Trial By Fire
Too Little, Too La
Thy Name is Duplic
The Young and Untr
The Winds Twist
The Underdogs
The Twist
The Tides are Turn
The Sole Survivor
Lewd conduct inclu

Trust No One
Truth Be Told
Two Peas in a Pod
Udder Revenge
We Are Family
While the Cats are
...And Then There
A Bunch of Idiots
A Chapera Surprise
A Chicken's a Litt
True Lies_ , , , _Long Goodbye, The_ , _Long Goodbye, The_ , _Longhorns_ , _Look Back in Anger_ , _Los Angeles Times_ , , Los Angeles, CA, Lost Generation, Louvre, _Love_ (Garcia), _Love & Rockets_, _Lucifer Rising_ , Lucchesi, Tony, , ; as director of _The Great Rock'n'Roll Swindle_ , (ill.) Lumet, Sidney, ; on Woodstock '94, ; at the Grammys, Lumet, Tanya, ; at the Grammys, _Maidstone_ , Malcolm X Shabazz High School, ; Alvin Toffler visits, ; Martin Luther King addresses students at, ; as name for the school, _Manhattans_ , , _Marriage on the Rocks_ , _M*A*S*H_ , , _Matrix, The_ , McCann, Roger, , McCann, Tom, , , ; at the Grammys, McCartney, Paul, McCarthyism, McCleary, Dave, , McClosky, Pete, , McLachlan, Sarah, , ; appearance at the Grammys, ; appearance on _Friends_ , ; as artist on _The Simpsons_ , McLaughlin, John: background, ; in India, ; on _Mandate_ , ; as part of _Blow Up Your Video_ , ; on _Strange Brew_ , McNally, Dennis, ; appearance at the Grammys, ; appearance on _Saturday Night Live_ , ; as artist on _Saturday Night Live_ , McNally, Robert, , ; as artist on _Saturday Night Live_ , McQuaid, Deni, McQueen, Steve, , , , ; appearance on _Saturday Night Live_ , ; appearance on _The Simpsons_ , McShane, Ian, ; appearance at the Grammys, ; appearance on _The Simpsons_ , McShann, Andy, Mead, Bob, , Meeker, Ralph: on the Grammys, Melville, Herman, Merriam, Frank: at the Grammys, ; appearance at the Grammys, ; on jazz music, Miles Davis: appearance on _Saturday Night Live_ , ; appearance on _The Simpsons_ , Miles J. Breuer Memorial Clinic, , Mill Valley, CA, Mink DeVille, Minnelli, Liza, , Mitchell, James, , , , ; appearance on _Late Night with David Letterman_ , Modern Jazz Quartet, , Mohinani, Sanjiv, Molina, Mario, Monroe, Marilyn, , Monterey Pop Festival, ; John Phillips's performance at, Montreal, Canada, , , Moog synthesizer, Moran, Larry, Morgan, Lee, ; appearance on _The Simpsons_ , ; as artist on _The Simpsons_ , ; appearance at the Grammys, ; on jazz music, Morissette, Alanis, , Morrison, Jim, , , , , ; appearance at the Grammys, ; appearance on _Late Night with David Letterman_ , ; appearance on _Saturday Night Live_ , ; appearance on _Saturday Night Live_ , ; as artist on _Saturday Night Live_ , Morrison, Van, Morrissey, Mark, Morrow, Jim, Morton, Ken, , ; appearance at the Grammys, ; appearance on _Saturday Night Live_ , ; appearance on _The Simpsons_ , ; as artist on _Saturday Night Live_ , Mothers of Invention, MTV Music Awards, , Mueller, George, Muldaur, Janis, , _Music People_ (film), , _Myth of the American Sleepover_ , _Naked City_ (television series), National Association of Television and Radio Announcers, National Broadcasting Company (NBC), , , , ; appearance at the Grammys, ; on the Beatles, ; _Blue Velvet_ episode of _The Simpsons_ , ; _Cradle Will Rock_ , ; on _The David Letterman Show_ , ; _The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd_ , ; _Drew Carey_ , ; _The D-Generation_ , ; _Ferris Bueller_ , ; _The Ghost of Hope_ , ; on the Grammys, ; on Howard Stern, ; on _Late Night with David Letterman_ , ; on Martin Luther King Day, ; on the MTV Music Awards, ; on _Saturday Night Live_ , , ; _Saturday Night Live_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of John Oates_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tom Davis_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of The Monty Python's Flying Circus_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tom Lehrer_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Blues Brothers_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tom Waits_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of Young Comedians_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of_ _Will Ferrell_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of Woody Allen_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of_ _Will Farrell_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tom Hanks_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of David Lynch_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of Bruce Springsteen_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of Stevie Wonder_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of Peter, Paul, and Mary_ , ; _Saturday Night Live: The Best of Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers Live from Radio City Music Hall_ , Neal, Roy: at the Grammys, ; appearance on _Saturday Night Live_ , Nelson, Rick, Nelson, Ricky, _Network_ , Neuman, Barbara, , Newman, Paul, , New York City, , , , ; Grateful Dead concerts in, , _New York Times_ , , _NewsHour with Jim Lehrer_ , Nichols, Anthony, Nielsen Media Research, Nietzsche, Friedrich, Noone, John, Noone, Peter, _N.O.W_. (Narcotics Offense Work), O'Connor, Edwin: on jazz music, O'Connor, Sinead, ; appearance on _Saturday Night Live_ , ; at the Grammys, ; appearance on _The Simpsons_ , ; at the Newport Folk Festival, ; on _N.O.W_., ; on _The Simpsons_ , ; _Song of Bernadette_ , O'Donovan, Mike, , O'Keeffe, John, O'Keefe, Tim, , , ; appearance at the Grammys, ; at the Newport Folk Festival, ; on _N.O.W_., ; on _The Simpsons_ , O'Neal, John, , Ono, Yoko, Oppenheimer, Joel, Orbison, Roy, Original Cast Recording Society (OCRS), Ozawa, Seiji, , Palladino, Tony, Pang, May, ; on _Saturday Night Live_ , ; on _Saturday Night Live_ , ; on _Saturday Night Live_ , Parker, Charlie, Parton, Dolly, , , Paskin, Jim, ; on the Grammys, Pasqua, Carine, , Peel, John, , , , Peet, Paul, , Peppard, David, , ; appearance at the Grammys, ; appearance on _The Simpsons_ , ; at the New York City protests, ; as artist on _The Simpsons_ , _Pet Sounds_ (Beach Boys), _Philadelphia_ , Piano Man, Piasek, Chris, , ; appearance at the Grammys, ; appearance on _The Simpsons_ , ; on jazz music, ; on _Saturday Night Live_ , Pink Floyd, _Pixies_ (film), Plant, Robert: at the Grammys, ; appearance at the Grammys, ; appearance on _Saturday Night Live