Little Miss Perfec
Vehicle repossessi
Operation Thunder
It's Called a Russ
The Power of One
I am thinking of y
This isn’t who I a

Tell me a joke
Bad children's boo
I Have the Advanta
Free Agent
Blood of a Blindsi
Here’s your merit
Loose Lips Sink Sh
Holy cow after 32
Baby with a Machin
Cause whatever you love can be taken away from you. Whatever you love, and love dearly, and are willing to spend hours talking about and laughing about, can be taken away from you. How can a family with a bunch of kids in it all of a sudden be poor and have almost nothing? It is impossible. You have to have money. But the money isn’t the point, it’s the love. Money is a tool used by those with money to get more money. What’s the point of having money when you’re not willing to spend it on your family? People who use religion to manipulate or exploit others are using the same tactics that capitalists use. They are using it to get and keep power and money and they believe that these things are worth killing for. And because they believe that, they are killing. The world is full of capitalists who are killing and capitalists who are dying of hunger and capitalists who are getting off easy in their prisons. If people like us are against this, then why aren’t the churches against it? They are the ones who keep the money, and they are the ones who claim the ultimate power that can give you everything you want. If we’re against it then why aren’t the churches against it? I once was working on a movie in France where a woman was being beaten up by her husband. I talked to the guy for a while and he seemed nice and he had a nice job and all of a sudden I saw that he had no idea what he had gotten into. He didn’t even know why he had married the person he had married and he was pretty unhappy about that. I said, “Do you think that if you don’t know what you’re doing, you should quit? Do you think that you should just get out?” He said, “But how am I going to get by? I have a family and what am I going to do?” It’s time for the church to be about love. They should be using their money for social justice, for the benefit of the poor, for the poor people that they are so quick to forget about. They should be helping the poor. The churches should be in the forefront of the struggle to raise the minimum wage, to feed the poor, to feed the hungry, to stop killing, to stop destroying the earth, to save the forests. But churches aren’t. The church is doing what they want because they are afraid. That’s all there is to it. They are afraid. That’s why they are always running around like that, preaching and yelling. It’s to save us. Because in the end, the people who don’t take the risk to do what’s right are going to be damned. They’ll be in hell and God will be sad because the only thing he will ever have is something that he has created with his own hands and that’s what he gets to have, because he’s a god and no other gods will be good enough for him. He doesn’t deserve this poor, hungry, miserable earth that we live on. But it’s God’s will and you can’t question God and God has never created a fucking thing and that’s why there are so many poor people. That’s why there is all this killing going on. It’s God’s will. When you get right down to it, you know what really bugs God? When he thinks about it, really thinks about it, he realizes that we would have never made it this far without the help of the church. Without all the people in heaven, all the people on earth and all the holy people in between helping to carry us along, humans would never have gotten anywhere. Because if everyone is just fucking on their own it would be impossible. We’re all too dumb and too greedy and too selfish and too evil. It’s all wrong. It’s too bad that we didn’t realize how important it was to have someone to talk to. That was probably the biggest mistake that the human race made. They could never have gotten anywhere without priests. And when they got rich, they gave so much money to the churches and the churches didn’t use the money to feed the poor and they were wasting so much money and when all is said and done, a rich church means nothing but more poor people. And you have to say, poor people, you know that being poor is bad. Don’t you know that we only have each other because we’re poor? It’s our need that keeps us together. You don’t need anything more than that. Don’t you understand that God just created the world and when he was done he was done and he didn’t think it was so important that there be any more? And you are lucky. I know that. We’re all lucky. We’re lucky because we’re still alive. When I was a kid, my mother would ask me how I was doing, and I would tell her that I was doing fine. She would tell me, “It’s good to hear.” I said, “No it’s not. It’s a lie. You know how I really am, but you are afraid to tell me. How much more of your bullshit am I going to have to put up with? You can only lie to me so many times. It’s good to hear. It’s all bullshit. It’s all bullshit.” That’s what I think about it. The church, she can tell you any crap that she wants. You can’t believe it. You can’t believe it, because you know that she’s full of shit. And if you’re so afraid of her, the least you could do is get out of the way. Just get the hell out of the way. Get out of the way and get someone else in there. Don’t let them keep doing it, because they’re not doing you any good. They’re keeping you sick. They’re keeping you in jail. They’re keeping you poor. They’re making you believe in things that don’t make any sense. And if you do believe them, they’re gonna fucking beat the shit out of you. Or give you a disease so you’ll spend the rest of your life just sitting in a bed with a big tube down your throat, or something. And what’s the point of that? The church is a business and a business is always about making money. Always. A business is always about taking money. And it’s not like they’re hurting anyone. The church has no rights to tell anyone how to live. They think they can do it and still be a church. They can’t do it and still be a church, because no one can take away people’s rights. No one can tell you who you can love. There is no God. And if there is no God then what do they want? They say they want us to believe in their God. Well, there is no God, so that would make them liars, wouldn’t it? And they need us to believe in God so that we’ll give them money and so that we won’t be mad at them for taking our money. And all of a sudden we end up giving them more money, because that’s how all capitalists work. They are greedy and sadistic. They’re greedy and sadistic and they don’t care about anything except for the power that comes from controlling you and fucking you. They’re evil. They’re evil. You may have come to the conclusion that I’m a fool, a liar and a thief. You may not care whether or not I’m honest or not because you know that I’m full of shit. But let me tell you something, if I’m full of shit, at least I know it. I don’t make up things about myself. I don’t say things that aren’t true and I don’t believe things that aren’t true. I don’t pretend to love something that I don’t, or to hate something that I don’t. I’m not good with other people’s words. The words that are there have been put there by people who have power, people who love money, people who hate themselves. So I know that the words that I’m using aren’t true words. And that’s why I tell you the truth. Because I know that what I have to say is true. And if it’s not true, then what’s the point of saying it? I never said anything that was untrue. I just tried to tell the truth. And it’s such a great truth, because it’s about right and wrong and there is no God and there never was. Not anymore. We had a God and he was in heaven. And he was a liar. And he was a thief. And we fucked him. Now he’s gone and we have to make the most of our lives the best we can, without him. That’s all we can do now. It’s really up to us now. There’s no magic, no God, no ghost