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The Princess
The Power of One
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The Most Deserving
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The Merge

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Trial By Fire
True Lies
Trust No One
The Sole Survivor," a movie about the "unsung heroes of the Vietnam War, the ones who survive -- the wounded, the maimed, the ones who lost their minds." After the story ended and the credits rolled, the film's director said he would dedicate the movie to "everyone who has suffered through a war experience, anyone who's ever known someone who's died in war." The screening was one of the first events for new members of the Center for the Arts that will officially launch next week on Tuesday, September 27. The Center for the Arts is a community of veterans and their families who want to enjoy cultural programs in a comfortable environment. Memberships start at $50 a year. "This is for everyone. It's for family and friends of veterans, as well as veterans themselves," said Jody Chavez, the center's executive director. "What we want to do is have fun. We want to do things that will connect people with the community and to each other." The center is housed on the campus of the YWCA of Southeast Albuquerque, whose president, Jo Anne Tavarez, serves on the center's board of directors. Tavarez said she had been "trying to work with this kind of thing (a cultural center) for a long time. I was trying to figure out how it could be done in a community the size of Albuquerque. I think it's coming together very nicely. It's got a great group of people, great location." During its opening ceremonies, the Center for the Arts will also unveil its new name -- a tribute to veterans who, Chavez said, represent the "heroes of all America." The center's directors are veterans and spouses, ranging from World War II to the current conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan. They've decided to call the new center "The Center for the American Experience." "This is going to be a place where members can get together and go to cultural activities. We'll have workshops, lectures, events," Chavez said. Veterans members can join because the center "is for all veterans who have honorably served their country. This is for the community that has invested in them." At the September 27 opening ceremony, members of the center will announce their annual "Founder's Award." That award goes to "a person who has supported and provided resources to the veterans' center. It's a special award that the board has been giving out." The opening ceremony will also include a musical performance by the New Mexico Military Veterans Choir. The center is located at 1201 Eubank NE. It will open its doors for regular tours at 1 p.m. on Tuesday, September 27. The center is open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Friday. You can reach Staff Writer Nathan Pilling at 505-823-4622 or by email at nathan.pilling@daily-times.com.