Trust No One
True Lies
Trial By Fire
Too Little, Too La
Thy Name is Duplic
The Young and Untr
The Winds Twist
The Underdogs
The Twist
The Tides are Turn

Two Peas in a Pod
Udder Revenge
We Are Family
While the Cats are
...And Then There
A Bunch of Idiots
A Chapera Surprise
A Chicken's a Litt
A Closer Look
A Diamond in the R
Truth Be Told_. What I'm doing is a little different from journalism. I go after people who think they are doing the Lord's work, and expose them as phonies. I show them up for what they are – frauds – and let the public know. People who do this kind of thing just have to know that if they ever show up in my town or my state, they will be exposed. We're already looking for a possible next case. We can't give too much away, but we have a couple of likely possibilities. I have noticed that your church's Web site has changed its stance recently. Rather than saying, "If God does not save us, we will burn in Hell," it now says, "In fact, we will not burn in Hell." When did this change occur? God saved my life through my daughter's ministry, which is my wife and me. We did it in 1996. Since then, I've been going all over the world, exposing these charlatans and warning the people. We expose them as frauds, so people don't waste their time and money on them. If they were able to help you in any way, they were able to help many people. They are nothing but fakes. I have always stood with the majority of Christians in our church. The reason they changed their position was because of the exposure we had done on our Web site. If they thought it was wrong to show people that they had been lying, well, I'm sorry that they did that, because they were wrong. But now they're back on track, saying, "Let God save you. If you don't believe in Christ, you're going to burn in Hell." We've gone from them trying to pretend they were Christians to telling the truth, but now we're back to lying again. This is typical of the whole American system. The public knows better than to trust them, and that's why they're working so hard to change the message to whatever they can. I still say we can know if God exists or not, even if He does not intervene, because of the miracle of science – the Big Bang Theory. But what they say now sounds much better than they were before, and that's what they will come back to. The message is changing – this time it's a positive one, even though we know they will keep lying as they have for the past two thousand years. It's been like this ever since I was a kid, and it will never change. I guess they will claim you are being anti-Christian. They will. I will continue to use their Bible to show them what they are – liars. Do you feel the new "positive message" that has appeared on their Web site is in line with the core beliefs of Christianity? The core belief is, don't believe them. There are many false Christian groups. We have been to one church in America, the most Christian church in America, that has turned away tens of thousands of people because they didn't believe in God. We are fighting it tooth and nail. You can see that the new message is true, because it says God wants you to believe. They say we are fighting them because we don't want to know God, but that's a lie. They have changed their core belief from God's love for you to God knows if you are saved or not. It doesn't take much reading to see that their message has always been that God wants you to know Him. This is a positive change, and it will help a lot of people to believe. It also shows that these people can change their message from one lie to the other, so the public will not trust them again. The truth will always be there. What will be your next steps, now that you have exposed all these charlatans? Well, we are looking to contact the new believers – now many of them are coming out of their own volition. We're going to give them an opportunity to expose them. It's hard to be the only ones doing it, but we're on a roll, and people are contacting us to tell their stories. You were one of the first ministers who spoke out against televangelists in the 1990s. What about it? We were the first to expose them. You call them charlatans. I call them charlatans because they are not telling the truth. I can't prove it because I'm not God, but I know it from hearing their own mouths. You've got to be in touch with their words in their own language, not what the reporter tells you. We have studied their message thoroughly and translated it into everyday language so that people will understand it. We've done this every single word and they are full of crap. They are, and they will continue to burn in Hell. No, they will not. It's about love and grace. If you know the Word of God, you'll understand who these people are. We're dealing with people who don't know what it says in the Bible. I've never been in a church that believed this message. What's the Bible say about burning in Hell? Don't believe these people. If you go with them, you're still going to burn in Hell. You will not see them there, but you will burn. You can make a choice. They can't force you. You have the Bible, too. Do you want people to use your Web site to do what you do, because you were criticized as negative when you were still in the limelight? No, not at all. We are bringing people to the Lord through exposing these charlatans. All we want is for people to come to Him by His light. I'm not doing this for fame, but for truth. There is a reason why all these people were sent here by the Holy Spirit. If they're doing it on their own, they will end up like the man in the parable of Jesus. Do you believe there's a place of torture for people who do not believe in Christ? Yes, and Jesus said so. You should be aware of that. I will give you a Bible reference for anyone who wants to look it up. I'm a man of the Bible. How do you feel about people who say the Bible is wrong? I have gone through every word, looking for what God says. God doesn't change His message, and we find all His words – all over the book – that says, "If you believe in Me, you will not go to Hell." We take God's word, the Bible, and compare it to what they say. When it goes against what God says, they will twist it. But when it comes against the truth, they will take it down. If someone wants to say the Bible is wrong, I'll say, "I'm sorry that you say it's wrong, but I have an entire Bible that says you're wrong, so you're wrong." I don't have to understand it in a few words, but there are literally thousands of pages that will prove the Bible is right and they are wrong. How would I know if God is speaking through someone else? When they use Christ's name or the Word of God, it comes from them. When they are quoting someone else, it's not from God, but if they read the Bible and make statements that go against the Word of God, you can say that. And if it's Jesus, it's Jesus – and they should know better. These people are not as smart as we are, but they know the Bible – they were chosen by God. And now they say they have a way to verify it. What is it? They say there's some kind of software you can purchase for $100,000. I guess it's designed to tell you if something is from God. I never heard of any of this. The answer is the Bible. They will never be able to convince me because they do not have it. I'll let them get their story on the record. It says, "Trust Jesus and His Word. If you do, you will not go to Hell." Then it will say, "If you don't believe, I will send you to Hell, because Jesus' way is the only way." How many people go to Hell? Only one. God came to us personally and said that in order to get to Heaven He had to sacrifice His life. Could a person do the same? You've got to be kidding me. Who told you that? That's a lie. Did Jesus die for your sins? It says God died for our sins in the New Testament. That's why I preach the Word – it's not what they say. You have to know what God says. People go to Heaven on their own; you don't have to do anything. This is Satan, telling people to go to Hell and have to pay for it. I'll tell you the truth – all this message says is you have to believe – believe God, believe Jesus, believe the Bible, believe the New Testament. If you have faith in God, He can save you and take you into His Kingdom. I have many friends who are atheists and don't believe in God. It's okay to be an atheist and still get to Heaven, isn't it? Yes. I believe that when Jesus comes back, there will be no more atheists