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Wed, 27 Mar 2013 22:16:09 +0000Reno Miller2626 at http://www.nationallibertyalliance.comObamacare: A War On Liberty

The Obama administration’s attempts to force people to buy health insurance is unconstitutional, freedom-undermining, and an affront to personal liberty, according to a recent report from America’s Foundation for Liberty and Legal Action Project. The Foundation says that government has exceeded its authority in attempting to force people to purchase health insurance.

“The Administration’s mandate is an unprecedented expansion of the Commerce Clause power beyond its reasonable meaning,” writes Foundation President John W. Whitehead in the report, called “Obamacare: A War on Liberty.”
The Bill of Rights prohibits Congress from making laws that abridge freedom or liberty.

“The Commerce Clause specifically authorizes Congress to regulate commerce ‘among the several states,’ not between individuals,” Whitehead writes.

Americans also aren’t just getting bigger, Whitehead says, but are also getting stronger and healthier.

“This is the government’s second attempt to require Americans to purchase a particular service. In 1994, the Secretary of Health and Human Services (HHS) asked for a Constitutional amendment that would have authorized Congress to make Americans purchase health insurance. To this day, only 12 states have joined the HMO bandwagon, while only three have any experience with socialized medicine. We are not the same people we were in 1994.”

ObamaCare is unconstitutional under the Fifth Amendment. “Any law that compels someone to participate in a particular activity or forbids them to act differently is unconstitutional unless Congress has a compelling purpose behind it, such as prohibiting blackmail,” Whitehead adds.

Obamacare is nothing short of tyranny, Whitehead says.

“A democracy will become the tyranny of the majority as a condition for survival. A country with a dictatorship will do much better, because it can operate more efficiently, efficiently because there are fewer people and fewer freedoms. The best dictatorship is a free dictatorship. It is tyranny of the majority, a tyranny supported by the majority, and it works better.”

Whitehead says that ObamaCare is a violation of the Constitution’s Thirteenth Amendment, which ended slavery.

“In today’s world, though, the state controls health care and you need permission to be free. You need to be licensed, licensed to be a doctor, nurse, dentist, veterinarian, etc.,” Whitehead says.

All of this puts people in fear.

“People have learned that their personal autonomy is the enemy of the state, and that when the state grows powerful enough it will compel you to do this or that,” Whitehead says. “This is one of the greatest threats to our freedom today.”

This tyranny must be stopped, Whitehead says.

“The country is in a crisis,” he writes. “The President, who was supposed to save the people from the bankers, has made the people dependent on him and a dependent culture.”

He goes on to urge readers to join the Freedom Alliance and help it win its lawsuit against Obamacare.

“It will take a few more big defeats in the Supreme Court before we can reverse this tyranny,” he says.

“My hope is that together we can save America.”

Whitehead’s report can be read in its entirety here.

Freedom Alliance

America’s Foundation for Liberty

Mon, 11 Mar 2013 15:33:00 +0000Reno Miller2625 at http://www.nationallibertyalliance.com

If you ever wanted to see a massive, centralized government plan to take control of everything from our work to our homes, check out one of President Obama’s key campaign promises: universal health care.

But while Obama may be making good on his pledge, another important piece of his plan seems to be on hold. That’s because the key players in the effort have been ordered to cease work until they complete new documentation for the new rules. And they may not be allowed to continue.

Here’s the scoop from the Daily Caller’s excellent