Loose Lips Sink Sh
Here’s your merit
Blood of a Blindsi
Free Agent
I Have the Advanta
Bad children's boo
Tell me a joke
Cause whatever you
Little Miss Perfec

Baby with a Machin
We're Finally Play
The Dead Can Still
I Was Put on the P
Like a neon dream,
The Jocks vs. the
Investing, Stocks,
Travel Agent Fare
Villains Have More
We're Finally Play
Holy cow after 32 years it's been since I got off the Gray Hound Bus at FT Leonard Wood, MO nothing has changed. This was a great post. I love seeing all the photos too!! What is the deal with that sign over the front door? Looks like a sign for a strip joint to me...or maybe a whore house. The sign on the front door is totally out of whack. And the sign on the back does not match the sign on the front. You mentioned that you had a picture of the inside, I thought I'd ask. A fellow classmate of mine has been working on a project on the buildings that used to be part of the original post. Could you post a picture of the inside? So, I just stumbled across your blog. You said something about a trip you took there as a college student? Did you attend or are you going to a school in that area? What was the trip like? I love the place, and would be so excited to go visit it. The only thing is, I've never been anywhere. I'd love to see pics of some things around town though. You know, I thought the same thing. It looks more like the back room of a divey bar, or whore house. The sign is not to be believed. It makes me wonder if this little place just doesn't know what kind of tourist it's getting or what it's like to be a tourist. You do a great job of making it look real. The story is real. The pictures are real. The lighting is real. Every detail, whether its good or bad, is real. To know it's real is cool, and you captured that just right. I can tell this is accurate since I've had my first (unplanned and unexpected) encounter with a classmate from High School who grew up in the area and was so happy to share with us and show us around. It's all very fascinating to read as a long time resident of the town...and there's so much beauty and history you mention! You did a great job with the photos - they bring back a lot of memories, too. The sign on the back does not match the one on the front. I think it was originally the name of a long time owner, or employee. (As I recall, it's been there at least 20+ years.) The sign also says 'catering' instead of 'beverage'. I worked in a restaurant and had to explain that to people a couple of times. You know, some of the things that come to mind when I think about the store are: that this is a great set up for a haunted house, that it's probably not that good for a bar/cafe, and I imagine you'd feel pretty creepy if you stayed there overnight! (Though, maybe you would have been able to sleep well the night before you posted this? Ha!) :) Thanks for posting this and the information about the store. Since I did not live there when the business was a cafe, I had never heard the stories. It does look like it would make a good haunted place or a place to have a party. I live in MO too and have always found the signs amazing. It always makes me think that I have entered a different place in time. You do not see "Grays Cafe" on signs where I live, just "Grays Cafe". I don't have any problem with the place, the building just seems out of place in this setting. Thank you so much for this! We don't have anything like it here, I don't think. As a mom to a child with SPD, our family has lived through so much heartache and drama and my eyes still tear up when I think about going to visit the building where my grandparents were once married. To think that there's some happy memories attached to it is very comforting. Thanks for sharing this story with all of us! I have never actually been there. I wonder about the store, and about the place and its history. I had to look back at the story to be sure I knew where it was and when, and yes, I'm so glad I didn't know at the time I was reading it. This store is one of my favorites! I read a lot of romance books and found about this place online. I've always wondered why you hadn't written about it. Thanks for a great post. The pictures are wonderful, especially of the building. The only thing that is missing is the sign, and some information about the past ownership/tenants. I agree with Anonymous. The building could be haunted. But your description of the building is beautiful, as well as your description of the old town in general. Maybe this store just didn't want to be discovered. When I used to visit one of my best friend's mom's house, we used to go and sit on the store stoop, she used to tell us all about it and the town, etc. It is so much prettier than the other stores. I remember this building looking a bit weathered and not nearly as fancy. I can see the history behind the building and why they chose this as a store. I like the stories you have to share. I wonder about the story behind the store and the town. You should contact the owner if you can to get more info. If it is haunted, that might explain why they closed down the store and moved. I would think something like that might happen after people died in one of the rooms inside the store. Also, why did they decide to reopen and not sell the building? Hello Vicki! I came across your blog today via a link from a site in England. Just a little note about the sign, it seems to be very common on old buildings in England with this wording "Cafe or Bar?". It can still be seen today although it is now used as a delicatessen of some sort. I would love to know if there is a history behind this signage, as I assume it has been used for some time but don't know if it was something the owner used for themselves and was never seen before being put on the building? Is there any info you could share on this subject? It is a beautiful piece of historical architecture and your pictures really bring back some wonderful memories. Many thanks, Sarah This store is very nice! I'd like to know about the sign...it seems to be out of place in the building in general. I've always wondered about it...why the different words? I know someone owns it now, but how did he come to own it? It's a pretty interesting building....the only one in town....(I'm sure I've seen some other buildings). It would make a great movie set...how many horror movies are made on old buildings or in abandoned houses? What a great store! The facade and the history behind it are amazing. I never knew there was a cafe in there, and I've lived in this area all my life. I'd never seen it. I thought the writing was missing from the sign as well as the building being slightly older than others of the same type in this area, it being on an odd road and at a odd corner. I think it's a great building and it's been good to see it around and know it existed for some time... I'd like to have seen the sign before its removal. This store has a special place in my heart, as I lived for the first 20 years of my life not far from it in a small town with a lot of history. I can feel your love of the town here. :) This store is amazing. You're right that there are not many of these old brick buildings around here. I love your pictures. It brought back fond memories of the place in which I used to visit with my father - before I knew him. The store was so neat - I didn't even notice the sign until you pointed it out to me. This building is beautiful and the stories that surround it are fascinating. I am fascinated by old buildings and the stories that surround them and in this case there are so many stories, which only adds to the attraction. The best information I have found is at http://www.washingtoncountyhistoricalsociety.com. I found this shop last year, about this time of year. The day before my friend's wedding I decided to take pictures of the sign, of all the things on the sign, before taking pictures of everything else, and I didn't take any of my pictures to our destination. My friend has since gotten married and last weekend we returned to see if we could still get some pictures. It was closed! How awesome.