Yeah birds need be
Yakuza Pedicure/Ma
I’m still looking
It started rough,
...And Then There
Performing a skill
Taste the Victory
With Great Power C
Facebook, Social M
I've Got Strength

Boys vs. Girls
She Obviously is P
Back to the Beach
Unclaimed Gift Car
During that time,
Desperate Measures
I realised the rea
Rice Wars
Bring the Popcorn
Blindside Time
Surveys, questionaires, personality tests, physical challenges, team work, presentations and group exercises are common practices to build individual and team performance. Tips: Always be on time for courses and meetings, always be polite, be friendly, never be late to class or to any meetings. Be responsible, do your best, never be irresponsible. Be punctual, always keep your promises. You can do all of these things on your own. What you must do is to believe you can do all these things and just do it, you don’t need to wait for others to do it. You need to create the desire, belief and the will and then you’ll see your way clear to achieve your dreams. Step 8: Believe in Yourself You have to believe in yourself 100%. You have to believe in your abilities, in the world you live in, and your personal goals. You must give yourself a chance to become what you were born to be, what you know to be true about yourself. A strong belief will help you to achieve things you’ve never thought possible. Tips: You can not achieve the things you desire unless you believe that you can. You can’t control the things that happen in your life but you can control your reaction to these things, you can choose to be happy, choose to be joyful. Every one of us can choose to be happy if we really want to. You can choose to be happy even when the conditions around you are not happy. You can choose to be happy with or without money. It’s all about your perception. Every time you face a problem just choose to be happy and your problem will disappear in no time. If you believe that you can achieve all of your dreams, believe that and just go and do it. You will discover that belief is what separates people who do from people who dream and talk. People who can do and people who talk are two different worlds. The one who can and do the things he believes he can do will always be happier, successful and successful and his life will become his dreams. I did everything possible for my family from making them comfortable at home to their needs at work to help me achieve success. I never had any problems even if I was far away from home. I created a home for my family so they can live a comfortable life, when I was abroad I’ve always been there for my family, my wife and my children. I never let them feel lonely. I always gave them encouragement, support, good examples and an example of what they can achieve if they want it. When they didn’t have anything, I provided them a meal. I always had strong beliefs that when I work for myself with my own business that I will be financially free. I would be rich with my wife and children, and my family would be more successful than ever before. I always had faith that I can succeed, that is the key to success. You can’t be successful with negative thinking, pessimism or complaining about your life. The more you can create a good image and feel good about yourself, the better you’ll do in every aspect of your life. You need to feel comfortable and good about yourself, to believe that you can do all the things you’ve ever wanted, that’s the essence of your happiness. If you have it, let it go to your head. If you do everything for your family you will have great success in your family life. When you do all the work for others you can’t expect that you will be the one who can do all the work for yourself. Step 9: Follow your Dreams You have to have your own dreams, you have to desire to be all what you were meant to be. Tips: You need to have a strong desire to succeed, but there are two types of desires, one kind of desire comes from self-interest, meaning your desire to be successful is purely motivated by personal gains. But when you have a desire to succeed for the pure love of excellence then it becomes a desire that helps you to become who you want to be. You need to be driven by values, be driven by success and you will do everything you need to achieve your dreams. Having values and your dreams helps you be focused. Without having a value and strong beliefs and goals, you will have many different purposes in life and will not have any focus and direction. The value is what drives you and if you have nothing else than to get the things you want, you will always be moving from one thing to the other and never succeed in life. Having a value, a belief, an objective is more important than any other things because it gives you your direction and focus. When you decide what your purpose is and your goal is and you believe in it and become a dedicated person in life, things will be easy for you and success will become a natural outcome for you. Tips: Your dreams will be your guiding light, your lighthouse to be able to see where you are. You can not achieve anything without dreams. Every single success in life starts from a dream. Your dreams will always guide you to achieve your desires, it’s all about the dreams you dream, for it is through them that you’ll be motivated to achieve your goals. Your dreams will always guide you to become who you want to be. Your dreams give you the vision you need to see the path you need to take to become what you want to be. You can have all the tools you need, all the materials you need, and all the knowledge you need but it is your own imagination that will help you to achieve your dreams. It is your imagination that will make you believe you can achieve all you want to be. Your imagination is your best tool to succeed. It is your imagination that gives you the vision you need to succeed. Step 10: Stay Positive “I believe that everything happens for a reason, and when you understand that, you can accept whatever happens to you and can keep going.” ― Paulo Coelho You should always be positive, even when everything is not going your way, and even when the whole world is against you. Just remember your dreams, they are more important than anything else. Tips: You always need to focus on the positive side of life. The world around us is mostly negative, so when you think and feel negative it will make your life seem like a negative life. If you’re negative every one will be around you, and it will be difficult to achieve what you want, there is a saying which says you get what you give and what you give you will receive back. Negative people are always busy finding what’s wrong with their life, they always look for mistakes that they did or words that are said by others. When you’re negative you never have hope, it is your hope that will make you always feel better and it will help you be more positive. You have to always be positive, even when your dreams are not going the way you want. You have to believe that all your dreams will come true. Tips: Always be positive, be optimistic about the things that you desire. Always believe you can achieve anything you want to achieve. Always be optimistic when facing challenges, even when your goal seems impossible, when you don’t have anything, when everything around you seems to be not good for your business or any of your goals. Always remember that you never know if everything you see is for real. Always assume that everything you see and get around you is not good for you. Just believe in yourself, in all the things you feel, you must never give up on what you want in life. Always have hope and your dreams will come true. Step 11: Have Faith in Your Dreams There are many people who lose hope, lose their hope because they feel they have been treated badly or something has happened in their lives, they lose hope because of the experience they had with someone, or because they had a bad day or bad luck. Tips: Hope is believing that you will achieve what you want, even when you don’t know if you can achieve it. There are many things we need to do in life, but if we don’t believe we can do it we will never achieve our dreams. It is not possible to have faith unless there is a plan to achieve your dreams. Everyone goes through the bad days but you can choose to be optimistic. Your choices and your actions are all that matter in life. You don’t need to believe that you can do things you cannot do, only that you can do it. You can use your faith to help you believe that you can achieve all your dreams and the faith will be your support, your motivation and will create a vision of all that you want to achieve in life. There are many people who don’t believe that they can succeed in life, they get discouraged and they never try, they just give up. When you have a positive attitude, you can always succeed in any thing you want to do. You have to make the effort to win, when you have a desire you must act on it. There is nothing that is not possible if you believe you can do it. There are many people who are busy finding excuses, you must not be among them,