We're Finally Play
Baby with a Machin
Holy cow after 32
Loose Lips Sink Sh
Here’s your merit
Blood of a Blindsi
Free Agent
I Have the Advanta
Bad children's boo

I Was Put on the P
Like a neon dream,
The Jocks vs. the
Investing, Stocks,
Travel Agent Fare
Villains Have More
We're Finally Play
Fight for Your Lif
MS Scarlett Feaver
Perilous Scramble
The Dead Can Still Talk", this story has nothing to do with Denny Crane. However, it is a spoof of Star Trek. "The Dead Give Crane a Hand", this is the second story where Bob has a love interest. "The Dead Give A Miserable Shag", this is the third story where Bob has a love interest. I have all three books (so far) and I'm looking forward to reading more stories of Bob Crane. 5/5 Stars The Dead Can Still Talk Summary by John A. Gallagher There is a problem at the Pendleton Funeral Home - the bodies are leaving the building. A detective investigates and soon realizes he has a problem. The corpses are not leaving of their own volition, but rather an unseen force is taking them away. However, there is no dead body without a cause, so he decides to have a little chat with the former owner of the funeral home, who is now the town cemetery groundskeeper. And from there, the story goes to some places the reader would never expect. My Thoughts I had the good fortune to sit down with a friend of mine who is an author and he made me an offer - would I be interested in reading his book? Of course I would! "I'll give you one of my books for free if you tell me your opinion about it" is what he said. And here we are. "The Dead Can Still Talk" - it's one of the stories I wanted to read about my favorite deceased TV star, Denny Crane. I'm sure I will not be disappointed with it. It will be a fun read. I guess this means I have another book to add to my TBR pile! *grin* 4/5 Stars The Dead Give Crane a Hand Summary by John A. Gallagher This is the second story of the "I Have a Good Story For You" section (and the only one I have read so far). It's about Bob Crane - yes, you guessed it, my other favorite TV star. This particular story is about a funeral home in Pendleton. Not only has a new body disappeared but a mysterious odor is floating throughout the building. Someone is out there causing havoc in the world of mortuaries! The stench of death is strong and the town of Pendleton doesn't have much time left to act. Of course, there is another person to investigate and he too has a past. I haven't finished the story (haven't had time) and I've read some reviews and it seems it doesn't end on a high note. That's bad because there are only two stories in the book! The plot looks fun so far - it might become addictive. I don't want to finish reading the book just yet because I don't want to be left hanging. We'll see. 4/5 Stars The Dead Give A Miserable Shag Summary by John A. Gallagher This is the third story of the I Have A Good Story For You section (but not the last one). It's about Bob Crane - yes, you guessed it, my other favorite TV star. As I was saying before, the story has nothing to do with Denny Crane. Or so I thought. A former college football star from Pendleton is killed in a car accident and buried in the cemetery. The family refuses to spend money on a burial so the funeral home will bury him in exchange for a monthly fee and they get a cut of the cemetery income. The family is reluctant to let the body remain in the earth, however, so they ask the cemetery groundskeeper for advice. The groundskeeper, a man named Bill, has a good idea. What if he digs up a grave? You might have been surprised, but Bill doesn't do that alone. He needs a little help. I guess we are in for one heck of a plot in the next story. Again, this is the third story of the I Have A Good Story For You section (but not the last one). It's about Bob Crane - yes, you guessed it, my other favorite TV star. He's back! This one doesn't have anything to do with him, but only one other character from the TV show is in it - and he's already died. A former college football star from Pendleton is buried in the cemetery. He was a star football player for Pendleton State and his parents are sure they will be able to use that fame to make a profit. However, the college is currently under investigation, so the Pendleton Funeral Home is afraid that the body might be exhumed. They'd much rather have a fee up front and not worry about being held responsible if the college shuts them down. Bill needs a little help to get the body out of the ground - but he has some reservations. The plot looks interesting so far, but only time will tell what is going to happen. The Dead Can Still Talk Summary by John A. Gallagher I mentioned the other day about a short story book of stories about my favorite TV show, Cheers. I can now tell you - the book is called "I Have a Good Story For You". I have read the first three stories. I've got "The Dead Give Crane a Hand" on my to-read pile. I hope I get to read more of these stories because I've always been a big fan of the characters and a little interested in the plots. This book is more about their lives than their deaths and it seems that some of the stories could be about anyone and their life. It's a fun book and you will enjoy reading it. Wednesday, June 4, 2014 Welcome to our stop on the Cover Reveal Blitz of Love and Laughter by Lauren M. Wilson! We are so happy to have Lauren here today to talk a little bit about her new release! Don't forget to enter the giveaway at the bottom of the post to win a copy of Love and Laughter! ***This post is part of the Cover Reveal Blitz organized by Kristi of The Book Queen. Be sure to stop by Kristi's blog to see the other participating blogs! Synopsis: She knew about the fire. He didn't. There's one thing they have in common: they both need to remember and deal with what happened before they can move forward. When their paths cross for the second time, they meet at a bar, where memories are forgotten and long-forgotten mistakes are washed away. Until a tragedy that was long buried threatens to destroy their friendship and their future together. What happens when everything you hold so dear is threatened, except each other? Love and Laughter is a bittersweet story about the people you care about, the people you want to save, and the people you just can't live without. Excerpt: I was a mess. And her. I was a mess and she was a mess and I was a mess and she was a mess. I know it sounds awful, but I couldn't believe this was happening. We were both standing on the edge of this cliff and we both knew that at any minute, something was going to go horribly wrong. This cliff didn't have a nice little sign telling us not to jump. Instead, it had a bunch of people who didn't want to jump, but because they were trapped, they had no other choice. The only difference between them and us is that we still had a choice. It might have been the only thing keeping me sane because I wanted a choice, but I also needed it to be right. I needed