Surveys, questiona
Yeah birds need be
Yakuza Pedicure/Ma
I’m still looking
It started rough,
...And Then There
Performing a skill
Taste the Victory
With Great Power C
Facebook, Social M

She Obviously is P
Back to the Beach
Unclaimed Gift Car
During that time,
Desperate Measures
I realised the rea
Rice Wars
Bring the Popcorn
Blindside Time
Boys vs. Girls in the Workplace Do you expect women to be smarter? Women are held to lower standards of beauty. The fact that we live in a world where women can’t compete in the workforce, does not make it a man’s job to fix the problem. That is not my problem. The fact that the wage gap is not completely accounted for by differences in job selection is a problem. This should have been done in 1960. Women make 19 cents less for every dollar a man makes for equal work. Women make less money than men because they are less ambitious, less qualified, or have responsibilities that compete with their wages. If you don’t fix the wage gap problem, some women will need you to do it for them. You want equality? Here’s what you do. The United States government needs to legislate a 50/50 gender balance among directors, CEOs, and top management. There should be 50% women in every corporate boardroom, top management team, and CEO seat in the United States. If women refuse to accept jobs they are qualified for based on gender-based performance expectations, then they should expect men to quit those jobs and women should be replaced. Women should be allowed to leave jobs for personal reasons just like men, and get replaced. Employers should also be allowed to use their own judgment to evaluate the performance of male and female employees, based on their individual talents, skills, and contributions. Men should not have to do jobs that are considered women’s work. Nor should women be expected to work harder or faster than they do. When you are allowed to have an unequal distribution of resources and income between the sexes, you have a problem with greed and excess. The American economy is too large for that. The world is big enough for both sexes to contribute, earn a living, and enjoy a standard of living that satisfies their interests. The world economy needs women in power to solve the crisis. The world needs women in power to solve the issue of global warming. The world needs women in power to solve the problem of our shrinking resources. The women who are able to solve these problems are also the women who would be responsible for the men. Men can’t change until they learn how to do it differently. Men don’t see themselves, see the world, or see women as other people do. We don’t consider those who don’t want us to, such as women. We can’t feel other people’s pain or fear. We just know what we want and what we see. Men are afraid of women because we like and want them. Men don’t know how to not want them or to be comfortable with them. Our desire for women goes deeper than our bodies. It goes to our sense of identity, purpose, and being loved. If you want to change men, you have to understand the fear we have of the women who might make us change. Men were designed by women. Men are an evolutionary side-effect of women. We are the sex who made sex and love necessary for life to exist. We have been given the tools to be successful and fail, love and hate, give and take, and destroy and fix. If you want to change the world, you have to change men. It is not safe to be men. Men have an innate fear of woman. If you tell men you hate women, they will think you mean it. If you tell men that you want to replace them with women, you will make them afraid of you. If you want to transform the world, first transform men. Only you can transform your fears and insecurities into love and understanding for our species. If you want to change the world, first change yourself. The greatest fear in all the world is the one that paralyzes and immobilizes us all the time: fear that there isn’t enough. That we will never get enough. We are afraid of dying because we do not think that death is enough. We think about it more than most people in life or politics. We have been trained that we can’t think enough about it, so our thoughts are distorted by a fear of not thinking enough. If we think about how to die, we begin to consider that to be enough. A lot of people in the world are suffering and dying. The United States is the most powerful country in the world. If we work together to fix the problems in the world, we can end poverty and starvation. If you’re looking for a woman, you’ll find her. You have a good chance of finding one who understands your situation. However, if you are looking for an ideal woman, don’t look around you. Look into yourself. I can’t tell you how to find her, but I can tell you that she is there for you already. If you think it’s just about being masculine, go back to the beginning and work on it. Look around you for men who live without fear of women. Find men who have learned to be with women with the same sense of calm and security you have when you are with men. Men need to learn to love women in a real way and to be comfortable with them. Men need to find women who can do the same. Men need to learn what it means to love and be loved. We need more than love and more than desire. If you need that, read this book: The Power of Now When you realize that the woman who is perfect for you is perfect as a human being, and you have been able to love her exactly the way she is, it will be a beautiful thing. If you are searching for love in the wrong way, you’ll get nothing but heartache. You’ll run to the internet, meet with men, but there is no sex and no love. There are men. There are women. But the men are women and the women are men. Love will be in everyone you meet when you learn to see them as they really are. The truth is the way things really are when we learn to see them as they really are. This means we will see beauty and ugliness the same way we see a rose, a snake, a man, and a woman. We need to love without fear of love. We need to love without fear of letting go of who we are. We need to love without any expectation of change or transformation. This is a gift that you have to learn yourself. No one can do this for you but you. You have to find your own truth. You have to see your own truth. You have to trust your own truth. You have to be your own truth. It is up to you to learn how to love yourself. If you fail to learn how to love yourself, you will not love anyone. You will never be happy. You will always be searching for happiness in someone else. It’s not fair, because you are not doing it right. You have to love yourself before you can learn how to love another person. If you don’t have love for yourself, you will try to make love for others. You cannot love another unless you first love yourself. All people can only give what they have. They can’t give to anyone else what they don’t have themselves. That is the only way we will ever learn to get love in this world. The only way to love others is to love yourself first. You can only help other people and solve their problems when you have solved your own problems. You can’t work on others or even see them if you don’t deal with the fear inside of you that says they won’t help you. Only you can make yourself strong enough to be a real man and learn to be at peace with yourself and your life. If you want to learn how to love yourself, I will tell you how I learned how to do it. One morning, I woke up to myself. I realized what I was doing to myself, what I had been doing to myself, what I was going to do to myself. I decided not to go back into unconsciousness. I began to change my thinking about myself. The more I thought about me and how I saw myself, the more I realized that no matter how much I loved other people, I could not love others unless I loved myself first. I needed to learn to look at myself and what I saw in myself. I needed to learn what I wanted. I needed to look at myself and see all of the pain and fear inside me that I had been avoiding. I needed to see all of the pain and suffering. I needed to see the mistakes I had made. I needed to see everything that was wrong about me.