Big Balls, Big Mou
Big Bad Wolf
Betrayals Are Goin
Beg, Barter, Steal
Battle Royale
Banana Etiquette
Bag of Tricks
Baby with a Machin

Big Win, Big Decis
Blackmail or Betra
Blindside Time
Blood is Blood
Blood Is Thicker T
Blood of a Blindsi
Boys vs. Girls
Breadth-First Sear
Bring on the Bacon
Big Trek, Big Trouble, Big Surprise My favorite thing about the book, or at least what first caught my attention, is the cover. I was drawn to the image right away: it was just so bright and eye-catching. However, when I started to read the book, I found that to be one of the most disappointing parts of it. You see, unlike Doreen, I do not think that this is a “Big Book”, and “Big Books” are what makes me want to read something. I thought the cover is a sign of the beginning of a fun story, and I was excited to get to read it. However, once I began reading, all of my thoughts of a fun story went out of the window. I just felt like the story was lacking something; the characters felt dull; the world felt dull; and the plot felt dull as well. It felt like this story could have been a lot better if it was made into a movie. Instead, it was a read and that was that. Final Thoughts: As I said, I didn’t feel like the story had enough of the spark that I was hoping it to have. Maybe it would have been better as a movie or as something that happened during the time of the Great Depression. I found the setting to be dull; the characters were dull; and the plot was also a little dull. However, if you are in the mood for some science fiction and some “fun”, then this might be the book for you. 1 comment: I saw a different cover for this but you may want to check out the cover that was originally for it ( and see if it is better. I think that I got my copy of this one because of the cover because the cover I saw originally just didn't really do it for me. It didn't come across as fun and funky as the cover that I saw. I do love the color scheme, so maybe this would be a great book for you if you haven't read it already!