George Sand and the Romance of Spain," in L.M. Farley (ed), Romance of Three Worlds: Essays in Honor of Frederic Taber Cooper. New York, 1940 Gwynne, S. Yates, "Lynn Linton and George Sand," in S. MacDougall (ed), Modern Fiction and English Traditions. New York, 1940 Gwynne, S. Yates, "The Spanish Romances," Modern Fiction and its Values, I, June 1946, pp. 59–62 Gwynne, S. Yates, "The Spanish Romances," in J.A. Loeffler, A Catalogue of First Editions in American Literature, 1556–1924, Vol. I. Princeton University Press, 1951 Gwynne, S. Yates, "George Sand and the Romance of Spain," in E.F.K. Koelitz (ed), Woman of Letters: Eight Woman Authors. New York, 1958 Further reading Gwynne, S. Yates, George Sand, A Bibliography of English Language Publications, 1846–1858, London: University of London, 1931 (revised by Donald Bialostocki) Gwynne, S. Yates, George Sand, London: Macmillan, 1933 Yates, S.Y., "George Sand: a Bibliography of Editions and Translations into English," Bibliography, VII, 1936, pp. 83–97 Koelitz, E.F.K., "Georg Sand as a Woman Writer" in S.Y. Yates, George Sand: A Study in Personality and Literature, London: Macmillan, 1938 Morrow, R.T., "George Sand and American Romanticism," Proceedings of the Modern Language Association, Vol. 70, 1965, pp. 904–920 Gwynne, S. Yates, "A Note on George Sand's Visit to England and Charles Dickens' Opinion of Her Work," The Journal of Modern History, Vol. 26, No. 1, March 1954, pp. 3–5 Gwynne, S. Yates, The Life and Works of George Sand, New York: Scribner, 1973 External links The Sand/Linton Archive at Indiana University Diary of George Sand, translated by Olive Renier, and revised by S.Y. Yates. George Sand's Travels in England, 1835-36. Translated by Olive Renier. The Romance of a South American (Die Romanhaeuebung einer Südamerikanerin) A History of the English Novel in the Nineteenth Century. Journey of a Frenchman Through Spain (A Spanish Journey by a French Gentleman), 1843 Category:1903 books Category:American travel books Category:Works by George Sand Category:Books about Spain Category:British travel books Category:Works about writers