Battle Royale
Banana Etiquette
Bag of Tricks
Baby with a Machin
Arranging a Hit
Aren’t Brochachos
Are You Feeling Lu
Are We Gonna Live

Betrayals Are Goin
Big Bad Wolf
Big Balls, Big Mou
Big Trek, Big Trou
Big Win, Big Decis
Blackmail or Betra
Blindside Time
Blood is Blood
Blood Is Thicker T
Beg, Barter, Steal” with his “Weapons of Mass Destruction.” For the purposes of this article, I’m going to treat all of them as one. First off, in order to understand the politics of “weaponization,” we need to examine all three of the major U.S. intelligence agencies and the role they played in the creation of Al Qaeda. They have all been thoroughly co-opted into perpetuating the “War on Terror” which was deliberately created as a cover for the takeover of the Middle East by Zionists and British aristocrats. The three agencies are the CIA, the Pentagon and the military/industrial complex. The CIA The CIA has been run as a private, for-profit corporation by a group of American and foreign businessmen led by Allen Dulles and David Bruce (the latter who came from the Morgan/Rockefeller/Morgenthau faction). The CIA “spies” do NOT actually work for the American people, who pay their salaries, nor do they work for the U.S. Government. CIA “spies” operate as an independent, autonomous secret organization that reports only to itself, not the Government. The “Weaponization” of U.S. intelligence This is how the CIA has been used by the American aristocracy to “Weaponize” the American People: The CIA created Al Qaeda. It has been shown that both the CIA and the BCC were directly involved in the creation of Al Qaeda to further CIA and British intelligence operations in the Middle East. The CIA set up Operation Cyclone in Iran, a plot to assassinate the Shah. The CIA was also closely connected to the coup which overthrew the Shah and brought the Ayatollah to power. After the overthrow of the Shah, an extremely anti-Semitic ayatollah came to power in Iran and, at the same time, a pro-Western regime was established in Pakistan. This is one of the reasons that the British created Pakistan. Iraq’s only industry is oil, making it the largest oil producing country in the world. Saddam Hussein wanted to re-take control of that oil for himself. The CIA, who wanted to keep control of Iraq’s oil for themselves, went to the British and began creating their own Al Qaeda. The CIA recruited Saudi citizens who had trained at bin Laden’s camp. These agents went back to Iraq and worked with the British SAS to train Saddam’s soldiers in guerrilla warfare. The SAS also set up a number of training camps in the mountains where they were trained to be a counter-revolutionary force to defend Iraq’s oil fields. The CIA and SAS soldiers went into Kurdistan, dressed as Iraqis, to form bands of insurgents to stir up trouble. They were, at the same time, paid by the CIA to fight the Kurds. Iraq was bombed with cluster bombs by the U.S. forces. These cluster bombs were dropped on Kurdish villages, murdering women and children. According to retired U.S. general Ben Parten, “it is widely believed that the U.S. bombed the Iraqi Kurds in an attempt to drive a wedge between them and the Iranians.” General Parten was then made the commander of U.S. forces in Southern Turkey. An analysis by Professor Michel Chossudovsky of Global Research has outlined the long-term implications of the Iraq war for peace and security: On March 11, 1991, General Norman Schwarzkopf declared: “Today we are at the end of a very long road, one that has seen the maturation of air power into the most powerful and effective means of preserving peace. Over the years it has done much for our nation. We have learned to do much for mankind. And now, it seems to me that it is up to us to make air power a tool for peace, for it has the potential to keep the peace for generations to come. “And so, we are moving out from the desert of Kuwait into the Arabian Desert, to Iraq – a sovereign state that has attacked one of our coalition members – an attack that has already led to the loss of many innocent lives.” As one commentator noted, at this point “the public had no idea how many lies the Pentagon and President Bush would tell in order to invade Iraq.” A major factor in the U.S. decision to invade Iraq was the information that the U.S. had managed to steal from the former head of Iraqi Intelligence (the Mukhabarat), Jafar el-Saddaq, and his wife, the beautiful Leila. They were living in Paris when, during a routine passport check, their visa was found to be in the name of al-Qaeda. On that basis they were detained and interrogated. Leila began talking and told them what she knew about Iraq’s vast oil reserves and the reasons for Saddam’s invasion of Kuwait. The information was passed on to Washington and led to the “Operation Desert Storm.” Saddam Hussein refused to submit to being overthrown, and his country was bombed into submission, thereby proving to the world that America, as Al Qaeda, had become the terrorist. The British created Al Qaeda for “Slick” Dick Cheney’s oil and gas company Halliburton. Halliburton helped Cheney become Vice-President by sending his company money to set up a lobbying firm (K Street Project) which had, as its top client, the Republican Party. To complete the circle, Cheney’s former oil company is now receiving money for its Iraqi oil concessions. Halliburton is also receiving huge sums of money to rebuild Iraq’s electrical system. The US State Department, through the National Endowment for Democracy (NED), has also used the same strategy. A study of five “democracy-building” programs revealed that “nearly half of the U.S. programs are being run by organizations that can hardly be considered NGOs at all. Instead, most are programs of USAID and the State Department, with a smattering of contractor outfits, such as the Chemonics International Inc. subsidiary International Relief and Development.” Their clients have included dictators and human-rights violators like Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, the Philippines’ Ferdinand Marcos, Pakistan’s Mohammed Zia ul-Haq, and Angola’s Jonas Savimbi. The study concluded: “The most remarkable thing about these [democracy] programs is how well they are concealed from public scrutiny.” When George W. Bush was informed that he was going to be impeached as President, he told his top aides to find evidence that he had not known about the Iraq-Niger uranium deal. The Bush gang found their own evidence to show that Bush had known about the deal. The “smoking gun” was discovered in the files of the U.S. Department of Justice’s Office of Legal Counsel, where it was found that President Ford had not known about the deal either, but he had to resign to avoid impeachment. If the case for Bush’s impeachment falls apart, so does the case against Al Qaeda. Weaponizing Islam The goal of the “War on Terror” is to weaken the resistance of the Muslim world and give a green light for the complete military conquest of the region. This was done by setting up “Islamic terrorist” groups like Al Qaeda and Hamas. The key propaganda ploy that has been used to create “Islamic terrorists” is the notion that this is a “clash of civilizations” between “Christian” values and Islam, with Israel as the “Jews” or “Crusaders,” fighting for Islam. The real reason for the “clash of civilizations” is that a major oil field had been discovered in Saudi Arabia. The U.S. oil companies then had to pay the British government and their puppets for the right to develop this field, which was previously owned by the Ottoman Empire. This was called “dollar diplomacy” by the Brits. With the U.S. dollar as a “world currency,” the British could no longer hold onto the key to control the world. If one nation had to stop using the dollar, this would cause the collapse of the world economy. The British realized that they had to prevent any nation from acquiring the technology to develop a new energy system, which would be an insurmountable hurdle to their continued world control. The Anglo-American-Israeli establishment has been using Islam to fight against the Moslems so as to keep their control over the oil. The establishment has kept the war going by making both Muslims and Christians hate each other. The U.S. has used covert psychological warfare to set up a network of pro-U.S. and anti-Muslim terrorists, who are then taken to Israel and trained there by the CIA and British SAS. They are taken into Lebanon, which, like Israel, is also run by the same criminals. From there they are put back into Iraq and are sent to fight the “Islamic terrorists” there, thus giving the U.S. an excuse for further military intervention in Iraq. This entire policy can be summed up in three simple words: “Iraq – oil – dollar.” By attacking Iraq, the Bush administration was able to take control of that country’s oil and prevent a “re-alliance” between the Arab World and Iran. As previously mentioned, Iraq’s oil had already been captured and “locked up” by the Americans and the British. All the major oil companies operating in Iraq (