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Odd One Out_ , for their help and for their patience. I thank them for their enthusiasm and unflagging efforts, and I appreciate as well their steadfastness during the long months of my book's publication. ## INDEX * * * Note: This index is in reference to the "List of Profiles," that appears on pages 4 to 8. In other words, it is in reference to people and not the locations they were from. Aarons, Paul, Jr., 122–23 Abraham Lincoln Battalion, 111, 112 abortions, illegal, 104 Acker, Arthur "Slim", 66–67, 103, 129, 130, 144 Adams, Eddie, 67, 69, 90 Africa, 36 African Americans: Civil War and, 8; civil rights movement and, 17, 31, 74–75; in family portraits, 41, 55; Harlem Renaissance, 7; Latinos and, 30, 31; politics and, 2, 64, 78–79, 96–97, 132–33, 139–40, 141–42, 145–46; in portraits of everyday people, xi, 29–30, 36, 39, 50–52, 59–60, 63, 65, 70–73, 99–101, 102–3, 108–9, 110–12, 131; Puerto Ricans and, 10, 51–52; segregation and, 15, 17, 30–31; voting rights and, 2–3; World War II and, 124. _See also_ Harlem Renaissance; Negro Revolution Aiello, Dominic, 137 Aldrin, Edwin E., 132 Ali, Muhammad, 132 Alice Gallery, xi Alice Toklas House (Stein), 5 _Alice in Wonderland_ (Lewis Carroll), xiii, xiv Allende, Salvador, 144 _Ally McBeal_ (TV series), 75, 133 Alsop, Joseph, 139–40 Altshuler, Alan, 132 America: African Americans in, 2, 8–9; African slaves and, 14–15, 17–18; immigrants from Puerto Rico in, 17, 51–52, 137–38; immigrants in, 31, 37; Puerto Rican immigrants in, 15–17; slaves in, 9–10, 19; slavery in, 11–12, 19–20; Vietnam War and, 4; women's rights and, 2–3. _See also_ Harlem Renaissance; Puerto Ricans; United States American Communist Party, 131 American Independent Party, 131 _American Style_ (magazine), 133–34 Amsterdam (NY), 5–6, 22–23, 27, 50 Anderson, Bernard, 128, 139, 140–41 Ansbro, Karen H., 110 anti-communism, 95, 124 Anzaldua, Gloria, 129 Aponte, Luis, 139–40 Armitage, Richard, 79, 133–34 Asch, Sholem, 72–73 Atkins, Willie, 143–44 Attica prison uprising (1971), 123 Aung San Suu Kyi, 144 Austin, Al, 144 Austin, Jane Colman, 30–31 Austria, 33, 35, 40 _Autobiography of Malcolm X_ (Malcolm X), 142–43 autumn: in literature of South Africa, 38; in the Netherlands, 5–6; in the paintings of Kalfie and Weeks, 50; portraits of Latino people in, 36–38; in the paintings of Ramos, 49–51; in the paintings of Soto, 51–52; in the paintings of Torres, 50–51 Ayler, Albert, 137 Baker, Joe, 81 Balsz, Walter, 136 Bana, Lester, 144 bankruptcy, 94–95, 100, 126, 129, 130 Bankston, Carlton A., 135–36 Baraka, Amiri: in American Communist Party, 131; _Barrio on the Rise_ , 141; Black Arts movement and, 128; in Black Panthers and black separatism, 139, 140; in Black Power movement, 139; in CORE, 132; critical of black nationalism, 142; critical of white liberals, 125; criticized by Chicano activists, 135; criticism of, 140–41; critical of white power structure, 132–33; critical of white society, 138; cultural nationalism and, 135; on Harlem Renaissance, 131–32; influence on Latinos, 133; in Japanese Communist Party, 131; legacy of, 143; life of, 125–26; on Malcolm X, 142; in May 2nd Movement, 126; move to Harlem, 127; novels of, 126–27; on nonviolence, 128; political career of, 131–32; radicalism of, 129; in SNCC, 132, 139; in Young Lords, 134 Barksdale, William, 127 Barr, Bobby, 146 Barth, Charles, 33 Bataan Death March, 120–21 _Batman_ (TV series), 125 Baxter, James M., 138 Bay of Pigs invasion (1961), 131 Baylor, Elizabeth, 146 Beale Street Baptist Church (Memphis), 126 Beatles, 137–38 Beatty, Jack, 132–33 bebop, 137–38 Becker, Bernadette, 137–38 _Being and Nothingness_ (Sartre), 141 _Bell Telephone Hour_ , 137 Benenson, Joe, 134 Bentley, Eric, 145 Berger, Joseph, 81 Berkowitz, Leonard, 125 Bernstein, Carl, 125–26, 133 Bernstein, Richard, 142 Berry, Michael L., 77 Bettelheim, Bruno, 6, 9–10, 41–42 Betz, Alvin F., 143 Biddle, Nicholas, 143–44 Billingsley, William, 86–87 Bissonette, Samuel, 79–80 Black Arts movement, 125–27, 128, 129–30 Black Panthers, 139–40, 141–42 Black Power movement, 131, 139–40, 141 Black Studies, 144 Blair, Ezell, 83–84 blacks, post–Civil War, 10 black separatism, 139–40, 141 black socialists, 125 Blankfein, Lloyd, 137 Bohr, Betsy, 78–79 Bono, Sonny, 137–38, 144 Booth, William, 80–81 Borland, James L., 75 Bosch, Juan, 128–29 Bowden, William E., 79 Bravo Portraits (company), xi Britt, Robert: _The Negro Family in the United States_ , 144; _The Negro Family in the United States_ (Harvard), 144 Bronski, Michael J., 78–79, 81–82, 83 Brooklyn Bridge, 42 Brown, Richard, 129 Brown, Stephen O., 142 Bruce, Blanche, 84 Brunet, Marcel, 130–31 Bryce, T. A., 84 Buchwald, Art, 134 Bunche, Ralph, 131, 132, 133–34 Burney, Robert G., 85–86 Bush, George H. W., 135 Bush, George W., 147–48 Butler, Judith, 140–41 Butler, Robert O., 81–82, 83 Butler, Susan, 145 Butler, William Grant, 133 Byrd, Jane C. "Jane: The Story of a Photograph," 145–46 Caballero, Richard A., 78–79 Cabrera, Pablo, 136 Cacho-Diaz, Victor, 143–44 Cacho-Diaz, Vivian, 143–44 Cachon, Manuel, 143–44 Caesar, Carolyn, 86–87 Cain, Louis L., 84 Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 17 Calle 23, 26–27, 145 Camacho, Luis: in El Mundo coffee bar, 136–37; in _The Latino Wave_ , 141; paintings of, 136–37, 138 Camacho, Silvio, 135 _Camino Real_ (TV show), 133–34 Camp, Charles B., 77–78 Capone, Alphonse, 135 Carnegie Hall, 133–34 Carney, Stephen A., 84–85 Caro, Robert A., 8, 12, 13, 26 Carroll, Edward, 147–48 Carson